Looking at expanding..

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by SlannOfItza, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Well, I just made a list of things I'm getting from people for xmas warhammer related. They all had to come and ask, so they knew what to buy, so in turn I know what I'm getting. And My army is pretty much going to be complete. Up to about 2500pts I'll have everything I need except a slann, which I can buy myself a little after xmas.

    So since I'm probably halfway done with painting my lizards (including the new ones I'm about to get) I figure I should already begin planning on a secondary army. I certainly am not abandoning my lizards, but I think having something to switch to every 3-4 games would help keep me interested, and give me some other fun things to paint.

    So my question to my fellow lizardmen players, is...What should my next army be? Obviously I like Lizardmen, and in particular I love having so many re-directors and such. My second army though, doesn't have to be a powerful one. I want something I'm going to have fun with, something interesting and very different from lizardmen. Some ideas I had were;

    Tomb Kings - Chariot Units, Undead special rules, Invocations

    Daemons of Chaos - Different Gods, Various Models ( Planning to to use Proxy's on alot of stuff )

    Skaven - Warmachines, Magic (i know lizards have magic, but these guys have their own lores, and its new and interesting) and alot of chances for cool conversions

    Any suggestions of what would be worth doing, and such? Please explain why you'd pick one, or what you like about it. Thanks! :D
  2. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Skaven and Demons are the hated enemies of the Old Ones! Just buy more dinosaurs! :meh:

    In all seriousness though, out of the three I would suggest Skaven. Tomb Kings are a pretty bland range right now, and Demons will leave you with no friends (even if you play a fair army, people will still complain).

    Skaven have a wide diversity of units, brand spankin new book, and some AMAZING kits. Gotta love that furnace.
  3. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Well, I don't mind taking something thats evil since I'm already playing the good guys..

    But idk if I really want to hop on the skaven train, since I may appear to just be running to the army with the new book. But they do have some interesting aspects.

    I guess I can wait for 2010 and the new tomb kings book (if rumors are true) and see what that is like, people around my club have always heard me yapping about how cool the tomb kings are with the invocation and what not.

    Daemons looks like alot of options though, I personally love nurgle, and it would give me a chance to buy and paint up that sweet forgeworld model for the greater daemon, and with some painting tricks and green stuff you can have alot of fun making something look nasty and diseased. I'd probably be a 75% nurgle army if I did go Daemons, which should balance it a bit since going all one god is considered fluffier then mixing the gods.

    I'm gunna read the skaven book cover to cover in a week or two, see what everyone is all excited about, and prepare to fight my Skaven friend...
  4. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Normally I would say Tomb Kings all the way, but they are rumored to be getting updated in May-ish; so if you choose them you should wait a bit... :pompus:
  5. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Yeah, tomb kings are pretty awesome, I would definately have to wait until the new book. But as long as they keep the Casket of Souls, Light Chariots, Tomb Scorpions, and the Invocations, I'd definately consider them. I've kept my eye on them over VC for a looong time. I even bought the book just to have and make fun-lists and look it over, a month or two ago. So I will definately wait a while before I make this choice.

    Any rumors on Tomb Kings out yet? You hear anything good? ;)
  6. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    i is having so much fun with beast. yes beasts. the ambush rule makes the game so fun. i even beat a dark elf "player". if you like speed these uys are fun.
  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    A fun army?
    Orcs and Goblins?
    Their nothing more than fun :p And they sure ain't that powerfull!

    now for real:
    I'd say Tk as well, though wait for the new book. I like the 'you know what you get' approach. No miscast or any other funky stuff, bar the occasional misfire. They have the potential, and if they DO get a new book...well; Just hope they keep that 'constant' factor in there. It's pretty unique...
    Oh, and i just looove chariots :) Shame my dwarves nor my lizards have acces to one :p
    Skaven have some pretty cool options as well, but i'm not too attracted to them. Their pretty random too, so the fun factor is always in the game!

    Then there's DDD. Don't Do Daemons. 'nuff said.
    :p just opinion based, but I'd take TK or Skaven, depending on the randomness you like (and the models ofcourse)

    The Hunted

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