Wishful Thinking: Green Lantern Reboot

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Warden, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    So Green Lantern was awesome when I was a kid. Mostly because he was a green superhero. I had been really looking forward to the movie before it came out, and was sorely disappointed after I saw it...

    Now I am looking forward to the upcoming Gunslinger movie that is coming out (on my birthday!) this year, and I can't help but think Indris Elba would be a FANTASTIC Green Lantern, if only the director/producer spend more time on making a fantastic screenplay and plot story rather then spend all the money on space CGI effects.


    Anyone else think he would be AWESOME as the lead for a reboot of the Green Lantern?

    Also a link to the upcoming Dark Tower (Gunslinger Series) for anyone who is intereste (best trailer starts at 1:38 min into the video)

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  2. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    After the failure that was green lantern I reckon WB would be very careful about rebooting the franchise just yet. However lantern is such a cool hero with a lot of comic adventuring, which I here is all the rave among the kids now a days ( guardians and that star wars thingy going on in Disney, you know ;)) so he would probably work, if they committed to a good cosmic story.
    Also to further distance themselves from the first one, way not use the other green lantern of earth John Stewart, whom thanks to the animated universe is more popular among the mainstream audience, Amy who ;)
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    dark tower.jpg

    So I watched the Dark Tower when it came out...

    It wasn't very good. A fan of the first book (because that is what I read) I was dissappointed in the movie because it was a mash of the first book and the rest of the series, and I am sure I missed a ton of easter eggs sprinkled throughout the movie. Plus I was also dissappointed in the focus of the movie, which was much more on the kid than it was on the GUNSLINGER, the character played by Indris Elba, who was the whole reason the book was awesome. And they didn't focus too much on his awesome gunslinging skills, instead they just repeated his oath over and over... and over again throughout the movie. It was kinda bland after the first two times.

    I think this movie suffered from the movie executives trying to make a movie that was 1) true to the books AND 2) accessible to people who had never read them; the result was a watered-down version of an epic tale that failed on both counts.

    ::sigh:: :(

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