Overall the new models are looking pretty neat New Lizzie piccies of Slann with Temple Guard, Terradon & skink and a Kroxigor from White Dwarf:- http://battlereporter.blogspot.com/search/label/- Lizardmen
I really like that new Temple Guard! I might wait to get more Kroxigors until the new one comes out, too!
The Temple Guard Champion's shield is the sickness i love it. I'm so glad i just traded for a Kroq-gar army and a battalion box. February needs to hurry the hell up and get here. I love the new terries (are they metal? probably) and the Kroxies rule
Love the new temple guard. I also think that the new terradons will blend in nicely with the old ones.
I like the new temple guard! they look more serious now... not just saurus heavy equiped... the Kroxigors looks different, i like, they don´t look now like bigger saurus... the terries are ok, the skink on his looks awesome!!!!!
im probly gonna get the new army box, u kno the 1 thats like 400$ or somethin like that Im also gonna sell my old army 2 my friend, whos starting a collection. Hes alredy got first wave lizardmen, and they look pretty cool
Hey im new to these forums and just now starting playin warhammer again. Been idle for soem years because all friends stopped playing and it just died away. We are back on track again and i thought I'd try an army i hardly ever played against or know that much about tbh. So i chose Lizardmen of course Anyways my question regarding this topic is if they have released any info at all regarding the new book and the rules or everythign is just speculation at this point?
Not much on the actual codex from what I've heard, but there are plenty of rumors (some confirmed) about it. There's a thread in this forum somewhere where it's discussed and a link to a site that has all updates.
The Temple Guard look great, and I'm looking forward to plastic versions (= less mulla). The Terradon and Kroxigor are just OK tho.