KoW Herd vs Salamanders [PILLAGE - 1500]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Itepixcauh, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Hello there fellow lizardfolk!

    Today I bring you the last game of the league I've played as of today, it's going to be the Pillage scenario againts The Herd! Tough army and very tough adversary so sit back and enjoy the ride!

    His army goes something like this, Since we played about a month ago I've forgotten all the magic items he had on his units sorry:

    - Horde of Giant Eagles with Helm of the Ram (those are the Mollocks weirdly)
    - 2 Hordes of Lycans with Magic Items
    - 2 Troops of Tribal Hunters with Bows
    - Regiment of Centaur Longmanes with Magic Item
    - Centaur Chieftain with Item
    - Mounted Totem Bearer with Item (guessing Banner of the Griffin)
    - Tracker with Wings

    Every entry on his list except the Hunters had a magic item.

    My list is exactly the same as last game against Ogres as I was expecting Lycans or Stampedes:

    - Horde of Rhinosaurs with Haste
    - Regiment of Kaisenor Lancers
    - Horde of Fire Elementals with Nimble
    - Horde of Fire Elementals
    - Lekelidon
    - Battle-Captain with Wings
    - Skylord with Blade of the Beast Slayer
    - Mage-Priest with Surge and Inspiring
    - Mounted Herald

    His army is WAY faster than mine, almost everything is speed 9 or more and hits like a ton of bricks and is pathfinder, so my plan for the day is Flank Denial with my FE in the middle to take that obstacle with both Hordes to at least mitigate his hitting power if he comes to me.


    I follow my plan to the letter not really bothering on what he does and as I predicted he spreads his units all across the board to try to outmanoeuvre me, I'm just not planning to manoeuvre much to be honest.




    He goes first and decides the flank with my Ancients is a big NO so he moves everything into the middle in a big blob to, I assume, overwhelm me with an Alpha Strike next turn.

    His vanguard units shoot at the Lekelidon putting some damage and the flying Tracker does the same against the Mage-Priest failing.



    I'm very comfortable with him taking the initiative as I really cannot compete against his brutal speed, so I follow my plan to the letter and move both my FE Hordes (THANKS NIMBLE!!) to the obstacle, so if he decides to take a swing he will experience what hindered means.

    My fast force advances up the flank to take the rear of his force if he overcommits to the centre.

    My Lekelidon shoots a troop of Hunters doing again some wounds but nothing serious

    My Battle-Captain whose job this game was to protect my caster against his flying dude charges the tracker for some wing on wing action and puts 3 wounds on him but they are not enough to even waver the thing.



    My flanking force and my well protected centre line makes him back up from his initial plan and repositions again to face the incoming danger, his Centaur chief charges my Skylord in a hope of neutralizing the menace his blade and movement represents.

    On the other side the tracker decides to ignore the Battle-Captain and charge the Lekelidon instead. His shooting concentrates on my Nimble FE to little concecuence.

    The tracker puts a wound more on the Lekelidon that holds as does the Skylord with a couple wounds from the Chieftain.



    Not much movement for me, my Skylord counter-charges the Chieftain while my fast units reposition to face his better, I make sure the Ancients are outside of the Eagles range.

    My Battle-Captain faced with the choice of either killing the Tracker or stopping the Centaurs for a turn decides the tracker can be potentially more dangerous and goes after him.

    The rest of my line is very much comfortable where they are, having a picnic by the hedge.

    Combats go extremely well for me, the Battle-Captain kills the Tracker and surprisingly the Skylord over-performs and kills the Chieftain too!. I now make a very big mistake moving him forwards (rolled a 6) as staying where he was he blocked the Lycans from reaching my Lancers... oh well, you can't have everything I guess.



    He decides it's time to spring the trap and goes all in, the Lycans in the middle charge the poor Lekelidon, the Centaurs charge the Battle-Captain thinking of overrunning into the Lekelidon as well.

    On the right the other Lycans charge the Lancers, while the Eagles charge my badly positioned Skylord.

    My brave Battle-Captain with his mission accomplished dies and the Centaurs slam into the Lekelidon as well. After a trillion wounds on him he rolls for Nerve and as usually happens when you overcommit in KoW the dreaded double ones make an appearance!

    The Lycan Horde charging my Lancers does quite some damage (I think it's around 7 wounds) but the Lancers hold. Sadly the Skylord dies again without using his sweet blade even once.



    His Alpha Strike has been stopped, I will concede I was lucky but I take what its given to me with a smile.

    I counter-charge the Lancers into the Lycans and the Lekelidon into the Centaurs, my blue FE have a juicy flank on the Eagles, and even Hindered that is worth taking. MY Nimble FE do their sweet, sweet moves and position themselves into the flank of the other Lycan Horde for some Surge goodness.

    Even charging in the flanks and wounding on 2s is not enough, what Dice Giveth, Dice Taketh, and both my FE Hordes fail to even Waver the units they charged. The Lancers perform really well doing 7 wounds but again the Nerve test fails me.

    Warden likes this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Not the most tactically challenging turn for him, he just countercharges everything in.

    My Hordes are almost fresh though and with no TC his Eagles don't do much. Lycans in the middle manage to out some wounds on the FE but they hold. The Centaurs predictably kill the Lekelidon. The Lancers die this time and he decides to try and move forwards outside the arc of the Ancients, they don't move enough and next turn they will know how it feels to be rear-ended by some big ass dinosaurs.



    Another easy turn, everything slams into the nearest unit.

    The star of the turn though is my trusty Mage-Priest, he fireballs the crap out of the Centaurs dealing 5 juicy wounds! I'll take that any day of the week.

    On the Combat phase everything gets murdered, wounding on 2s really makes a difference. Plain and simple. I reposition and wait.



    He does the only thing he can, that is to charge the Centaurs into the badly wounded FE and takes a troop of Hunters into the other FE Horde to hold them up another turn so his Centaurs can deal with them.

    He also tries to shut down my Mage with his totem bearer in a desperate charge but Defense 5 is too much for him.

    All goes well for him and my Nimble FE die.



    I know that those Centaurs have a very good chance of ruining my day but there isn't much I can do really, so I manoeuvre my fresh Ancients to face the centre while I counter-charge the FE into the Hunters and move my Mage into firing position, with a bit of luck the low Defense and Nerve of the Centaurs will get them Wavered with my Fireball.

    Again my Mage-Priest must be REALLY MAD because he goes again 4-5 damage and an average Nerve roll gets the Centaurs DEAD!! This means that the game is mine, as he has nothing that can really do any significant damage to my units.

    The FE have no trouble killing the Hunters and advance.


    TURN 6

    Only thing he can do is grab some kill points so he combo-charges my Mage-Priest with the Totem bearer and the Hunters. He fails to do a single wound again thanks to my amazing Defense 5.


    My Ancients just want to have some fun so they charge the Indiviual, turn him into a fine mist and overrun into the unluckiest Hunters in the Tribe.

    Warden, Crowsfoot and The Red Devil like this.
  3. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Nice. Really enjoyed your battle report style
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Thanks! It's greatly appreciated.
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Excellent again, and your not far of a full painted army picture shot.
    Aginor and Itepixcauh like this.
  6. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Not much to go actually! I could maybe have a full painted army right now but not competitive so I just stuck to this for the moment. Slowly creeping towards completion though
    Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.

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