AoS Facehammer 2

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Robertxtrem, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    I recently took part in my second tournament. Last tournament I used shadowstrike and firelance but I completely switched it up for this one.

    Slann Starmaster
    (General with double teleport and the come back to life artifact.)
    Skink Starseer
    (For the delicious re-rolls)
    Skinks x40
    (green, operation skink shield)
    Skinks x20
    (red, defend our objective)
    Skinks x10
    (yellow, engage, retreat, repeat)
    Thunderquake starhost
    Engine of the gods

    (extra turns)
    (Arc of snakes, for if they are grouped)
    (Midnight engine for sniping heroes)
    (Horde wading)

    The general plan is get extra turns with the engine and use them to shoot a lot and score objectives.

    Match 1 - Nathan - Tzech/Skaven - Knife to the heart
    He was using 6 skyfires, a skyfire shaman, a giant rat with a glaive, 3 big rats in power ranger armor and then a load of small rats.
    We both set up heavily on our own points to defend. Nathan went first and start to charge his armies across the board towards the middle for the big fight. On my turn I mystic shielded a bastiladon, got 6 rerolls with my starseer, used all my rerolls on my engine of the gods and failed everything on him. Teleported my solar engine on top of a building and one shot his skyfire shaman which was nice. Skinks shot and missed some units.
    He continued his advance and charged some rats into my skinks who did a surprising amount of damage! Skinks fled.

    My turn the skinks failed their mystical test :(. Shot some mortal wounds at his general with the engine and teleported both bastiladons into his backside to try and steal the point.
    The rest of the game was uneventful, the bastiladons killed a lot of models but didn't finish off any units while he killed some skinks in the middle.
    Game ended when time went with him killing 320 of my points and me killing 300 of his points :( an annoying start losing by 20 kill points.


    Match 2 - Laurie - Wood Elves - Duality of Death
    He was using a treelord ancient as his general, a female tree, 3 units of hunters (2 with bows), 5 revenants and then a shit load of dryads.
    I set up my engine, slann, starseer and both bastiladons on the left and all the skinks on the right.
    He started off by putting a load of forests on one objective and sending his entire army to defend his general who claimed it. He got his shetree to almost but not close enough to the other.

    I used my starseer to get 6 rerolls then rolled 18 on my engine to get an extra turn after this one. Teleported my 2 bastiladon to the right side objective and moved my skinks towards it. Blasted his shetree.
    On my 2nd turn I got 6 rerolls on my starseer then rolled 18 on my engine to get the extra turn again.... Teleported my engine and slann to the bastiladons, moved the snake one onto the objective claiming it. Put them both on it with the engine making them reroll saves, healing d3 a turn because of the slann with mystic shield on the one who had the objective. I then moved 70 skinks in front of them and used my 2 turns to unlock shots into his shetree and 3 hunters murdering them all, also claiming points twice.
    The rest of the game was my entire army sitting on the objective winning on points while his army (minus his 2 giant trees) tried to get past 70 skinks. They didn't. I felt quite bad about the triple turn.


    Match 3 - James - Stormcast - Total Conquest
    He had a stardrake and then every unit he had shot at me including some birds. And when a unit died he gets to shoot me.
    I let him go first and he advanced a bit and shot me a little. I went in with my bastiladon (mistake) and scored some points. He shot my bastiladon with everything and charged it with a stardrake (RIP). The rest of the game basically consisted of my army running from a stardrake while getting shot. I managed to do a good job of running from it.
    At one point i managed to teleport my skinks near his point, charge on and then retreat to steal the points. He then murdered a lot to take my point and used his stardrake to retake his point. Out of 70 skinks, 1 hero yellow survived capping my last objective. I managed to get one extra turn with the engine and I also realised the strength of sending my giant beasts straight into the fray.
    Near the end I had my engine and my bastiladon going around just murdering everything (not the dragon) and it worked pretty well but he still won.


    Match 4 - Keith - Flesh Court - Battle for the Pass
    He had I think 80 zombies, a giant bone dragon, a group of large zombies and about 4/5 heroes who all reanimate his zombies everyturn.
    I sat my red skinks on my point and ignored them for the entire game, teleported my greens onto the bottom point and teleported my beamtiladon onto the top point to score 5 in the first turn. He charged in 30 zombies close to my greens along with the bone dragon and his large zombies got to my beamtiladon and almost murdered it! His hit does 2/3 damage so can quickly deal the 8 wounds needed.
    I teleported my almost dead bastiladon and my kroxigor to the south to support my greens. i got an extra turn from my engine which I used to get both bastiladons on the bone dragon and pound it full of bolts from my skinks. The kroxigor managed to kill 21 zombies forcing the other 9 to run away.
    The bastiladons managed to kill the dragon allowing me to safely score my point and the south point for both turns.
    Then.. I won priorty leading to another triple turn. I'm not sure my heart can handle triple turning people. I used the triple turn to teleport my 40 skinks to his point and just walk them onto it stealing it. Send my bastiladon to beam all his heroes to death while my other one got in the action spreading snakes. After having 3 turns of unloading 40 skinks and 2 bastiladons onto his army he greatly weakened and the game just carried on in my favour until I tabled him.


    Match 5 - James - Khorne - Starstrike
    He had 4 slaughtpriests, 2 units of 10 hammerkhorne, 3 different units of khorses, 3 korgis and some banner people (I'm sure you can tell I know little about khorne.)
    I gave him the first turn and he advanced down the field towards me. Most of his army heading straight down the middle but he sent some khorses down each flank slann hunting.
    I managed to mortal wound with the engine and bastiladon beam and skink his general down turn one which was nice. I sent my bastiladons straight into the fray and the snakes got 2 rounds of full 12 mortal wounds out and massively weakened all of his heroes near the back. My engine went with my bastiladons just slightly back. I used the engine and bastiladon to cap the middle objective. I heroically charged my green skinks into the middle of the fray to equally heroically make them retreat towards his back objective to steal it giving my all 3 for one turn.
    He sent his khorses to murder my reds and yellows taking my objective from me while my slann massacred the khorses that came for him.
    He killed my snake bastiladon but it did an insane amount of wounds first. My kroxigor took out a unit of 10 hammerkhornes who killed all but one krox (on 2 health) with their death counter. My beam bastiladon also went down to 2 wounds left! So I teleported them both by my slann for that sweet healing. By capping 2 objectives a turn versus James' one I took the lead. After my bastiladon, green skinks and engine killed most of james army I got my slann in combat to try and help steal some more kill points. We made it to 5 rounds with me scoring 1500 kill points and winning the match.


    Really fun weekend and I really think my list worked well, both the games I lost were close (except for the stardrake existing) although the skink starseer is so stressful with his gambling minigame and getting extra turns feels really bad. Considering dropping the starseer and 10 skinks to swap my slann for kroak and a balewind as I feel I was missing mortal wounds and kill power.

    You can check out my pictures at

    Cheers for reading guys, Jack
    Seraphage, Ritual, Aginor and 3 others like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    One thing to keep in mind : You cannot roll 18 twice in a row ! If you do so, you treat it as being 14-17 !

    Nice reps and congrats on your wins !
    Ritual and Robertxtrem like this.
  3. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    You can't roll 18 twice in one turn but you can get it again on your new turn. We had like all 4 judges over to look it over.
    Ritual likes this.
  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    If I play second and I roll an 18, I get my two turns and then priority roll. So I will the priority roll and then I can roll 18 again, right ?
    Ritual likes this.
  5. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Yeah basically you can get an extra turn in every turn including extra turns. The rule about it counting as 14-17 only apply for if you have more than one engine. In theory if you were super lucky you could get infinite turns.

    So against Laurie I had 3 turns in the first round.
    Ritual and Seraphage like this.
  6. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    I heard some chap had pulled the extra turns off a few times, I was dead chuffed to hear it going off in competitive play. Bravo!
    Ritual, Robertxtrem and Seraphage like this.
  7. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Yeah I got 4 extra turns in total from 5 games. Just 2 were in the same game.
    Ritual and darren watson like this.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thanks for the report!
    Ritual and Robertxtrem like this.
  9. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    Great report, never realised how fast the Engine of the gods can get out of control!
    Ritual likes this.
  10. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    @Robertxtrem Just one quick question can you do a re-roll more than once, it the rule "you can't re-roll a re-roll" not a rule anymore?

    can you re-roll a single dice multiple times?
    Ritual likes this.
  11. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    No you can only reroll any dice once.
    Ritual likes this.
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Pleased to hear that you were able to demolish the Sylvaneth abominations with just a Skink horde! I'm surprised there weren't any Dwarf players over there, considering they're bosses in AoS.
    Ritual likes this.
  13. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    I haven't seen a single dwarf since i've started playing AoS
    Ritual likes this.
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Seriously? The Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords are probably the best thing ever to happen to AoS! How on earth is there a Sylvaneth player and no Fyreslayers or Kharadron players? I'll see about this offence to the Great Book of Grudges! :oldman:

    For all further talk on AoS then look for me on Bugman's Brewery the Dwarf forum, because if I do start AoS I will be leaning more towards the Dwarf factions because I think their lore and theme is better than the Seraphon's. I'll still be around here on the Fantasy, painting and non-Warhammer boards.
    Ritual likes this.
  15. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Nah dwarf meats too tough
    Ritual likes this.
  16. BlacKnight

    BlacKnight New Member

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    With the Engine of the Gods, do you also score objectives at the end of your bonus turn? Or is it only during your "regular" player turns?
  17. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    You score every turn whether its a bonus one or not. In the match against wood elves, I got ahead with points due to the bonus turns. Meant he had to come at my objective to have a chance.
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah but honestly I think that should be changed. I see it as an exploit. The extra turn is already strong enough without that.
  19. BlacKnight

    BlacKnight New Member

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    Yeah, that's absolutely brutal!

    I had crafted a similar list, wasn't sure whether or not it would be worth the investment. Good to see that you were able to get multiple double turns off!

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