Hey people. I bought a Stegadon yesterday, and i must say, amazing kit and amazing model to put together, although, it is a bit of a puzzle to put together the first time. Anyway, i've a question in regards of the skins on it. Does anyone have some kind of advice to how i could remove a skink if one should die? I've tried to make some sockets with green stuff to stick their feet in, just didn't work out very well. So if anyone has an idea, i'd be very pleased to hear it! Also if possible, pictures to illustrate would be awesome too. Thanks in advance. - Nirous
Magnets work well... Look up rare earth magnets, they have extremely strong yet short magnetic fields so they stick really well but can be pulled apart and stuck to other things.
That's what I'd recommend, too. But, I'd suggest putting the magnets in the howda (By drilling a hole, perhaps?) and putting a bit of metal on the skins' feet, instead of the other way 'round. The magnets don't really fit in a skink's foot very well.... K-P
Sounds like a plan. One question tho, are the magnets strong enough to keep the model standing and not tilt over? I read a thread in a different forum where a guy had problems with this.
Hell yes, rare earth magents have a very short but very strong magnetic field so they are perfect for stuff like this. Tjhey wqill hold. Sorry for typos, bit drunk AND sammy won'tr let me resign.
I must be the laziest guy here, Lol! I simply left the priest and skinks off the howdah...I spent alot of time on it, and made alot of detail with gold on all the glyphs even floor tiles, and it looked so good I didn't want to cover it up (plus I didn't want to bother with all the drilling and magnets) so when I play I just throw some tiny dice on the howdah to represent remaining crew and wounds left on priest, but I don't put em on until I loose a wound or a crew member first, which is nearly never...