Blood Bowl

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Krakkakoldi, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Krakkakoldi
    Jungle Swarm

    Krakkakoldi New Member

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    I have always had a very soft spot for the outstanding game of Blood Bowl, and my long held affection has been fanned lately to a raging inferno of enthusiasm after purchasing the recently released computer game by Cyanide Studios.

    I do own almost every Blood Bowl team already, but fired by the PC game I am now doing up a far schmikka looking version of my Lizardman team: the XIVEEL SERPENTS. I now play both cyber & RL versions of the game (the latter both in Littel Leeg version - where I play Skinks, natch - & at tournaments, resuming in October), and the SERPENTS are my main team.

    So I was wondering how many other people in this community are also slaves to Nuffle; what versions of the game do you play; and what is your favourite or most played team?
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I got the rules and made a board and such a bit over a year ago, have only had 1 trial game. It looks so great and I really want to start up a league and run it over a season, that would be awesome. I think the team for me is gobbos, it is a humourous game and I want a humourous team. I always have a soft spot for elves though.

    As to the new Blood Bowl game (PC), I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I am awaiting the disc version, which I beleive comes out sometime this month. I also played the unofficial Chaos League for a while which was pretty fun.

    So basically, consider me a fan but not quite into the game at this stage. Maybe getting my friends into the PC game will inspire them and me to really get into the tabletop version.
  3. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Nuffle is my chosen GW God, lol. I love Blood Bowl, it really is a fantastic game, always a blast to play, and one of most tactical rulesets I've played from any company.

    It is fun, fast, furious, all of that.

    My Averland Avengers, squishy humans though they may be, are still undefeated in our current league.

    And yes, if you are sitting on the fence about the video game for PC, buy it. It is IDENTICAL to the tabletop... well, except it moves around and makes noises.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I dunno... When I finally got it working on my computer, I got bored with it fairly quickly. It seemed very repetative, and I played against Dwarfs so I just danced around them and scored every 40 seconds or so. The game was really dragging on, by the second half I was just passing the ball around playing kepp off to try to get it to finish quicker. On the plus side though, they are bringing out a first expansion soon with Dark Elves, and best of all (for an expansion and coming from GW!) its free!
  5. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    While the computer certainly lacks the human element that makes the game so much better, if you have no one else to play Blood Bowl with it is a great alternative. Plus it lets me try teams I would never buy because I don't like the models/can't afford them.
  6. Starblayde

    Starblayde New Member

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    I've played Blood Bowl since 3rd edition was released in '94 and currently run a Human team (Parravon Eagles) and Halflings (Jiggly Jaguars). Humans for competitiveness and general realism, 'Flings for the sheer hilarity., though I've dabbled in pretty much every team. I think that qualifies as a disciple of Nuffle!

    Now with a copy of the PC game to keep me going when not playing at my local GW store, I've suddenly found that a Lizardmen team can be fabulous. Atletico Chaqua, led by their AG4 Skink 'Conqua of Swamps', have won the first three Cups of a campaign on the trot conceeding just two TDs in the process. The combinaton of ST4 up front and MV8/AG3/Dodge/Stunty at the back can be absolutely lethal against pretty much any other race.

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