Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums and kinda new to warhammer in general. I was wondering what's the best paint remover that you've come accross for plastic models?
There's a brand of household cleaner called Simple Green that works really well. If you can't find any, try some everyday Brake Fluid.
DETTOL, DETTOL and more DETTOL. Doesn't melt plastic! Strips metal fine! Just stick 'em in some Dettol overnight, then attack models with an old paintbrush. Then paint in your new super cool colour scheme/ technique. Hope this helps, Bez P.S. Remember to use rubber gloves as Dettol has a nasty habit of killing skin cells!
You might want to use an old toothbrush rather than paintbrush with the dettol method, it does work well but requires a bit of scrubbing. The toothbrush has courser bristles. I don't know about gloves, dettol is an antiseptic it is used to clean skin... I've never had any trouble with it on the skin. Whatever you try (and brake fluid also does work well) keep in mind a lot of them melt or weaken superglue bonds as well so you might need to do some regluing, and some will melt/soften the plastic so use an old test model or a bit of sprue first to make sure it is safe.
Simple Green does work pretty well. You can search YouTube for some examples of people who have stripped with Simple Green. I want to mention that it is bio-degradable and so is "safe" for use in your sink and requires no special disposal.
Woops! little typo there! I meant to say toothbrush but it came out as paintbrush! Hope I didn't cause any confusion. Soz, Bez