Discussion Memories?

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by LukeDraconis, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. LukeDraconis

    LukeDraconis Active Member

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    Hey everyone!

    So I was rereading the Seraphon Battletome today when something kept bugging me. The following are various short passages from the battletome.

    Page 4. "Summoned to the battlefield from high Azyr by the vast intellects of the Slann Starmasters, nimble skinks, predatory saurus and hulking kroxigor materialise from searing coronae of celestial energy - the very stuff of the stars stars themselves."

    Page 6. "From high Azyr the seraphon hail, their realm hidden amongst the stars themselves, where no mortal may ever tread. Only the slann have the power to call down the seraphon."

    Page 16 "Their homelands destroyed, the seraphon escape into the stars. The slann - greatest of wizards - guide the race beyond the reach of the Ruinous Powers, though they are forced to watch their world die as they sail into the void."

    Page 10. "From across the gulf of eternity, Dracothion beheld the glittering vessels of the seraphon as they drifted like motes of dust through the darkness. Overcome with curiosity for these strange alien objects, he sought them out. When the star drake drew closer, he sensed the minds of the slann, and within their thoughts a heady mixture of loss and rage. Communing with ancient seers, Dracothion had a vision of the death of the world-that-was. Weeping in anger, the Great Drake let out a piercing cry that echoed through the void. Drawn to this godly lament, the slann turned the course of their vessels towards its source, following the blazing silver stars that were Dracothion's tears. Thus did the seraphon reach the Realm of Azyr and take their place within the heavens."

    It sounds like the seraphon are not just the Slann and the memories of their old forces. It seems more likely that the slann summon the spirits of other seraphon from high Azyr, materialising into their physical forms from celestial energy. Their origin story in Age of Sigmar further backs this up, the Slann guided not just themselves but their race through the stars where they then found Dracothion who led them to Azyr. From these passages the way I understand it is that the Seraphon are still alive in the same sense that the Stormcast Eternals are still alive, they continue to live in Azyr and are still alive but they are no longer mortal but rather celestial beings. When a slann calls down their army he remembers how they were, he calls upon them from Azyr and materializes them from celestial energy. When that slann dies the, for a lack of a better word, summoning ritual for his seraphon is lost with him. They still live on in Azyr but they cannot be called upon.

    If this is correct then this can lead to some amazingly awesome fluff. For instance, what does their slice of Azyr look like? Sigmar built castles and such in his territory, do the seraphon have their own structures? How do they differ from that of the ones on the world-that-was?

    What are you guys thoughts on this? Maybe I'm interpreting the passages wrong?
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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My interpretation based on the parts you mentioned as well as on some info from White Dwarf:

    They live in their part of Azyr and it looks like the old jungles of Lustria, including Pyramids and wild beasts and all that jazz.

    A Slann can do two things:
    1. Summon Seraphon from there, from ready spots within the realm, effectively teleporting them onto the battlefield and back again.
    2. The Slann can also literally summon Seraphon out of thin air, and depending on how much energy he spends those Seraphon stay or disappear into thin air again.

    When the Slann first reached their new home they had very few surviving Lizardmen with them. Probably more Saurus since those didn't age in space. Those are Oldbloods now. Except some that were changed by the cosmic radiation or whatever, those became Sunbloods. Perhaps they had some Skinks in stasis as well, don't know.
    So they used method #2 to get some workers and they rebuilt Lustria, then more and more used #1 and even created new spawning pools.
  3. LukeDraconis

    LukeDraconis Active Member

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    Hey Aginor,

    Thanks for the response! Yeah I absolutely agree, it seems a lot more likely that more then just the slann still live. And I absolutely love the idea of a bunch of seraphon doing lizard things in high Azyr, it leaves so much open for fluff and lore possibilities. I think this is a lot better than the common interpretation of them just being memories.
    Aginor likes this.
  4. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    As much as this is a fantasy world, I always love the idea that "Azyr" in this sense is simply "space" and the many realms simply planets in different orbits around a star. Thinking in that way, the whole description of the summoning is almost a fantasy setting's abstraction of the Seraphon beaming down from their ships in high orbit :) Almost like if you asked a medieval person to describe the technology in StarTrek!

    I may be alone in this way of looking at it...but I do love it anyway :)
    Aginor likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice thinking!
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" said Arthur C. Clarke :)
    Phoedinn likes this.

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