AoS 1000 points Dread Guardians Vs Bullgors

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Soul Zenmuron, May 6, 2017.

  1. Soul Zenmuron

    Soul Zenmuron Member

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    Hey there! In the beginning of our first tournament of AoS in my local store, I've tried the army posted (and modified) here:
    In my first battle, I fought against a battalion of Bullgors, in the Battleplan Blood & Glory.

    Player 1 (me): Order
    Dread Saurian - 400 (general, with Legendary Fighter)
    Loremaster - 100
    Jade Battlemage - 100 (with Phoenix Stone)
    Skink Starpriest - 100
    10 x Saurus Warriors (w/Spears) - 100
    20x Skinks (w/Boltspitters & shields) - 160
    Gryph-hound - 40

    Player 2 (Enemy): Chaos
    Bullgor Stampede Battalion - 120
    Doombull (w/axe & shield) - 120 (General. Don't remember trait, but had Chaos Talisman)
    3 units of 3 Bullgors (w/great axes) - 540
    Ghorgon - 220

    With my whole army placed on the left side of my territory, and the right side crowded with many buildings (since we didn't have much scenery to use there, we used buildings from the people that are still playing Mordheim), I placed the skinks & gryph to the right of the dread saurian, the saurus on the left, and the wizards behind the saurian.

    He placed 2/3 Bullgors and the Doombul in front of my army, 1/3 Bullgors in middle, and left the Ghorgon on the right side, ready to capture the other mark.

    He let me play first.

    Round 1 - turn Order
    In the hero phase, I tried to cast the 3 spells from the wizards (Loremaster's Hand of Glory, Starpriest's Starlight, and Battlemage Mystic Shield) and the serpent prayer on the saurian, and only got the shield on him. I left the gryph guarding the mark, and march forward with the saurus, The saurian went towards a possible charge against the bullgors in front, and the skinks and the mages tried to catch him up, but failed and stayed behind. Neither the skinks nor the saurian had possible charge or shoot targets, and stayed put.

    turn Chaos
    He just regroups the mid bullgors to the left to get them for close combat against my army (I need to roll first in the next turn)

    Round 2 - turn Chaos (oh c***)
    The ghorgon ran to the next mark, the Doombull give one unit of bullgors his command, and sent them in range and charged against the saurian. With the Stampede ability, he only scores 1 mortal wound on him (thought he would charge the warriors, were less range). Then they attacked the saurian and scored another 6 wounds on him (down to 7), but not enough to reduce his stats. Saurian, with the fighter trait, rolled 5 bites, and wound 3 (with one hit blessed by the prayer), causing him 8 wounds (Since I didn't know exactly how to use the double serpent prayer, both my opponent and I agreed that I should roll a D6 and duplicate it. Got a 1 :banghead:), down to 1 bullgor left (the claws missed most half and the ones that wounded, he saved them), and the saurian's roar made him run away. Saurian healed 3 wounds. (not bad).

    turn Order
    The battlemage healed the saurian 3 wounds, the Loremaster gave him the good hand, and the starlight gave him the prayer and sparkles. the warriors kept marching on to the next mark (with Doombull trying to ambush them), the skinks tried to get in better range to shoot the bullgors (since they couldn't see the Doombull 'cause a building) and shoot against them, but they block them all. Saurian charged against the other bullgor unit. With the 5 chomps and 9 slashes, hit 5/6 and wound 3/5 (no 6s), saved 3 slashes and caused him 9 wounds. The last Bullgor missed all but stayed in the battle, Saurian healed last wound.

    Round 3 - Turn Chaos
    Ghorgon reached the third mark, Doombull gives the command, and the bullgors charge against Saurian. The Stampede caused him the 3 mortal wounds, and caused him another 6 wounds with the attacks, down to 9 (enough to weaken him, and couldn't be saved with the battlemage's Lifesurge). The saurian hits them with 5/7, wound 4/5 (although they were re-rollable, still missed, and again, no 6s), and annihilated the 4 of them. Saurian healed 2 wounds, up to 7.

    turn Order
    Healed 1 wound with the battlemage, loremaster gives the good hand and starpriest gives starlight (out of range for the prayer). Warriors now run for the Doombull's mark, skinks run for the next one (but couldn't reach it), mages run to recover the fourth mark (but too slow) and Saurian charges against the Doombull. Only the chomps were necessary to kill him (with the -3 rend, he couldn't save them. the talisman was his only hope, but save 2 out of 12 wounds!!!). Saurian healed 3 wounds.

    Round 4 - turn Order
    Healed last 3 wounds with the battlemage, and tried to hit the ghorgon with the starlight and arcane bolt, but failed both. Tried to run, but they were exhausted (every run was only 1s:banghead::banghead::banghead:) Skinks didn't get him in sight 'cause of the buildings (the ghorgon was almost the same size as those buildings, and inside that maze, he was protectedo_O).

    turn Chaos
    Ghorgon runs to the gryph-guarded mark, hides behind another building to avoid spells and shoots.

    Round 5 - turn Order.
    Gave a hand to the saurian, starlight and shield, but still exhausted to run and protect my land's marks(D*** the 1s to run :banghead::banghead::banghead:). Skinks tried to shoot the ghorgon, but failed.

    turn Chaos
    Ghorgon reached the gryph and had lunch o_O

    In the end, the Ghorgon was the only unit left for him, and his only kill was the gryph. I thought I should have left the saurus protecting the mark with the gryph-hound, but it was thanks to them that I got the Doombull while he was distracted with the saurian (that mark was also a maze and couldn't reach it with the saurian without facing the bulls. The warriors went through a backdoor), and I've won by points. We started calling the saurian Grimlock, since he chewed minotaurs like the Dinobot chewed Decepticons in The Age of Extinction.

    Any other mistakes I could have done, I will try to correct in my next battle.

    Thanks four your attention.
    Captaniser and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Looks like you played the scenario perfectly. A movement based objectives game against beastmen is tough, they can move so quickly. So well done! Sounds like a fun game.
    Captaniser likes this.
  3. Soul Zenmuron

    Soul Zenmuron Member

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    Just to be sure, how does the twin serpent prayer works? In the case of the saurian's jaws would be 2d6 (2-12) or 1d6 and duplicate the result((1-6)x2)?
    Captaniser likes this.
  4. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Nobody really knows i suppose, AoS is filled with these rules that work weirdly with other rules. My best bet is that you should come up with your own interpretation in those scenarios. It get's even worse when you involve Forgeworld, Gw and FW are really bad at communicating. You could ask GW, they usually clear these things up.
    Soul Zenmuron and Bowser like this.

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