Army Fluff The Great Pale Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by thereal87, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. thereal87

    thereal87 New Member

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    OK so this is a fast little intro for each of my characters and units I wrote the other day at work. This is for every character that will hopefully one day be in 3 different 2,000 point armies. Here's all the characters names.

    Main army.
    Slann: Lord Xianze
    Priest: Aquipex
    EotG Steg: Axpac

    Skink army.
    Priest: Itxhau
    Priest: Lizutmeenxan
    Chief: Xuesia

    Saurus army.
    Old Blood: Tlax
    Carn: Eyelx
    Scar Vet: Etzxho
    CO: Lachex
    Priest: Alverxn
    Priest: Meeitz

    Fluff story this is pretty much just an intro, and I'll write the rest as I start playing so that the story kind of matches what they've played.

    Lord Xianze
    Slann Mage-Priest of unknown spawning. In 2504 Lord Xianze entered the city of Itza without warning or mention. He went to all of the lakes serounding Itza and inspected each of them carefully. After examining the lakes he left Itza. Many skinks watched and tracked Lord Xianze while he was in Itza, they were fasinated with his white color and red scaled skink attendant.

    Saurus Oldblood spawned in Itza 20 years after Lord Xianze examined the lakes from a lake that Lord Xianze had examined. After spawning Tlax walked seemingly lost into the jungle. Several years later Tlax returned to his lake mounted on a Carnasaur. Tlax and his mount showed signs of harsh battles.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran spawned from the same lake as Tlax upon his return. Tlax and Etzxho immediatly left the lake into the jungle and go to a different lake examined by Lord Xianze.

    Lord Xianze's favored skink priest Aquipex spawned before any other skinks when Tlax and Etzxho reached the second lake. The next day Itxhua, Lizutmeexen, Alverxn and Meeitz the other skink priests spawned from the same lake. After all the skinks had been spawned the company of lizardmen camped at the lake for 600 days. On the 600th day an entire host of saurus warriors and skinks spawned from the lake.

    After Lord Xianze's army had spanwed the whole host marched north into the jungle. Some time later they came upon Lord Xianze atop a mountain. After examining the army Lord Xianze was disappointed.

    The moment that Lord Xianze expressed disappointment with his army Xuesia emerged from the same spawning lake as Tlax and Etzxho. The moment Xuesia placed his feet on solid ground Lord Xianze was pleased.

    I know it's not much in the way of actual story at this point but the idea is to foreshadow that the army is a major key in the Old Ones Great Plan. This idea from here can go one of two ways I think either I can have them moved over to the Southlands and march up into the old world, or I can have them march north to face Dark Elves and Chaos. Either way I am going to include a little part about them even fighting other Lizardmen who are in violation of the Great Plan and almost fearlessly march into other races areas to face them. Thoughts?
    Ra’tok likes this.
  2. Aikar

    Aikar New Member

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    Looks nice for now but dont forget our archenemies, the rats! :meh:
  3. eggory

    eggory New Member

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    cant wait for some thing to read! have you posted any pics of your army? id love to see them
  4. thereal87

    thereal87 New Member

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