AoS Successful 2000 pts list inc allies

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lord Lamundoo, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Lord Lamundoo
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Lamundoo New Member

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    Hey guys and gals,

    Knocked up a new list with the release of GHB2017 and tried it out so far VS a Nagash and Malignants host, Alarielle and Sylvaneth list (really solid army) and a very fast and "in your face" slaanesh army. Winning all three matches with little reliance on luck and a simple play style.

    General - Slann - command ability Vast intelect, artefact is light of dracothian for an auto-unbind ( this list can choose two artefacts as its made up of a thunderquake battallion)

    Engine of the gods - with the hero keyword it can take an artefact, choosing the coronal shield to stomp enemies in close range on a 4+

    10 x saurus warriors
    2 units of 5 x Saurus Knights

    Behemoths -

    Artillery -
    2x salamanders

    Other units -
    1 unit of skink Handlers
    5x stormcast Protectors
    5x stormcast decimators

    Thunderquake battallion

    Totalling 1990 points

    Fantastic playing list throwing out negative hit modifiers and reducing enemy bravery all of the place, use the protectors and decimators to subtract 1 from all hit rolls in the shooting phase for all units behind them.

    I chose the Allies because of the Lack of multi wound infantry in the Seraphon repertoire, and if the enemy ignores them to target the stegadons, they will hit like a truck, and vice Versa. The 4 starsoul maces doing 4d3 mortal wounds, protectors with swords doing D6 damage to monsters on a wound rolls of 6 and then the decimators can cleave through Horde armies like you wouldn't believe.

    Cheers for reading and hope some people find this list useful, happy wargaming
  2. Meatgrinder

    Meatgrinder Member

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    It looks pretty solid. My only wonder is why not drop the warriors and knights and just take skinks? Faster and more of a pain in the ass for your opponent to deal with. Better screens too. That'd free up another 120 points to fit in more salamanders if you wanted, or something else. The knights I can kind of understand, but the warriors arent doing much by themselves, and they and the knights arent that great without buffs.
  3. Lord Lamundoo
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Lamundoo New Member

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    Yeah what your saying makes sense, salamanders being 40 points now would fit them in nicely to be honest, I'll maybe shuffle things around, as of now this is still untested against a horse army, however just had a victory vs beastclaw raiders/iron jaws so happy days,

  4. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    My suggest Is : take 2 sally more( 80 pts) and summon handlers . If you do that you can tp Sally on enemy face and tp handlers to buff them' you got slann too:)
  5. Lord Lamundoo
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Lamundoo New Member

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    Yeah I've played around with that in the past by summoning both in, much more viable that I only need a Cast of a 4 for the Handlers and the sallys are auto in with lords of space and time, I've got the models for a unit of 4 salamanders, drop in into cover within 12 of the enemy, and summon the Handlers within 15" of the slann and 3" of them to try nuke the enemy with a potential 27 wounds, high risk high reward.

    My last game vs nagash, moved the salamanders up with the Slanns ability, rolled a 6 allowing them to move, shuffled forward to 3" away, blasted Nagash doing 9 wounds, gave him 3 mortal wounds for " IT BURNS!" Because he suffered wounds, and the 2 salamanders that made the charge manage to get nagash so bloody damage he failed to kill them in combat and the slann dispelled Nagash's attempt to kill them in the hero phase, he was suddenly stuck in combat for the movement phase and his army left him behind.

    Worked a lot better than expected but a tactic that can be changed and put to good use by most things. I.E. shield a bastilladon and send him 9 inches in front of the enemy's lines, 2d6 shots provided he doesn't rolls a one on the Madters of space ability etc, get him in combat and slow the whole advance of the enemy.

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