Scenery What Materials Would Work?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Jatlan-cuiatl, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. Jatlan-cuiatl
    Jungle Swarm

    Jatlan-cuiatl New Member

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    If I wanted to not only create my first army of Seraphon but also terrain for them to fight amongst, what materials would I need to create the iconic step pyramids and other Pre-Hispanic Mexican style architecture?

    I was thinking I could do it cheaply with some kind of foam or plastic blocks that I can cut into, mar, and weather, then stick them together with glue and greenstuff. However, I've never made scenery before and I really need advice on what materials I need to start. I know WHAT I want to do, I just don't know what I need to do it.

    Basically, I want to create pieces that look something like Zul'Gurub or Zul'Drak in World of Warcraft with Lizardmen aesthetics. I'm willing to drop a few bills on scenery but nothing obscene, and remember that this is my first scenery project!
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    More terrain is always great!

    For my terrain I used stuff I purchased at local hobby stores, and walmart. In the past I have used green floral foam to create some Mayan temple structures, plus some black foam board for more rigid building-like structures. The green foam is also what I used to build my castle. The stuff is very easy to use, you won't need anything more than a utility knife or regular knife to cut it; only main issue is that it will need several layers of paint to keep it from flaking off.

    My brother has had some success with pink insulation foam board, as have several other members of the forum. That stuff is much better for solid carving I believe.

    Also thanks for the pointer towards stuff out of WOW; I have never played the game myself but there is some good inspiration in the Troll faction it looks like, both their jungle and more icy temple have gotten some inspiration from real-world Mesoamerican cultures. And if you ever need more pictures...
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Another old wow player here, your making me nostalgic, but I will resist!!!
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Same here...
    I use insulation foam, I get it from the hardware store and it is called Styrodur here in Germany.
    Great stuff.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Insulation Foam, the thicker the better (within reason), this will be the height if the big pyramid steps.
    usually this will come in pink or blue varieties, but they are basically the same thing.
    You could also attempt this with white Styrofoam or foamboard (poster board with a foam backing).
    You will also want some decent white glue, don't get the school grade glue, it dissolves in water easily.
    At some point you will also want some sand, the free kind is preferable.

    (Some great Lizardmen terrain tutorials here, including a pyramid)

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