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7th Ed. Possible 1k army?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Igelypop, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    This is the first army I've created from scratch by myself and I'm wondering if it would be a good match-up against some of the teams I'm up against (OK, Emp, Brets, DE/HE). I've been looking around the forum to see what other 1k lists look like and I've noticed that very many of them uses stegadons with EoTG and such, focusing a lot of points on a large and quite hardly maneuverable target.

    Decided to make a quite full front attack army and this is what I came up with. Please feel free to come with suggestions. :)

    Saurus Scar-Veteran: Cold one, Light Armour, Shield, Great Weapon.

    Skink Priest: Lvl. 2, Dispel scroll

    10x Skink Skirmishers: Brave
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    17x Saurus Warriors: Standard, Musician

    3x Terradons
    7x Cold One Cavalry: Musician, Standard. Magic Standard: Huanchi's Blessed Totem (the general goes into this group)'

    All of this should sum up to 996 points.

    Was going to use the Skinks as meatshields for the Saurus Warriors. Betting quite a lot on the Cavalry, wanting them to charge the possible blocks of soldiers, causing fear and doing tons of damage. Priest should mainly serve as a dispeller, while the terradons are mainly for harrassing the enemys warmachines/mages to cover the cavalry from enemy fire while advancing.
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    A couple of suggestions, If your of a mind... This is mainly personal preference

    Saurus Scar-Veteran: Cold one, Light Armour, Shield, Great Weapon.
    Id suggest Halberd over Great weapon when mounted, same effect, no strikes last. also, you could consider a spear as it'll give you the +1strength on the charge and you can maintain your shield Armour save

    Skink Priest: Lvl. 2, Dispel scroll
    This guy is good as is, but if you swap 1 scroll for the Diadem of Power he'll be better long term. Being only 1 mage he won't have a huge effect offensively anyway, I like to store his 2 dice and use the 2 pool dice for the number 1 Heaven spell for the 1's re roll on whatever will need it

    10x Skink Skirmishers: Brave
    No real point to a brave IMHO I think they're more a liability and nuisance (rolling seperate dice to hit etc.)
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    17x Saurus Warriors: Standard, Musician
    Good, but I find they're better at 18 if at all possible (6 x 3) Possibly consider putting your Scar Vet here to add a bit more punch

    3x Terradons
    This is a wonderful unit, Terradons are great in low points!
    7x Cold One Cavalry: Musician, Standard. Magic Standard: Huanchi's Blessed Totem (the general goes into this group)'
    I'd shrink this unit, I find anything over 5 a bit unweildly

    Dropping the size of the Cold One Cav and the brave'll give you a few points to play with... maybe consider a salamander to help with armoured foes or some items for the scar vet?
  3. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Dreadgrass had most of the things pretty solid. I'd only suggest fielding a max of 6 cold ones, but I'd put your general with the saurus once you give them one more to make 18, the scar-vet will make it a solid block of 20, and they will be immune to fear..

  4. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    Thanks a lot for the comments :) Do you mean that I should drop the Scar Vet. off his Cold One, or should he ride it along with the Saurus?
  5. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    Ok, after reading your comments this is what I came up with.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran: Cold One, Light Armour, Shield of the Mirrored Pool, Halbeard.

    Skink Priest: Lvl. 2, Diadem of Power

    10x Skink Skirmishers
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    18x Saurus Warriors: Standard, Musician (the general goes into this group)

    3x Terradons
    6x Cold One Cavalry: Musician, Standard. Magic Standard: Huanchi's Blessed Totem

    Should be 998 points in total.

    Using the Shield of the Mirrored Pool on the Scar vet. to protect the group from magic missiles while advancing. Just wondering if the Halbeard should be replaced by a spear instead. He can still keep his shield armour save when not in combat, am I correct? Then if using a halbeard he switches to that once in combat and drops his shield save?
  6. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    Again, after getting some comments on other forums I've changed my list. Now it looks a bit like this instead :)


    Saurus Scar-Veteran: Cold One, Light Armour, The Maiming Shield, Halbeard. 144p

    Skink Priest: Lvl. 2, Diadem of Power 125p

    10x Skink Skirmishers 70p
    10x Skinks 50p
    16x Saurus Warriors: Champion (the general goes into this group) 204p

    3x Terradons 90p
    5x Cold One Cavalry: Standard: Sun Standard of Chotec 235p

    Salamander Hunting Pack: 1 extra handler 80p

    Over-all it sums up to 998 points again.

    So, the modifications I've done are:
    Scar Veteran: I've switched the Shield of the Mirrored Pool to the Maiming Shield to get that 1+ attack.

    Saurus Warriors: I've dropped it down to a unit to 16, stripped them of their musician and standard since they should have no problem in rallying or outdoing most enemies in CC, added a champion for challenge protection. Still taking the general in that group, running a 6x3 line.

    Skinks: Changed one group of skirmishers into an ordinairy group of skinks, saving 20 points and not loosing that much since they basicly will serve as a meatshield for the Saurus unit.

    Cavalry unit: Dropped down to 5 instead of 6 to afford the Sun Standard of Chotec for ranged protection. Stripped them of their Musician aswell since Cold Blooded should work just fine.

    Salamander unit: For the spare points I added this unit to help with the tougher foes, adding 1 extra handler for some more durability.
  7. Strim

    Strim New Member

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    A level 2 priest is too expensive, and if you are rolling 2 dice you cand end with a double 1, i'd change the extra level for a scroll, but keeping the diadem (the first from the lore of heavens is 5+, so you may get it, and you don't have to run the risk of getting a double 1).

    The other things, for a 1000 point army, it's preety good.
  8. Igelypop

    Igelypop New Member

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    The thing with him being lvl 2 is that I'll save 2 of his 3 power dices with my diadem for dispells, only using the remaining 1 power dice for casting spells.
  9. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Not quite understanding where your coming from there, the lvl 2 generates 2 PD plus theres 2 from the pool, you can only store your own dice, so thats his 2 from himself, leaving you 2 pool dice...

    I'm afraid Im not a fan of this setup, as when your using the halberd you wouldn't get the save or attack from the shield, meaning your loosing an awful lot for the sake of +1 strength, maybe consider a spear if you need him cheap?

    Im not sure on peoples take on Maiming shield and stat boosting weapons etc. but in my local group you'd have to resolve the extra attack without the spears bonus on the charge etc. I normally run Maiming with the sword of Battle for 6 strength 5 attacks and, when on cold one with Light armour, a 1+ save!

    This is fine, but if you drop the standard/ sun standard you could kit out your lord as above, give the Priest a Dispel Scroll, and get a standard/ musician in your saurus for the added bonuses, this also makes your Coldone unit into a cheaper option and if they do get taken out, it only costs you about 1/2 the vP's (captured standards really hurt in low point values). I find the Sun Standard a bit of overkill in 1000pts, if the enemy are throwing enough shooting at the coldones to do some damage, then they're protecting your main block nicely...

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