Greetings All

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Oracle_of_Tepok, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Oracle_of_Tepok
    Jungle Swarm

    Oracle_of_Tepok New Member

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    Greetings to everyone,

    I am a new player to Warhammer Fantasy. I don't have any previous experience with miniature games. I have played Legend of the 5 Rings Card Game (mainly the Crane Clan) and during those night at my store, people also play Fantasy. As such, I got interested in the game. After looking through the different armies, the Lizardmen have caught my attention due to both the fluff and the models. I was always happy to learn more about Dinosaurs as a kid, and now getting to play an army of them is great. I just finally got to Iraq with my unit and, as such, will have some time before I start painting and putting together. Planning on an army based on a Spawning of Tepok, as you can tell by my user name. So I hope this forum will help this poor newbie learn, grown, and become a great Scar-Vet.
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Welcome to the forum! :artist:

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