AoS Scorched Earth: SCE vs Seraphon

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Paul Beenis, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Paul Beenis
    Cold One

    Paul Beenis Active Member

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    2k pitched Battle: Scorched Earth

    Storm Cast Eternals

    Lord celestant on Dracoth 220
    - Staunch Defender
    - Obsidian Amulet

    Knight Heraldor 120
    Lord Castellant 100
    Lord Relictor 80
    5 Liberators 100
    5 Liberators 100
    5 Liberators 100
    10 Retributors 440
    5 Protectors 200
    9 Vanguard Raptors 540



    Slann Starmaster 260
    - Great Rememberer
    - Incandescent Retrices

    Skink Starpriest 80
    40 Saurus Warriors 360
    40 Skinks 200
    40 Skinks 200
    4 Razordons 160
    4 Razordons 160
    4 Salamanders 160
    3 Skink Handlers 40
    Dread Saurian 380



    I drop troops first, getting all my units down before my mate by 1. He sets up unit of 10 Retributors in the Celestial Realm and deploys rest as normal. We both are zoning pretty well to stop each other from porting behind. I give him first turn.


    Turn 1

    My mate rolls a 6 for Retributors and makes the charge against a unit of 4 Razordons and my Dread Saurian. I roll a 5 for the Razors and manage to take out 1 Retributor and put a wound on another with -1 rend as he charges in. He successfully gets blessed weapons onto his unit of 9 Vanguard Raptors! Not fun! He targets my unit of 40 Saurus and ravages 16.
    His Retributors split attacks between the Razors and Dread Saurian. He manages to take out 2 Razors, but unfortunately only gets 3 mortal wounds on the Dread Saurian... Basically just making him angry haha. Now for the big one, I get 4 D6 rolls through... And rolls 19 wounds, eating 6 Retributors! Combined with damage from the remaining 2 Razors I take the unit down to two remaining, that run away in battle shock.



    In my turn I TP both units of 40 Skinks up 9" away from his liberators holding two of his three objectives. Shooting at them I manage to take both units down from 5 to three remaining Liberators each (but realise later that I was thinking I was wounding on 5's not 4's as I thought, so I let him put back up to two liberators to make it fair in a later turn, he put one back in). Now I held my own three objectives, and was seriously pressuring two of his three with 80 skinks.


    Turn 2

    I lose priority. My mate turns the Raptors towards my closest unit of 40 Skinks and with blessed weapons manages to clean out 12 skinks with the help of some lightning strikes I think. I'm getting a little worried here at how easily he can wipe mass troops out. My mate also moves his Protectors forward to block any charge attempts against his Raptors.

    I attempt a teleport of my unit of 4 Salamanders in behind his Lord Celestant... And roll a 1!! Ah it hurt haha. This guy is giving +1s to save in a 9" bubble. But oh man the next teleport roll more than made up for it. I teleport the Dread Saurian... And roll a 6! This bic boi is getting right in amongst it. I send him in on to the 5 liberators holding one of his objectives and start moving my unit of 40 skinks to support their fallen comrades and pressure the other objective. Shooting attacks are all saved! 3+ rerolling 1's is strong! Combat my Dread Saurian eats the remaining 3 Liberators before they can do anything. I choose to not charge in with my Skinks to keep them alive. Then at the end of my turn I realise that he still has more models in range of his middle objective than I do... And I forgot to move my razors to cover the objective my Dread Saurian left. We are both at 6 points each at the end of turn 2.


    Turn 3

    My mate wins priority again. Raptors take out another 9 skinks bringing the damaged battalion down to 19 remaining. He also decides to move out the Protectors to engage my skinks leaving the Raptors potentially exposed. He murders most of the remaining skinks and the rest flee in battle shock.

    My turn. I aim to teleport in my Salamanders supported by skink handlers to snipe the Raptors from the corner of the board. Salamanders make the teleport... And the handlers roll a 1... This is very annoying they are not going to be in range to shoot anything. I end up teleporting the Salamanders to hold the objective my Dread Saurian just captured and moved my Dread Saurian up to support the skinks and pressure the middle objective. Skinks shoot again and do no damage... And roll two 1's for the charge haha. At the end of turn 3 I'm ahead on points with 10 to his 8.



    Turn 4

    Finally I get priority. But at this point my mate calls it. There wasn't a way that he could see a victory and we had 20 mins before the store closed for the day. It was a well fought fight on both sides and we call it a victory for Seraphon and a good start for our first 2k battle together. It's up to him to win next time and even the score.


    I planned in this list to be doing most damage with my Razors and Salamanders, but in reality they did very little except hold objectives due to some unlucky teleporting rolls. Dread Saurian was supposed to draw attention and man it sure did. But what I didn't expect is how well he just ate things, when he hits he hits hard!

    I planned out my deployment well I think. Putting Slann in cover and Razors/Sallies out of range of his Raptors as well as the Dread Saurian well away.

    Playing the objectives was really important. Having that double teleport lets you be so aggressive and put lots of pressure on enemy objectives. I was so fed up with taking battalions with tax units I really didn't want. In my list I was able to take big lots of what I really wanted and those mass bodies just did so well! This was at the expense of possibly losing option for choosing who goes first (but I still managed less drops here) and artefacts. I think I'm future I will only bring battalions if they really end up worth their points and I want all the "tax" units.

    Thanks for taking time to read this and I'm hoping that it will help you guys out with list building/ tactics! I would like to thank my opponent for taking the loss well and being a real challenge and a force to be reckoned with.
    Cheers, Sam
    BlacKnight, Arawn, Furnus and 6 others like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Great report of what seems to have been a good match!
    Paul Beenis likes this.
  3. Paul Beenis
    Cold One

    Paul Beenis Active Member

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    @Aginor thanks! My friend and I are going to do a fluffy Nurgle vs Seraphon soon too! He's going to do a battle report for that one I think :)
    Aginor likes this.
  4. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Great stuff mate. Nice pictures and stuff.
    Paul Beenis likes this.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    One of the most enjoyable battlereps ! Awesome pictures, really nice analysis and description.
    Good job on your victory ! Those 1s.. I feel ya, I got so desperate at one point that I took the Vast Intellect just to buff the unit that would be teleported haha
    Yesterday rolled 2 1s on my 40man warriors in the 1st 2 rounds.. well an angry huskard on stonehorn flanked them turn 3.. I 'll leave you imagine the rest :p

    Well done !
    Paul Beenis likes this.
  6. Paul Beenis
    Cold One

    Paul Beenis Active Member

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    Thanks mate! I'm going to try and document most of my big games as I know how much I looked towards battle reps when starting to determine tactics and work out which units do well and win games etc.

    Those 1's you just don't expect it to happen that regularly but apparently when it rains it pours haha :confused:

    Anyone else on here keen to do up some battle reps of their games?
    Seraphage likes this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    If I play I try to do a battle rep but I never get to play.....
    Paul Beenis likes this.
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Ι 've written quite many but I will probably make 1 for yesterdays' losses to share the thoughts I earn from them
    Aginor and Paul Beenis like this.
  9. Paul Beenis
    Cold One

    Paul Beenis Active Member

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    Awesome guys I would love to see more! As I'm sure we all would :D
    Seraphage likes this.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I should really win my lazyness... :p
    Paul Beenis and Seraphage like this.
  11. Paul Beenis
    Cold One

    Paul Beenis Active Member

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    The more the merrier haha :D

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