Poll: Which Star Wars team is your favorite?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Dec 5, 2017.


Which is your favorite of the following Star Wars "teams"?

  1. Team Prequels (Padme, Anakin & Obi Wan)

  2. Team Originals (Luke, Leia & Han)

  3. Team Sequels (Poe, Rey & Finn)

Results are only viewable after voting.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    So the poll question is not necessarily about which is your favorite trilogy of movies, but rather which trio of characters do you like the most? (although chances are that your favorite trio coincides with your favorite trilogy).

    Focus on the trios of characters listed/pictured and not the other supplementary characters from the films... but feel free to discuss these other characters in the tread!

    Of course things could definitely change since at the time of creating this poll we have only seen the characters of Team Sequels in one third of their trilogy (soon to be two thirds!!!).
    Captaniser, Ritual and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I'm a bit disappointed that we don't have a Sith team to vote for, so I went for Team original.
    Captaniser, Ritual and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    At the moment I would definitely say Team Originals.
    Those characters are just fleshed out well.

    But except Anakin I don't dislike any of the characters of any movie so that might change. Team Prequels has potential.
    Ritual likes this.
  4. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Poe, Rey and Finn. Weird, I know but hear me out...

    Luke and Leia are both mostly poor characters in the definition of the word. Leia has a couple of stand out moments, Luke also... But as characters go, they're not that interesting - Han is the only one who is interesting and that's mainly because of his aloofness and personality, if he had been a stoic guardian type then we would have ended up with 3 boring characters.

    I've gone with Poe and Rey, and Finn is coming along for the ride carried largely by those two. Both Poe and Rey have large personalities - something I feel bland Luke was missing and Leia was missing for the first film and a half. Their stories are also interesting, Rey in particular currently.

    Obviously it's early days and this trilogy might go to shit, but based on their initial characters to date... That's where my vote is.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I agree about Leia to some degree... about Han as well.
    I don't agree about Luke, he may be a classic hero journey character, but he does gain more depth during the trilogy IMO.
    I agree about Rey, I like that she isn't just a Luke rehash.
    I don't agree about Finn actually, for me he is a more interesting character than Poe, whom I found about as boring as you found Leia it seems. :D
    Ritual likes this.
  6. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Finn could turn out to be interesting, but I like characters histories and as far as it's been spun so far he's just your standard clone that's got a few kinks in the machine!

    You're right about Luke though, he does get better as it goes along but I never feel he meets the point that he could have. He felt a bit like a hero-lite to me.
    Aginor likes this.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah it was the way stories were told back then I guess.
    I also think that lots of the depth he gained was actually _between_ or after the movies. We feel like he was fleshed out more because we read 40 years of comics and books about him. :D

    Also interesting: If you compare Luke in EP4 with Rey in EP7 I think she's actually in front concerning character development. Just because stories are told more quickly nowadays.

    For Finn that doesn't work unfortunately. His story was told too a bit too quickly IMO. If we look at it:

    Rough steps:
    1- Stormtrooper who is a bit insufficiently indoctrinated
    2- Traumatic experience (Death of his buddy, the bloody helmet scene) and something snaps
    3- Realizes he is on the wrong side
    4- Identity Crisis. Everyting he was ever told is wrong. He doesn't even have a name!
    5- He meets Poe and sees the opportunity. Ethics take over and he helps him.
    6- He almost dies. Poe dies (from his point of view)
    7- He is like a child now, a new person, now suddenly with ethics. He immediately tries to help Rey when danger approaches.
    8- He continues with that. He uses his knowledge to convince everyone he is on the right side, he helps them and fights his former masters
    9- He is ready to take on Phasma, even Kylo Ren, a Force user! A person who is so much stronger than him he knows he is most likely going to die. He faces him using a lightsaber and almost pays for that with his life!

    That's a very cool story! But the points 1 to 5 are told much too quickly. In one scene he is traumatized by the Death of his comrades and two scenes later he is happily shooting a few dozen guys he probably lived with and went to academy with to help Poe escape. That was just too fast. And that's a missed opportunity. I liked the character very much.

    (And I kinda wished he would be a bit force sensitive in the end, keeping the lightsaber since Rey doesn't want it while she constructs her saber staff, which is clearly better since she knows how to fight with a staff already and is bad with a lightsaber... *sigh*)

    EDIT: Goddammit I am angry Disney gave her a cool unique signature weapon, just to ditch it for the damn lightsaber. She even says she is not going to touch that lightsaber ever again. Why didn't she mount it onto the staff? GRRRRRRRR
    Ritual likes this.
  8. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    She may do yet... Long handled lightsabers are a thing.
    Aginor likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I really like Rey as a character. Finn is okay in my opinion, he definitely has potential; we'll see where episode VIII takes him. Poe is my least favourite of the three thus far, but that could change.

    As far as characters go, I think Han is the best of the nine presented.
    Ritual likes this.
  10. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Han is by an absolute mile favorite of the 9 also.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  11. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Based on the characters in the team, I'd go Originals, but all my favourite characters are from the prequels
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I struggle... but agree with Ritual. Han wins. Everybody trying to shoot a Sith Lord in the face has balls of steel. :D
    Joke aside, if you solely look at the movies I think he is the most consistently fleshed out character with the most meaningful development.

    Luke is somewhere behind him in my book. Not too far but a bit.

    The three new ones might develop to be even better but that's how I see it right now.

    I don't like Anakin much but I agree that at least his path to the dark side was done ...halfway well. I am sad about Obi-Wan not getting more screen time and decisions in the movies because he is my favourite Star Wars character ever. And I seriously think his path from the slightly more hot-headed Padawan in EP1 to the wise master in EP2 and EP3 was done pretty well. I can see how Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan becomes Alec Guinness' Obi-Wan between EP3 and EP4 and I loved that.

    Leia is relatively weak and so is Padme. Those take up the last spots for me. Not that I dislike the actresses' performance, just the screenplay for the movies.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    team Orig.
    Well, that was easy... but I'm not surprised at all to see votes for Team Sequels, and even less to see that 0 for Team Prequels. :p
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    :D I agree
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'm going for Team Prequels because Obi-Wan I feel was the best of all 9 characters, because he likes to stick to the rules, enforce them and to try to sort things out peacefully first, only using his lightsaber when really necessary - the epitome of what a Jedi should be. Although I think Finn was a very good character, I still fell that the Star Wars story is the Anakin/Darth Vader story, and as such Anakin should be the protagonist and the Sequel Trilogy examines his legacy, through Luke, Leia, the terrorist First Order that arose from the Empire he had caused and the New Republic he helped to create with his final actions. I also thought Han and Leia's romance was daft - one minute they're squabbling, the next they're kissing. I know many complain about Anakin and Padme's romance, but I felt it was a more realistic situation - the fact that their love is forbidden, yet they decide to make a gamble and go for it, only for it to go completely wrong as if it were fate's punishment for them, "You dared to go against the rules, now you will have to suffer the consequences". It also gave them both a fatal flaw and made them both more 'mortal' as it were. Luke I felt was only really good in 6, when he shows how truly powerful he can be as the son of the most powerful Jedi/Sith in the galaxy. In 4 he was OK but didn't do much of his Lightsaber training as it had to be cut short to destroy the first Death Star, while in 5 I still felt that they gave him too many flaws and made him not just a mortal, but an imbecilic mortal. Poe has literally no depth in him at all at the moment and so at the moment he is my least favourite of the 9, and while Rey has potential to veer away from the Luke image, I think they should have had her reject the Force completely as she had done in Maz's castle, because otherwise it is just recreating the Luke image.

    Therefore, I've said Team Prequels. It's risen to 2 now - joint 2nd with Team Sequels!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I honestly could not disagree more. Han and Leia's courtship was fun and entertaining, while Anakin-Padme felt cringy. Let's not forget about the sand!

    I agree that Poe at the moment is an extremely shallow character. We'll have to wait to see what happens in episodes VIII & IX, but at the moment he has zero depth.

    You want the title character in a Star Wars trilogy to reject the force?!!? I think it would be much more fun if she flirts with the dark side, and we get to see her journey from the light side to the dark side and then back again.
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    It may have been for you but for me it was really boring to listen to those two constantly jabber at each other. But then my attitude to courtship is probably different to yours... :rolleyes:

    It would make a more original story, although going to the dark side and STAYING THERE would also be fun.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I felt it to be playful and fun. A true case of opposites attract.

    That would be very interesting as well, but I think it is simply too bold of a move for Disney.
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    the margin(s) is closer than what i was expecting...
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Agreed. I think the poll suffers from a lack of sample size. A couple of votes in one direction or another really swings the results drastically. I am a bit surprised to see the prequels doing so "well", but then again we knew they would get a couple of votes based on past interactions with some forum members. The sequels result isn't as surprising, because it is the current and new thing. It would be interesting to see how people's ages lined up with their voting choice. I suspect that the sequels group would be younger and the originals group would be older, but I'd be curious to see that played out.

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