7th Ed. Monsterous Unit

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Babalu, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    If anyone has read the newest White Dwarf you know what I'm referring to. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts on their idea super unit. Kroxys? Stegadons? Sallys? or a unit of Slann??

    I think my vote would have to go to a unit of Slann (possibly in a huge unit of temple guard) talk about all your eggs in 1 basket but man would the magic phase be deadly with 3-4 of them!!!
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I haven't seen the latest WD so I'm not sure what you're referring to, what's the gist of it? :)
  3. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    they have rules for big games (5k+ per side) and under the special rules a team of players can "pool" all of 1 type of unit into a super unit. It has to be rare or special but from my understanding you could have any number of stegadons grouped together and it would only take up 1 rare spot for 1 player. They have to start the game within 6" of one another, but you could make a unit of 30 kroxigors or 15 sallys or whatever you had points and models for. You could also do the same for lords and hero choices. So 5 Slann would be in a "unit" and would only count for 1 lord choice but would most likely take up 2000+points. Normal restrictions apply for magic item usage. And the models do not have to target the same thing in the instance of Stegadons, Sallys or the Slann, they just start the game together.
    it sounds really cool and is supposed to get everyone's models out on the board as well as incentive to go buy multiples of rare, special and hero choices when 1 or 2 used to do.
    There is a good thread about it on warseer.
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    A unit of Slann sounds awesome...however I'd hate to think what kind of carnage 15 sallies would do! :bored:
  5. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    The WD was awsome. and a massive unit of slaan would be to but id rather have a massive unit of stegs because you can stick some priests on there backs and a chief (for leadership). And even though skinks aren't that accurate i think so much firepower could cripple any unit if combined with magic and the steg charge.
  6. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    Sounds like Fantasy does Apocalypse.

    Well Krox can be any size (the book says 3+) so you could field a giant unit of 15 Krox anyway (if you so wished)

    For me it would have to be a load of stegadons. I always think they get shot or run away before they can do anything but a group of about 6 of them would be sweet as you could give s kink chief with steagdon helm to one to keep the whole lot around for longer.

    Saying that, 15 salamanders sounds pretty cool too.
  7. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    In thinking back I might have read the article wrong, It may be only monstrous "mounts" that you can group into units under those rules with the lords/heroes on them not necessarily the lords/heroes themselves without said mounts. So a pack of Carnys would be ok with oldbloods on them but not a pack of oldbloods on foot or on coldones. Therefore I don't think a unit of Slann would be possible, but I could be wrong. I don't have the WD in front of me anymore, loaned it to someone, so if somebody with it could check on that and post I'd appreciate it.
    A herd of stegadons coudl steamroll through an entire army with all those impact hits, terror and a little luck!

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