The Dice Gods and you!

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Krox-Power, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Krox-Power

    Krox-Power New Member

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    I've been playing Warhammer for about a year and a half now, and just about 3-4 months ago switched from O&G to Lizardmen, because I was tired of losing horribly. I don't mind the loss, as long as I can (occasionally) have a close-run game.
    Tonight, however, I discovered that the Dice Gods absolutely despise me. I had a game 3500 points of LM vs. 2250 of OK. My first mistake (and a big one) was misreading my roster and placing one ancient steg instead of three. :rolleyes:
    This really shouldn't have been a problem, since I was still up 750 points. However, every single leadership test I had to take, I rolled boxcars. Even with cold blooded, there's only so much that can help.
    My current life-time record is (W-L-D) 1-21-2
    So, I'm wondering how the Dice Gods treat the other people around here.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Mixed. I can almost feel it when I have a critical dice roll and the dice gods are going to desert me though, usually it should be an easy roll but it just doesn't work that way.

    I make sure I keep the dice pile I have well rotated, don't use the same dice for several rolls in a row because they get tired and run out of luck. It is also a good idea sometimes (especially after combat since you have collected all good and bad rolls seperately) to 'reset' them by picking them all up at the same time and rolling them around a bit.

    Worship thy dice gods.
  3. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I don't know about specific dice/dice-rotation stuff all that much, but as a rule if you have a big many-attack hero mounted on some lame horse/boar/whatever (with one wimpy WS:crap S:crap attack), I find that the hero will miss all his attacks yet the mount will wound (especially in a challenge).
    This seems to be the Dice Gods' way of endorsing unlikelihoods and messing with the minds of us poor mortals... :D
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I have to agree there, with heavy cavalry my horses almost always do more damage than the riders. I also always pull a 1 or 2 for chariot impact hits, then the horses both wound.
  5. Krox-Power

    Krox-Power New Member

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    I'm in a campaign, and because of campaign upgrades as well as LM magic items, I had 6 atacks at WS and S 6, and not a single one hit a scraplauncher two turns in a row. I think I'm going to get new dice....
  6. slaan
    Jungle Swarm

    slaan New Member

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    i played two games right after each other and i bring a list with a slann in a big unit of temple guard and an EOTG. the first game was against vampire counts and my opponent was worrying about the EOTG and its explosive power. its my magic phase, i pick up the dice and try to cast uranons thunderbolt, miscast. ah dang, okay so i grab the dice and roll them out, snake eyes stare up at me. the whole unit disappeared in the first turn.

    in my second game my slann cast rule of burning iron and i started to get more confidence back in my magic phase. so i go for spirit of the forge, miscast, snake eyes, my 800 point unit went down to 5 temple guard in my first turn....i lost both games.

    then i got to spend the rest of the second game explaining to people who came by why i didnt have a slann on the table.
  7. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    This is why cupped hands is a must. You could have owned his vampire character :rage:
  8. Krox-Power

    Krox-Power New Member

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    That's the one exception to the horrible rolling that I have. I have only ever miscast once.
  9. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Idk how much I even beleive in good or bad luck, I'm very logical and so dice to me are simple a mathmatical thing, so I'm the type to make rolls and expect outcomes based on % chance i'll pass or fail.

    But to be honest, just because it is random, even statistics get blown away, and the dice openly mock me sometimes.

    For the most part my luck with dice has been really good, I rarely miscast and if I do its only ever been once in a game. Though every time I miscast there is usually an irresistable force within a turn or two, so it feels like an even trade.

    Other times with skink shooting i'll do 20 shots and get 7, 8, 9, poison hits, and be smiling quite wide.

    But I've also failed to rally on the last turn of the game with Ld. 8 cold-blooded several times, making me fear having anything fleeing on the turn before last.

    I've also had cold-ones trundle along eating the grass, or chasing a grasshopper when I needed them to charge very badly.

    My advice, don't do any tricks with your dice, like using different dice, or trying to re-juice their luck. Try to watch your opponents luck, and wish them luck!! It seems like everytime they are about to roll something thats going to kill me, and I say "oh crap, I'm dead, this will be an easy roll for you." they seem to roll nothing but 1's and miscast when I have no dispel dice left and such.

    It really makes my day even if my luck sucks, if my enemies was worse...

    Ex: 4 Poison hits on bretonnian knights, only 1 gets saved by their 1+ armor save...

    Ex: Getting uranon's thunderbolt off as bound spell, enemy rolling double ones on dispel attempt getting an expensive unit cooked.

    Ex: Enemy charges me with heavy cavalry, fluffs it, and ends up loosing combat and breaking on the last turn of a game.

  10. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Strewart, i use dice the excat opposite. i still use the 10 that came with BFSP and never use anyoneelse's. this has served me so well that i cannot begin to describe. Let me explain some other things that effect your dice roles.

    Dice Gods favor painted models
    Dice gods favor converted models
    Dice Gods favor models from your army
    Dice Gods favor your own dice

    This is how it works ladies and Gents, stats be damned.
  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well then it looks like the dice gods look on different people in different ways. And maybe it is easier for some people to develop rapport with dice they don't know that well than for other people.

    Actually one of my friends always find my dice to be completely cursed for him, they just give him really bad rolls. So much so that he has started bringing his own dice to games at my place and won't let me touch them for fear of spreading the curse. On the other hand, I can use his dice fine as long as I keep rotating them and don't tire out the same dice as mentioned earlier.

    Also, one other secret weapon, if you have a gf get her to make all your critical rolls for you. Seriously, the dice work so well it has won me a couple of battles completely turning the tide. On the other hand, I have also lost a battle or two due to the insane rolling from my opponent when he brings out his secret weapon.
  12. Trevy the Great

    Trevy the Great New Member

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    You want to know the secret to rolling dice really well? This came as quite a shock to me, but I literally started rolling better when I tried it.
    Color code your dice to your army.
    I have a Tyranid army in Warhammer 40,000, and I was pretty good with it. I won a lot and lost a lot and had a lot of fun. Then, I went to a local sci-fi convention (for has) and saw some dice that matched the scheme of my army. The dice were green and striated with a sort of ivory color, the same color as my models. So I bought them, and began to win every game. I started a Tau army in a couple weeks ago for a campaign that my club was running (bought the whole thing cheap off eBay :D) and started playing them using my trusty old green dice. I lost every game. My shooting couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. The Tau were black with white detailing, so I pulled out all of those white and black dice that come in every game set known to man; out from under my bed, my gaming table, my old dice bag... I started doing better, not in tactics and such, although that did help, but in actual rolling. Soon, I could actually kill things by shooting at them!
    Funny story, but true. Call me superstitious but I think the color of the dice does actually help.
  13. Uncle Grog

    Uncle Grog New Member

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    I am very superstitious. I like to roll RED dice - the color of blood (hopefully not lizard blood!) I play to much with the calculations and the odds. Gets my blood-pressure up when the dice go to sh#t in a hand basket and I have three or four bad rolls in a row. Tis only a game enjoy it while you can.
  14. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Had a mate who used to wash his dice after every game, he tended to roll pretty even, not overly lucky or terribly unlucky...
  15. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    I am blessed by the dice gods wonderously.

    I picked up a set of 30 plain red dice. The best rolling dice I've ever came across.

    I took 6 dice and ran some sims.
    I threw the 6 dice 10 times and rolled an average of 3.8 sixes for each roll, and 2.6 fours for each roll.

    Real life example
    Skinks standing and shooting against a Chaos Knight Charge.
    40 poisened darts unto the knights.
    rolled 26 sixes.
    fun eh? Knights of chaos became a pin cushon.
  16. bryanabbo

    bryanabbo New Member

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    the dice gods hate me 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 for attacks 666666666666666666666666666666666 for leadership
  17. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    The Dice Gods LOATH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Honestly my luck is awful, but, I have a solution, Games Workshop DICE CUBES!!!!!!!!!

    You know the ones w/ loads of little dice in one big dice, buy one and you'll have good luck for one game, useful for tournies.
  18. St. EvO
    Jungle Swarm

    St. EvO New Member

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    My Imperial Guard have taught me the power of litanies. I pray to the divine Emperor at the start of every game and my humble guardsmen have NEVER FLED! If that's not divine intevention.....
    But in all seriousness I have found that luck is chosen not assigned. Lucky people know they are lucky. They expect to see good results. Unlucky people expect to fail and are seldom dissapointed. Luck is a mind set...
    A useful trick I've found is using dice that have a symbol for 6. Helps me see how well I`m rolling...
  19. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    My opponents dice always seem to wake up when his any form of knights need to make an armor save.
    Bar 2+ (they fail a LOT!) But be it 1+, or simply modified to a 5+ heck, even 6+ it does not matter:
    the knights still stand!
    This is frustrating especially with scar-vets vs knights....ever noticed how those empire guys have a 1+ save? which feels like a 1+ re-rollable with 4+ ward when i try to smack them :p

    My own dice are pretty ' normal' i guess, some things i know for sure:
    -My skinks fail 40% off the time (normal panic)
    -Terradons fail 100% off the time
    -Saurus warriors fail 2% off the time
    -Saurus warriors WILL hold when charged, 100% off the time
    -Enemy knights WILL pass any armor save they have to make
    -Terradons fail 100% off the time (wait, again?)
    They actually do, they've never made any form of psychology test without aid of the general. And only once without him...wonderful!
    Another fact:
    when my saurus underperform one round, only killing 1 or none, they are in an absolute death-frenzy next round! Dunno if you have this too, but it's a fact with my boys...

    Those are my experiences on dice...i don't really have tricks with dice, other then wishing them good luck and letting them know the curse when they fail :)

    The Hunted
  20. Gripper

    Gripper New Member

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    Yup mine do this to almost as if it takes them a while to realise what is happening and what they need to do!

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