AoS Help 2k army

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Stef, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. Stef
    Jungle Swarm

    Stef New Member

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    Hey guys im new to aos and the forum, Iv started collecting seraphon and have a few models, but not really sure how to assemble a 2k army. I was hoping i could get some help on how to put together what i have so far

    1 old on carno
    1 vet on carno
    1 trog
    36 warriors spears
    24 skink blowpipes
    1 skink starpriest
    24 knights
    1 old on foot
    1 skink chief
    3 rippers
    1 sunblood
    10 chamos
    1 vet on cold

    I would appriate any advice as i use this site as the bible for anything seraphon
  2. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Do you know what kinda stuff you will be facing? or are you going to be going up against all sorts of stuff. You have a pretty good base to be able to do a lot of things.

    Shadowstrike starhost is our strongest formation right now. and you have what you need for that.

    Maybe you can convert one more of the 190201283901238012038 knights that you have goin on to be another scar vet on cold one. They are very strong for their 100 points cost.
    Stef likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    First of all, welcome to the forum!

    Now, let's see what we can do with your models (pick asap a bastiladon! ;))

    Bloodclaw starhost (100)
    Saurus oldblood general (100) if you face shooting or long range abilities, protect him with something as "legendary Warrior", "master of defence", "Phoenix stone".
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Saurus scarvet on carno (260)
    Saurus Scarvet on cold one (100)
    30 x saurus warriors 300 (your main hitters, that will roll the battlefield at the center, and will be able to suffer casualties from mortal wounds given their number)
    5 x saurus Knights 120
    10 x Saurus knights 240

    Shadowstrike Starhost (120)
    Skink Starpriest (100)
    5 x chama skinks (120)
    5 x Chama skinks (120)
    3 x rippers (140)

    Total: 1940 / 2000

    The shadowstrike will be your deep strike utility, then harassement / objective taker tnx to chama skinks

    The bloodclaw will be the bulk of the army:
    All the 4 heroes will be able to use command abilities, which will buff to stars you main troops. remember that the ability of the oldblood afoot, will give you basically a 3" additional movement, thus taking (for example) saurus warriors to 8" instead of 5". pretty fast.
    The warriors will be your main hitters, that will roll the battlefield at the center, and will be able to suffer casualties from mortal wounds given their number. I woul like more than 30, but hey.

    Basically, your block of saurus will march at the center as fast as they can, with knights on the wings, protected by the magic of the starpriest and buffed by all of your heroes' command abilities.
    Rippers will snipe some key target, and skinks will harass the enemy or take objectives.

    And with 2 battalions, you will be able to pick additional artefacts for your melee heroes!

    You still have 60 pts to spend:
    1) some meta allow to take partial units, in this case you could field also the 6 remaining warriors for 60 pts and have a nice block of 36 fighters.
    2) Another option for those 60 pts would be to proxy a salamander, or use a skink chief for objectives control.
    3) Or use the oldblood on carno instead of the scarvet (losing a buff to troops, but gaining buffs for heroes)
    Seraphage and Stef like this.
  4. Stef
    Jungle Swarm

    Stef New Member

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    Thanks guys i really appriate it and ya i figured since people rave about those bastis that i should probably get one, on another note how do you guys feel about krox?, i really like how they are almost the bullies of the lizard world plus the warscrolls dont look too bad.
  5. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Krox are pretty good but I find that other units are better at what they do.

    Definitely have their place, but I've fielded them maybe 2-3 times out of a dozen games.

    Killer angel is right I think the best thing here would be to convert a skink chief up. I really like how cheap they are for an extra hero choice. They don't do much but can park on an objective in 3 places of power and buff up a skink unit
    Stef likes this.
  6. Stef
    Jungle Swarm

    Stef New Member

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    Ya i like the skink chiefs, do most places let you play with them even though they are not in the battletome? Iv also thought about gettin a unit of gryph hounds (sotek hounds lol) to fill the spot, thoughts?
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Beware of gryph hounds.
    They would break seraphon allegiance, so keep an eye on what battlelines you want to use
    Stef likes this.
  8. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Gryph hounds are good, but they wont be able to protect much given the short range of their shooting bubble.

    I dont think anywhere would really complain too muich about a skink shief. It's in the compendium. I honestly thingk it was a complete oversight to leave him out o the battletome.

    Personally, I am a huge fan of skink only lists, and leaving out a real "hero" apart from the casters doesnt seem right.

    If anyone gives you crap you can just swap in a razordon or salamander.
    Stef likes this.
  9. Jbird460

    Jbird460 Member

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    Depending on who you are playing you could proxie the trog and run a triple carno list.

    Allegiance: Order
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur(260)
    - Warblade
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur(260)
    - Warblade
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One(100)
    10 x Saurus Knights (240)
    - Blades
    10 x Saurus Knights (240)
    - Blades
    30 x Saurus Warriors (300)
    - Clubs
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (120)
    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)

    Total: 1940/2000
    Stef likes this.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Kroxigor are kind of a variable unit.
    Their best use is as Anti-Horde, however that horde must be composed of models with small bases, to maximize the moonhammer effect.

    To exploit kroxies, use a starpriest with the serpent staff at them and curse of fates from the starseer. This gives their jaws double damage on a 5 or 6.
    Alternatively, tank them up a bit with mystic shield and celestial rites for a 3+ rerollable save.

    Best use is in a skink army, even better if you form a line, and in the rear you have a couple of salamanders with handlers. The handlers offer bonuses to everyone and the salamanders will soften up the target.
    m0gstar and Stef like this.

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