AoS Interaction of Allegiance Abilities

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Christopher, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Below is the text of an email I sent to Customer Service yesterday. They wrote back more or less saying, "Dunno, not our deal, post it on Facebook and ask your friends." So this is me asking all y'all experts. Cheers!


    To get right to the point, I'm curious about the interaction between two Seraphon Allegiance abilities in General's Handbook 2017.

    At page 130, I find The Battle Trait Lords of Space and Time, which allows the (possible) movement of any Seraphon unit on the battlefield to anywhere else no closer than 9" to the enemy. This takes place in the Hero Phase. The player rolls a dice and if the result is a 1, they cannot move or charge that turn, on a 2 they "teleport" as described above and that--this is crucial to my question--"counts as the unit's move for the next movement phase, and a 3 is as a 2 except they are allowed to move in the next movement phase.

    Now, turning to page 131 and the Artefacts, I find the Prism of Amyntok, which, allows for a ranged attack dealing D3 mortal wound to any enemy unit within 12" on a roll of 3 or more. This attack takes place at the start of the movement phase, and if the attack is made (successfully or not, I gather) the model wielding the Prism "cannot move in that movement phase."

    You probably already see my question, and it's probably one that's been asked before.

    Does the "counts as the unit's move" from the Battle Trait disallow use of the Artefact? For example, if I had a Skink Starpriest equipped with the Prism of Amyntok, could I, on my turn, do the following?

    Hero Phase: I elect to use Lord of Space and Time on the Skink Starpriest and roll a dice, generating a 4. I immediately remove the model from the battlefield, then set it up again anywhere no closer than 9" from an enemy unit.
    Movement Phase: The Skink Starpriest is unable to physically move because the use of the Amulet "counts as the units move" in this phase. BUT, the rules for the Amulet do not, technically, say that its use "counts" as the whole movement phase; they says if you use the prism "you cannot move in the movement phase." So, if my Christmas wish comes true, the Skink Starpriest is allowed to use the Amulet after having been moved via the Battle Trait, and rolls another 4, dealing D3 mortal wounds to some bad guy.

    That's my main question. I could go further. I also don't see anything preventing my theoretical Skink Starpriest from casting a spell in the Hero Phase in addition to benefiting from the Battle Trait. In other words, by my reading, Skinky McStarpriest could:

    Hero Phase: use the Battle Trait to move anywhere no closer than 9" from an enemy, THEN, cast a spell, THEN his Commanding Presence command ability if there was an ally in range.
    Movement Phase: Use the Artefact to make an attack. And even then move if I rolled a 6 in the Hero Phase when I used the Battle Trait to "teleport " him.
    Shooting Phase: I dunno, readjusts his feathered bonnet or something, he's got no ranged weapons.
    Charge Phase: CHAAAAARGE! (Successfully in this example, though I would never actually have this guy get into close combat if I couldn't help it, this is all just for example).
    Combat Phase: Successfully hits and wounds with all three attacks of his Star-stone Dagger!
    Battleshock Phase: Not necessary, as he shrugged off all the counter atttacks.

    Man, that is one bad skink.

    Anyway, this all seems a bit MUCH on the one hand, which is why I'm asking. But on the other hand, some of those Stormcast Eternals and Chaos Daemon heroes can, I dunno, attack seven times while they're flying overhead casting spells and buffing allies and talking on their cell phones to their mothers. Which is to say, it seems like a lot, but it doesn't seem like a lot in comparison to the real heavy hitters in the game.

    So, somewhere in all that was an actual question! Or three!
    Captaniser likes this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    To me the answer is simple:
    Yes of course that works and it might be effective, but by no means overpowered. Actually it might not even be the best option in many situations.

    The priest cannot move after using the prism, not even if he rolled a six for Lords of Space and Time.
    But yeah he may charge and fight.
    Seraphage and Christopher like this.
  3. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Thank you. That’s what the folks at the local GW shop said, too, more or less. I tried it yesterday and in a five round game rolled ones for Lords of Space and Time FIVE TIMES!
    Joshmunga likes this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah that happens.
    You can prevent that by using a Starseer or the Command Trait for the Slann which gives him the Starseer's spell as well.
  5. Joshmunga

    Joshmunga Member

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    Wow thanks for posting this! I never would have thought of that and it seems pretty good ( provided you don't roll five 1's :p )
  6. Furnus

    Furnus Member

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  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    @Furnus linked a good link.

    To summarize a post of mine from that thread:
    The movement of the teleport happens before the movement phase, and the restrictions applies in the move phase. Up 'til the move phase, you are free to do other actions that belongs to the hero phase.
    It's basically the exact thing that happens with Stegadon. You teleport it, the Alpha shinx move the stegadon 1d6, then in the movement phase the steggy will not move.
    The teleport happens in the hero phase and it's a thing that counts as movement, so you won't move in the move phase, but it doesn't prevent other actions during the hero phase.
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Don't worry you are not alone. My record so far : 24 rolls, 15 1's, 2 5's, 2 6s.
    This is why I solely use it with Curse of Fates on. I 've had enough of these ! :p

    And as @Aginor said it is indeed far from being op. Just d3 that might cost you proper placement or tp of other unit that won't even go of 1/3 times almost :p

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