Rickis embarasing atempts at painting

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by rickie_82, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    So have gotten my paint and decided to give it a go today. Tried out my idea for a coler scheme on a skink. Havent painted anything for more then five years, and aperently I really need to relearn how to highlight.
    Well here are some pics, will describe how I went for it after, and as usual, any ideas for how I can improve in any way is more then welcome.
    And I mostly use valejos colors, exept for the metal and washes.

    I first undercoted em black. A cheap satin black, get 3 bottels for the same price as GW ones, will have to consider if i will use it more in future since it really gives a roughf finish.
    I proceded to drybrush the scales hexed lichen (dark violet).
    Then used warlock purple for the flesh trying to use existing black to get free layers of highlighting.
    Then I highlighted with squid pink, and boy I need to train those skills :( Then a quick wash with Leviathan purple
    I made the fin pink and highlited with a mix of pink and light grey, I'm considering making the fins yellow instead to bring some contrast.
    The gold I started out with a dark brown, then burnished gold, and washed it with devlan mud.
    The claws on the feet I used bleached bone, highligted white and then made a devlan mus wash.

    Think thats evrything, thanks for looking :)
    And yea I know pictures suck, will try better in future.
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I really really don't like purple, but thats jsut a personal thing. Your model looks ok, my advice would be the greatest trick I ever learned with painting.

    Dry brushing, its so simple, but does such a good job. All you have to do (I usually use a wide, not pointed brush on a paper plate) is get some paint on your brush and then, this may sound silly, but try to get it all off by brushing something else with it. I usually spiral the brush until the paint is ever-so-barely on the brush. Then I rapidly, but gently go off the model with the brush. This only slightly lightens raised features and edges.

    I understand that wasn't super clear, mostly cause trying to describe it is proving...difficult...sorry,

    Good Luck...

  3. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I love purple, great color selection!

    Keep 'em coming, and drybrushing is a pretty good technique.
  4. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I really like the color scheme you have there, I actually like the crest the color it is now. Maybe you could paint brighter crests on command models if you're using them...

    Great work after such a long hiatus!
  5. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Thanks for the coments :)

    I'll try to drybrush one with the pink tommorov, expect new pic's then :)
    Is the gold good? Or should I drybrush some Shining gold on there. Sheilds will be pale yellow so I dont want the gold to be to bright.
    Or shoud i make gold, brown, burnished, drybrush shining and then mudland wash?

    Se if I can get a saurus done tomorov also, they will be a bit darker in coler. But basicaly the same, hmm maybe make their scales with a dark grey drybrush instead of purple..... aww the choises ^^
  6. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Sounds like an idea there.
    Actually, I like the scales as is.

    I must mention though, that you should start with the skin and then scales, not the other way around.
    And the model looks chalky, maybe it's the satin that you mentioned but, it looks chalky anyway.

    Also, an iris! It looks so bug-ish without an iris.

  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    That rough finish from the spray is really quite obvious... GW spray can do that sometimes as well, it matters a lot on technique and what the weather is like. Try holding the model a bit further away, or a bit closer, and if doing it outside leave the model in the sun for 20 mins or so. Give that a go before giving up on the cheap stuff, but if that doesn't work definitely worth investing in something better.

    Other than that, looks good.
  8. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Ok got some more work done today. Still suck at doing eyes and small shit. I'm halfblind so I have trouble seeing the tip of the brush ^^ Also still havent found the corect amount of paint to load the brush with. These still need some touching up, but I tried to drybrush the pink on and added a drybrush of shining gold to the gold.
    This is probably the way I will do em from now on, just try to work on getting better results, also noticed that it might be smarter doing the crest first. Well I'm the type that learns by failure so can only get better I hope.
    I'll be adding irisis later when I have gotten more comfortable with the brush. As usual tips and coments are welcome.

    Prolly gonna be having a painting evning with a friend today, he is a lot more skilled then me, tatto artist and artist tends to do that to a person :) But beer and painting will probably get my results worse even with a coach :D

    See if I can get some saurus painted this evning, curios how they will come out.
  9. dictator
    Cold One

    dictator New Member

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    YAH! Purple with yellow, I thought it wasn't legal until I saw yours. Mine I decided to go with a blue. I'm still trying to work in the yellow somewhere. Cool stuff. I'm interested to see the saurus.
  10. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    They're not bad. I would suggest picking up some of the Citadel washes, and maybe a couple more colors, so you can layer up a couple different ones.
  11. Sellus

    Sellus New Member

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    I like the colors that you have gone with and the paint job is very nice for table top quality. Something that i would suggest that is real easy and make the models pop would be to give them a very bright warm base and if your feeling up for trying new things, mix a tiny bit of dark green in with the yellow that you used for the eyes and water it down. When its good and watery go back over the eyes.
  12. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Got hit with the swine flue, so have been banished to my bed for some time now. On my way to recovery.
    I have done like 6 skinks now, and have found a smarter way in wich order I should paint them, to water down the paint, and to load up the brush better. The first three skinks I used to thick and to little paint, and painted them in a very stupid order, as I said I learn from failure (sometimes atleast, girls still slaps me :( )

    Sellus I have been wailing over green eyes or yellow, your way is both, will try it. I think my mistake with the first eyes was that I aplied it when the paint was to thick and dident flow out so.... I'll water it down some. Also I'm really bad when it comes to color sience, warm coulors is like red and orange right?
    I think I will just use some cheap gravel (friend has some paint cleaner sand thingie, is white, no idea, but cheap).

    asrodrig I use devlan mud, leviathan purple as is. And they are fantastic, way better then the old inks. They were a nice suprise :) Also have the black one, I'm considering making my cold ones and other dinos black and grey. Dont know what you mean with more colers, want me to add to the highlighting or slap some more yellow and green on em? I have been considering making the crests yellow or green, or maybe a white chest. But that will prolly just be heros or models that should stand out. When I reread your post I see taht you mean more colors on the dudes, I could try mixing the purple and pink and try to do some freehand highlighting. Will try that.

    dictator my favorite color is purple. Mostly cause when I was young my little brother always wanted to be the good guy so I had to be the bad, So I collected the Skelletor with servents action figures and so on. All bad guys from the 80's seems to be either blu or purple ^^
    I will use the yellow on sheilds and other small details, Should come out ok.

    strewart Yea I noticed that my friend who I belive uses the same stuff diddent get as rough a finish as me, will take your advise to hart. Prolly wont be able to spray more outdoors now anyways, autumn is here and soon winter.

    hellbreaker Thanks really, would have taken me like 10 figs to work that out. After the paint order coment I retought how I did it and have betterd my ways :)

    See if I can get any work done today, have a bad cough so might be better of asembling the rest of my army.
    Thanks for all coments really helps my painting and keeps me motivated. :)
  13. Sellus

    Sellus New Member

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    Yeah warm colors are going to be red and orange and for what i was talking about with the eyes the paint needs to be very watery, but not so much its colored water.
  14. Aprilsaurus

    Aprilsaurus New Member

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    I'm really digging the purple! I'm incorporating some purple into a unit of saurus warriors.
  15. smaug123uk

    smaug123uk New Member

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    the painting looks fine - as for the "rough" texture it gives the lizards a look of scaly flesh
    i dont use GW paints either as i find they dont cover as well - i have been painting just over 30 years and usually use craft store acryllics
    i love the purple colour makes a nice change from the GW blue scheme , mine are a mix of white, purple and orange

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