AoS knights make right

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by KoulaqKhan, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    Hey all,

    Putting together a 1k list for a tournament and thought I would ask thoughts on a couple variations of my list. I have a typical way I like to build the list around and so won't be moving that much but open to opinions on how it will fair or substitutions. That being said here is the lists main parts:

    Saurus Scar Vet on Cold One - General -(Coronal Shield/recticies) -100
    Skink Star Priest -80
    Skink Priest - cloak of feathers and (prism/rectices) -80

    Saurus Knights x5 -100
    Saurus Knights x5 -100
    Saurus Knights x10 -200

    Firelance Starhost -110

    total: 770

    Additionally I am thinking about

    Saurus Guard x5 -100
    Skink Starpriest - 80
    Razordon x1 - 40


    Saurus Guard x5 -100
    Skink Chameleons - 120


    Troglodon -180
    Razordon x1 - 40

    What do you guys think?
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I kinda like the Troglodon. Reasoning behind that:
    Its bravery debuff stacks with the Knight banner, it is fast enough to keep up with the Knights, the unbind can be helpful and with the buffs from the Priest and/or the Starpriest it is decent to do some damage at 1k.

    Another possibility would be a unit of 40 Skinks. They can also keep up with the Knights and they would add some wounds and shooting.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    I like the troglodon especially cosmetically but the last time I ran the list in a friendly local tournament I felt that he was lacking. Couldn't really make back his points in a fight and get too close and he can easily get bumped. The only nice thing is people took him for target priority and that helped the army do what it needed too.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    The other pro is that the troglodon is a nice center piece with this as the alternative is just knights riding into the sunset and that gives a nice big piece to look at. I am just not sure he is effiecient enough. Alternatively I don't know that the 1 unit of guard would be any better, they really need a 2nd wound each to be viable in a 5 man group. Same thing goes for the Chameleon skinks though they do get mobility bonuses and a nice several shots. Maybe then a skink unit would be best or what about some allies in SCE like the archers?
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    Well, I went with Troglodon and Razordon because the Troglodon looked so good all painted up. I ended up going 2-1 for the vanguard tournament and being dead middle of the road (25/56) at Adepticon 1k evening event.
  6. Grayson Halladay
    Jungle Swarm

    Grayson Halladay New Member

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    congrats on your wins, i like knights so i like to see them do well.
    I may try this out at my FLGS.
  7. Carrp

    Carrp Member

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    Long time Lizardman player here who's looking to rebuild his force (been focused on death for a long while now).
    This list is really interesting to me, anything you would change in the future with it? Was the solo razordon helpful?
    Also has anyone successfully mounted a Scar Veteran on a Dracoth? Seems like an obvious and awesome conversion
  8. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    Well at 1000 points there is not much flexibility for changes but if you wanted to change things up your main area would be the troglodon/razordon for 220 points. Everything serves a purpose though so really it comes down to playing and understanding the knights and knowing where they will shine and where they will fall. That being said I have thought about stripping the core a bit and putting a Bastilidon with Ark in there but then you will really be stretched thin. Another option would be to use a EoTG but without Slann you have to know he will be swingy. I have found the Troglodon does approximately the same and the Razordon is a nice little boost for that extra shot. (also you could ally in a Gryph Hound in his stead too but he would be more of an objective camper)

    Also that conversion sounds sweet but I don't play SCE so have no extra dracoths. I would like to see it though!
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As much as like ScarVet on CO, i believe a carno will have a greater impact.
  10. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    Actually I will have to disagree. The Carno is good so don't get me wrong but he just doesn't impact the Knights as well and without multiple Carnos I find they can get gunned down quick with little buffing impact- and in an army that relies on synergy losing buffing potentially definitely impacts the larger game.

    To put the numbers to it, Knights get 1 attack each, 1 shield/bite, and 2 cold one bites. With the ScarVet on Carno you can get an additional attack on the roll of a 6+ which is good but unfortunately we don't have anything that gives us a +1 to hit(other than Skink Starseer and 1 model getting that +1) so that means in a group of 5 you only can expect 1 more attack (base squad has 6 dice because leader gets an extra attack with maul/lance). Additionally, this power only affects 1 targeted unit so you are all eggs in one basket. On another note though I have to say this power in a bloodclaw battalion supporting the ScarVet on ColdOne is rather good as it helps them peak even more damage but I digress....

    Alternatively, the knights with ScarVet on Old One gives every Saurus unit within 8'' his power which allows rerolls of 1s on HIT, charge and run. Furthermore it generates 1 more attack for the cold ones to bite. That means scaling up (I always run a squad of 10) you are doing 3 attacks per cold one (30 in total) and typically add the serpent staff in there for those 2 damage bites. Plus hitting on 3+ rerolling 1s means most of those 30 make it through and have a chance at the extra damage point if you make the 4+ wound.

    All in all, the Carno is good, he has excellent attacks and the blood roar couples well with the knights banner for a Bravery Bomb but ultimately he sticks out too much and doesn't provide enough buff to make the knights attacks count. On the other hand, you don't sacrifice much for the ScarVet on Coldone being only 100 points and unless your opponent knows your rules well he is likely to not get destroyed too quickly and adds a huge boon to your attacks.

    Lastly, (sorry this is so long) I think a lot of people look at Firelance as a MW output and while it is that, I would say you want to focus more on the amount and quality of the attacks than the MW. They will never MW spam but they will overwelm an opponent in sheer weight of attacks that CAN generate MW as well as double damage. On top of that, they can be good survivors with 2 wounds each and a -1 to hit with Summon Starlight or +1 save and nobody expects much from them because most people write them off as being not efficient and let them be which is a bad mentality to bring to the game. Surprise and out playing people to objectives wins the game especially when someone didn't realize they are about to roll against 30 Cold One bites.
    Seraphage likes this.
  11. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    I forgot to add, at 1000 points the Carno is a point sink in my opinion as he is powerful but doesn't do alot to help the army as a whole. Alternatively, I found the Troglodon, while not as punchy as the Carno, does help with Bravery Debuff and draws enemy fire. Darwing Fire though is perfects as it keeps heat off of the more important things and can potentially tie stuff up for several turns.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    My esperienze is exactly the opposte.
    At 1000 points knights and General on cold one simply don't bring enough melee power to the table.
    A list with carno, on the contrary, gave me victories that i wasn't able to obtain.
  13. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    I suppose just from a killy stand point he would do alot of work in 1k but he doesn't do synergies really as he only effects 1 unit a turn. That being said, if you are just looking for a beast in Combat he will do a great job but at that point you don't want to waste your time on Knights, might as well bring basic skink units to babysit objectives.

    him basic in firelance is 650 ( 240+110+3x100) and then you need to a priest in there and starpriest = 810, but groups of 5 knights don't destroy targets like a group of 10 =910, then maybe another priest or 2x razordon? I suppose that could work but you better be good at rolling at that point.

    Alternatively I would put him with 2 skink groups and maybe a bastilidon and that would be a tough list.

    I guess it's tomatoe/tomoto situation- pick your poison.
  14. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    hmmm Now you have me thinking about a Carno/Bastilidon 1k list....

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