AoS 2000p v Tzeentch

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by dinoSTARZ, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    Hello, this match was not very exciting but at least I remembered to take pictures at a few points throughout the game, so I'm still going to chronicle it here.

    I had never seen this guy play before, but he's always around when I've played others, and I heard tzeentch armies are very strong, so I actually did plan a list based on what I thought would work well (with what I have built, which isn't much) by soaking up mortal wounds and some teleport/appear shooting to take out high value casters (I don't have rippers or terradons yet). He wanted to play with some warcard things, so fine, we did. It was a scenario where you capture a treasure, and there were bonuses to move and charge of 2".

    I took:
    40 Skinks (200) -mortal wound soak and screen
    40 Warriors (360) -mortal wound soak
    Skink Starpreist (80) - unbind
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (280)
    Troglodon (180) -unbind, teleport charger on a high value
    Bastilidon (280) - can't see a scenario where I wouldn't take him
    4 Razordons (160) -teleport shooters
    Chameleon Skink (120) - teleport shooters
    Skink handlers (40) -just in case
    Knights (100) - fast enough to get into melee where tzeench doesnt want to be
    Knights (100)

    I couldn't tell you what he had to be honest. Most of his units weren't fully assembled so I it was hard to tell what he had. What I DID see was flamers, and I've seen other people get totally torched vs flamers. So I decided they must die, and they were not protected. I finished deployment first and elected to go ahead and go first because I was so worried about the spells he was gonna use.

    I revealed the chameleon skinks onto that realm gate and ported the razordons over there 9-11" from the flamers and put it all into them. My 5 chameleon skinks have not done much in the past, but they get a bonus to CHAOS DEMONS that proved helpful here. All those shots wiped out 240 points of flamers before they got to do anything. Other than that, I just revealed a treasure (it wasn't it), and walked forward.

    On his turn, he did some D6 mortal wounds (and rolled a 6) to a unit of 5 knights over there on the right so that sucked, and confirmed my fears of the casts). He found the treasure! And he sat on it with some hero dudes. He sent some human-ish guys forward into me, some melee, some archers (tzangors I think?) And tried to get his pink horrors into range.

    I teleported the Carnosaur over to where his treasure was, and he responded by moving his treasure into a forest and then rushing to engage the rest of his units into mine (presumably to slow them down while he bunkered in the forest for 5 turns to keep the treasure). Unfortunately, it doesn't appear Tzeench is made for that kind of melee playstyle. The horrors kept splitting up but they were getting wiped in such high numbers that battleshocks took care of the rest.

    After the ensuing battles, I started to realize that my opponent was probably a lot less experienced than I thought (I am also inexperienced, but I've been studying tactics on here and theorycraft out of what I I think I play beyond a normal 5 game player) and I felt bad for destroying such a vital and important part of his army so early because he didn't adjust and I slaughtered everything even while not using my warriors (to try to take the heat off a little). However they looked pretty cool by the tower. IMG_0394.jpg

    He failed his next round of casts that were anything useful, lost his shaman on disc (hadn't yet put the shaman onto it so it just looks like a floating disc), and then was left with basically just his heroes in the woods with 3 turns left to go. Obviously he was not going to be able to withstand the horde of units, as I'd lost like one skink and 3 knights the whole game, so he decided to throw in the towel which was totally reasonable. I felt bad actually for him having such a boring game where he just died and died but at least I got to see a little bit of what tzeentch has, even if I didn't get to see how a good player would use it yet.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2018
    Seraphage, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    Anyone know why my image is broken? I put them up onto imgur
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    No clue.
    Try to upload them directly to the forums, that always works well. :)
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Upload them directly, hit upload a file bottom left.

    Nice report and Tzeentch is not a melee army so he played into your hands rushing in. ;)
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Good job and nice photos !

    **Beautifully done bases btw !
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Nice photos! Love the large phalanx of saurus!

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