I want to make a Lustria-online group on facebook. I have noticed many people seach facebook for groups to join. So I will give you ONE hour to object, or say it's a good idea.
Yay for FB! I think it's a great idea, however it is not too late for my opinion to mean anything, so it doesn't matter what I say.
ive just joined the group on facebook. Is a good idea there may be some over lizardmen fans out there that don't know about LO its a good way find them
whats wrong with being a nerd don't u enjoy it i was worried about telling my m8s about it but when i did some of them thought it was cool and some have thought about starting
Some friends of mine have suprisingly shown an interest but then I realized that if they did join warhammer...I wouldn't be able to teach them squat!
heres the group i made: http://www.facebook.com/index.php?l...VQ5A#!/home.php?sk=group_165711620130089&ap=1 just instead of just saying "Like it"
my computer hates me. I actuall had a longer post then just "charactors are models" but it did not show up...... any how I have not run my Krox yet but the more I think about a unit of 8 of them the more I like them!