AoS First event with GHB2

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by darren watson, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Tomorrow I have my first outing with all our new shiny toys at a 2000pt day event.

    With what seems to be a general consensus amongst some prominent members of the AOS community seeing a recent faq meaning Shadowstrike Rippers can't deploy their toad, I'm going to take the following army for a test run incase this becomes the norm. (Personally I think it's silly, the same logic means the cellestant prime can't deploy from the cellestrial realm as he also isn't on the table to make use of his OWN ability).

    Preparing for the worst is always the best in my experience.

    So tomorrow (and this afternoon with a practice game) I'm gonna try the following:

    General Kroak (still can't be drawn away from this chap)
    Starpriest-Draco light

    10 skinks boltspitters and shields x 3

    6 Ripperdactyls
    3 Ripperdactyls
    Bastiladon solar
    4 Razodons


    100 points summoning (vortex)

    I'm really interested to see if not having a starseer (and curse of fate for kroak) is as big a deal as I've previously worried about.
    The new teleporting ability will potentially get kroak to some arcane terrain which will provide the same (arguably better) casting buff for him.
    Also excited to use the Razodons again. 8 d6 shots rerolling misses (near astro) and potentially rerolling wounds (mystical terrain) is tonnes of fun. So far in the 2 games I've had since ghb2 came out both opponents forgot they also get a stand and shoot reaction on a 4 plus and this tipped the following combats in my favour.
    I've not run a second unit of Rippers before. They're there to provide the toad for my Shadowstrike Rippers first and foremost. I'm hoping they will add some more reach to my small force and give my opponent another threat to their characters to consider.

    Wish me luck
    Crowsfoot, Seraphage, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  2. Solaris

    Solaris Member

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    Cool, enjoy! Your list building approach is entirely different to mine, which makes it fun and interesting. Do report back with how it goes, and good luck!
    darren watson likes this.
  3. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    I just played Lee the store manager at GW portsmouth. He was using blades of khorne. Our game lasted 2 turns, he doesn't run the auto unbind item for khorne (though perhaps he will now) and kroak and the Ripperdactyl's basically won the game first turn.
    Kroak, Basti and Razodons could do not wrong and there were no khorne troops left by the end of turn 2. Bodes well for tomorrow eek
  4. Mortheim

    Mortheim Member

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    I see good game

    How effective were razordons?
  5. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    They were charged by 7 flesh hounds (a screen of skinks meant only 3 got to the dons with a long charge). I promptly failed my 4 plus to get an extra shot. Thanks to the skinks sacrifice no dons died and ate a flesh hound in return. My turn the Astrolith teleported within 10 of them and they got 34 shots causing 18 -1 rend wounds and killing all the flesh hounds. That was the end of the game. I think they are going to be excellent imho
    Crowsfoot, n810, Seraphage and 2 others like this.
  6. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    What about Faq for shadowstrike? If that rules come true we have to play 2 unit of rippers ti provide the toat.. I think ira so bad for us:(
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  7. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    LOL that's why this list has 2 units of Rippers!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  8. Meatgrinder

    Meatgrinder Member

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    Wait what faq for rippers? Why would you need two units of them?
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  9. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    @darren watson
    Are you sure about that interpretation? Because it seems so strange honestly, I know that your list got 2 units of them for this thing!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  10. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    It isn't my interpretation. Tis the larger community. I personally think it's dumb as it means a cellestant prime can't deploy if it's placed in the Celestant Realm lol.
    But I don't run tournaments, so I'm preparing for if it becomes law ☺
  11. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Good job lol, poor manager must have had a hard time !
    Looking forward at the results / thoughts of the tournament !!
    Crowsfoot and Captaniser like this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I am a bit unhappy with GW releasing FAQs that don't seem to be overthought very well. I hope they clear it up soon.
    Crowsfoot and darren watson like this.
  13. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Just finishing day 2 of heat 3 ha! And then I'll do a mini report on last weekend
  14. Easytyger
    Jungle Swarm

    Easytyger New Member

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    Congrats on another great showing at Facehammer! Did they use this interpretation about the Toad not being able to be placed if the Rippers don't start on the table?
  15. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Cheers pal, gutted to miss out on 3rd place because I dropped 10 painting points :(

    Yeah they did, which was why I took a second unit of rippers to circumvent it.
    Arawn and Aginor like this.
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Man that sucks. Congrats though!
    darren watson likes this.
  17. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    10 Painting points? can you tell me more pls
  18. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    93 (scroll down to see the results Tweet)

    I only got a ticket and the week before I was on holiday in Corfu. Had to travel 15 hrs in the 24 hrs before the event, so had very little time to prep and on the Friday night finished off my Razordons bases with what I had. Their bases were slightly lighter than the rest of my army and my Basti's base is a little frayed from overuse. Sad times..

    Still at least the list competes :)
    Arawn and Crowsfoot like this.
  19. Solaris

    Solaris Member

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    Care to elaborate a little bit on how it plays, tactics you use and so on? Do you think this is currently the strongest Seraphon build, or are you looking at other ways to play the dinos as well?
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
  20. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Of the 3 other main ways I've seen Seraphon used at events or spoken about elsewhere (Thunderquake, Saurus spam, Saurus Guard spam) none of them appeal to me greatly. That being said I haven't used them and even if I had and not got on with them doesn't mean they aren't viable. I think the list is strongest for me simply down to the amount of experience I have with it now.

    It isn't too difficult to run and the most important element to success for the list is in the initial deployment. You need to maximise your chance of keeping the Kroaknado elements alive.
    Common threats to kill Kroak 1st turn are Tzeentch Changehost and Kharadron Overlords. In both these match ups you can use your Shadowstrike Starhost to great affect.
    Dealing with Tzeentch:

    Try and set a trap, most Tzeentch players are very confident in their broken lists.. Measure out how far the Changeling can be away from the big chicken (you know where he is, he has less drops then you) and deploy your Shadowstrike Skinks nearby. The Changleing deploys end of deployment and the Skinks get their free move before the game starts. If your opponent hasn't considered this or you roll very well for their 2d6 move you can surround the Changeling, meaning he can't be swapped with another unit and thus you are safe for a turn from any of the Tzeentch spells.
    Kroak is deployed deep right in the corner (he's teleporting anyway so pick the most suitable corner, preferably one with inspiring terrain near by) with the Starpriest in front of him with his lovely auto unbind. If your opponent hasn't fallen for the trap and manages to get a big chicken in range, auto unbind infernal gateway spell. Now Kroak is only taking 1 damaging spell which is incredibly unlikely to finish off.
    Very worst case scenario here if you are up against a Tzeentch player that knows about Kroak or has played him before would be a summoned Tzeentch Herald on a Vortex d6 damaging him, with another d3 from arcane bolt and a swapped chicken getting a damaging spell off against him. If that goes off fair enough, you can't win them all and you've done everything you can to prevent this and deployed well. Still they you'd have a chance each time to dispel these spells thanks the new allegiance ability, you'd have to have been very unlucky to lose Kroak first turn.
    Now you are free to teleport anf Kroaknado/Basti, Razordon/Ripperdactyl the shit out of those Daemons. I haven't lost a game competitively or in practice to Tzeentch yet, they die very quickly to this list.

    Dealing with the deepstriking silliness that is KO:

    KO are so grim because they can place their silly ship anywhere and pile out with a ridiculous amount of shots. Certainly enough to kill all your characters if you don't deploy correctly.
    Again you deploy Kroak in the corner with your other characters. In front of those 12" on stretched out place your Shadowstrike Skinks and where they end pop down your non-striked Skinks. Shadowstrike move as far as possible, keeping the bubble.
    When they deploy from the ship they have to be 9" away from your Skinks and if you've rolled enough for their pregame move they are no longer in range of Kroak and his mates (over 24" away).
    Again teleport into a decent position, Kroaknado away..
    A savvy KO player will most likely opt to go second and hope for the double turn so they can drop and then move and shoot. This however will allow you to push out further and get mystic shield and -1 to hit off on Kroak. You can teleport out your Razordons quite happily to take on the small unit of Arkanauts or grab some objectives to encourage the big ship to drop if he decides to play the long game.

    Don't know many other first turn threats to Kroak that can't be avoided by measuring out units max threat range and deploying accordingly.

    After deployment target priority is the next important thing.

    Kroak if allowed a few turns to go Nova will kill any low/mid level characters in 1-2 turns. Knowing who is the most important to kill first is key. Most armies rely on characters to provide buffs, without them they are much easier to deal with or a lot less effective at dealing with your Basti. Take a moment before you start playing to list the importance you want your enemy to die in and pump the 3d3 mortal wounds you can do into these chaps 1st.

    Use Terrain!!

    When deploying/teleporting Kroak look out for Inspiring and Arcane terrain. Inspiring over Arcane if you are expecting to take some damage in return or the next turn is decided by a priority roll. Always Arcane if they have minimal shooting/magic threats.
    Deploy Basti and Dons near Mystical terrain. With Kroaks rerolls you can reliably get reroll wounds on these bad boys and near an Astrolith this guys pump out the hurt!
    Lure your opponents monsters into deadly terrain with your Starpriest. He could die on the way in (could even be worth making him reroll it) or at worst he kills your Priest and next turn will most likely not risk running off the deadly terrain limiting his movement, happy days.
    Sinister terrain is decent as well, make a b line for it with your Basti and watch your opponents face drop when an extra K Hunter dies he wasn't expecting from your extra scary Basti. With a Kroaknado he is going to be making a lot of Bravery rolls.

    If your opponent isn't forcing you to deploy defensively you can Shadowstike move your Skinks up and in the first turn get to most places on the board. You can use them to finish off anything Kroak fails to. If they don't succeed and are out of position, who cares? they're 60 points.

    Murderhost Scorched Earth auto loss??

    Murderhost are dead popular, especially as in Scorched Earth scenario they can throw 90 Bloodletters at you first turn and burn all your objectives.
    Again our trusty Shodowstrike Skinks can help mitigate this damage.
    Deploy away form the centre and put the 2 Skink units on each of the flanks. Shadawstrike forward off the objectives so when they advance they can't charge you near them. It's very important in the first turn only 1 unit of Skinks dies so he doesn't get an auto unbind from his allegiance ability. so move them up in such away one unit will be able to retreat back to your objective.

    Final thought... Don't be fatigued in a game. Get plenty of sleep and drink a lot of water/Monster during the day. I have lost the majority of my competitive games to being knackered and making very silly errors. No good having a great plan or tactic if you don't execute it properly.

    Hope this helps

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