AoS Seraphon v Stormcast Rematch

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by dinoSTARZ, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    This week we battle at 2,000 points because I finally have enough. My opponent decided that his army list was the problem last week, and thus he brought a different strategy to the table. He had 4 Dracoths in a unit and then 1 celestant prime on dracoth. He had 10 archers in the back with 2 shockwave bows amongst them. He had a Knight Velixor or something and then finally a guy who could shoot a bolt of d3 mortal wounds across units one time. He elected to put two units of retributor up in the heavens again that would be placed later. He had 3 units of liberator; I believe 2 10 man and one 5 man.

    I used 40 saurus warriors, 40 skinks (boltsplitters), 5 saurus guard, 5 chameleon skinks, a skink starpreist, old-blood on carnosaur, scar-vet on carnosaur, bastilidon, and my general: my recently acquired SUNBLOOOOOOD (who I gave blade of realities). I don't remember what command trait I picked as I must've never used it.

    The rolled scenario was the one where starshards come down on turn 2 and turn 3. We both spread out wide along the demilitarized zone- I put my mass of warrior in the middle with a bastilidon, star priest, the 5 guard, and the sunblood nearby. Skinks were massed to the right. Chameleon skinks were off the table, and both carnos I left over on the left side; a unit of 5 knights out wide on each side. I didn't really realize how his dracoths breath crap worked, so everything was pretty bunched up (won't do that again). He had his dracoths and lord celestant middle left, archers in the back line, liberators (out wider than I'd think you'd want them considering their slow speed), and then the reserve retributors.

    Turn 1- He wins the roll but has me go first. He regretted that because basti and him were 24" apart (12" off the deployment zone) and the bastilidon's got a 20" range shot with a 5" move, so he and the old-blood use their shots to kill off one of the 4 dracoths before he even gets a turn >:D! He's already pissed now. On his turn he thunderbolts the retributors 9" away from my carnosaurs, but thankfully fails the charges, so I'm safe. Not tons else happens; most units on both sides walk closer to each other, he gets some mortal wounds on the bastilidon but he's still holding up okay.

    Turn 2- The first star shard falls right in the middle of the map, and as I have a billion more actual models than he does, I easily walk my warriors into that, and continue to shoot at the dracoths, with less luck, doing 3 wounds this time. On his turn, lord celestant hero and dracoths shoot some nasty crap and it decimates the saurus guard. They are wiped and the sunblood is down to 4, the basti down to 2. His magic man with the one off shot finishes off the bastilidon. I am worried now. He charges his hero and dracoths into the warriors. He activates the hero who misses pretty much everything. My warriors have serpent staff on them and are in a group of 40 so they manage to take out another dracoth oooooo yeah. I got out of that round relatively unscathed and the retributors are panting moving 4 or 5" at a time trying to catch up to the carnosaur (lol ya right!). Now it's my turn and I get the sunbloods ability on the dracoths sooooo they're screwed and they do indeed die to a massive warrior blob (though only 18 or so are in range, they have 2x attacks and +1 to hit, rerolling all misses). FEELING PRETTY GOOD NOW. Unfortunatley I miss the casting roll for summon starlight (-1 to hit on the warrior blobs) so they are vulnerable).

    Turn 3- New stars fall, MINE unfortunately lands right where both units of his retributors already are within move distance of. I win the turn roll off to go first for once. Piling in the warrior blob onto his hero gets them into combat with a 10 man unit of liberator and that hero that threw his sparkling lightning bomb at my basti (so we are very vengeful) AS WELL AS putting me with more units near the third shard that fell in the middle of his middle zone. While he has archers nearby, they are spread out so wide that only 4 are in range of the starshard. 5 Chameleon skinks show up hitting his archer blob but only apportion 1 wound (boo). I miss a teleport roll on my carnosaur so one is now a sitting duck. Regular skinks are hitting some liberators that the knights are fighting (the other knights were killed by retibutor, I don't quite remember when). Things look okay except that I am surrounded on the warrior blob and my carnosaur is stuck in place and the other is embattled with his melee knight hero thing and survives pretty well. On his turn however, he gets some shockwave arrow rolls that really decimate the warriors. That turn he killed like 17 warriors total, so battleshock took another 7 or so (at least I had some bonus bravery thanks to horde bonus). After that, I didn't even have enough to have +1 to the hit. He also was able to kill the starpriest so no more buffs. However, I had 2 objectives and he had only 1 so the score now was 8 to 3.

    Turn 4- he kills the warriors off but I have 40ish skinks on the markers now and 2 carnosaurs left alive while all he has is a half alive hero, 2 retributors mostly out of the fight, (and if he sends both he'll lose what little objective he has), and he does keep all his archers still but he just doesn't have enough units to take over the objectives so he scoops and that's all she wrote!

    Those archers really did mess me up pretty well though, and I'm looking for an answer against them (chameleon skinks don't seem worth the points in such a small group of 5 and did nothing to them). Also the guards were just random points I needed to get to 2k that really didn't end up being worth anything in this game. The only thing I could've subbed in was a troglodon and an extra 5 knights; other than that I used everything I currently own (though much more is coming in the mail). I'll have 3 terradons or rippers, a stegadon/engine of the gods, a scar vet on cold one, and FOUR RAZORDONS coming this thursday. If Slanns ever come back in stock on games-workshop site, I plan to pick that up as well (along with maybe 2 salamanders).

    My opponent is trying to tailor a list against me, but he thinks hordes of liberators and more archers is the way to go. Out of the above things I'm getting (plus what I already field), go ahead and share some advice about a list! Aginor gave me some great tips, but I'm stupid and new so I appreciate even more thoughts, ideas, and details!
    Seraphage and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good to hear you came out on top!

    Archers can be a problem for us. I think the best counter against them is teleporting warriors or some Behemoth to them, as we don't have long range shooting to make it a ranged fight.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    I guess that's true; I was worried that if I teleport to them then whatever ported in just gets shredded by the archers. But what I failed to realize is that their giant range has them all hitting what they want anyway, so if they're busy with whatever I teleport it doesn't really change anything. What do you think about porting in 4 razordons 9" away? You think that's likely to come out on top (having the first shot due to the port)? 4 razordons x4 160 points vs 320 for his 10 judicators could be a good value even if they end up trading lives.

    Edit: was doing some math ( I think) and it seems like on average you get 8 wounds coming out of 4 razordons (assuming 6 attacks each, 2/3rd chance to hit x 1/2 chance to wound= 2 wounds coming in each) and then the save of the liberators is 1/2 so you can assume 4 damage per shooting round , which is only enough to get rid of 2/10. That's a losing fight when the 8 smoke the razors. But, invest more into this plan...4 razors port, like 10-15 chameleon skinks show up (OR a shadowstrike starhost) and if they can obliterate the unit then I have a bunch of shooters sitting back there like sitting ducks BUT the opponent's shooters are gone mwhahaha. So they'd have to walk back over there and if they don't get the charge in one turn, then THEY are buttsmuckered like I used to be!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    Considering the above plan...rippers with blot toad in a shadowstrike seems good? as they won't be able to move too far away from the toad cuz the toad can walk with em
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice win ;)

    What you could do is teleport in some skinks just to tie him up for a couple of rounds and keep him away from your more expensive/needed troops.
  6. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Really nice rep, well detailed. Congratz !

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