Poll: Who would win out of the five Lego Big Figures in the video?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Apr 21, 2018.


Which of these Big Figs would win?

  1. The Cave Troll (Middle Earth)

    0 vote(s)
  2. The Goblin King (Middle Earth)

    1 vote(s)
  3. The Hulk (Marvel)

    4 vote(s)
  4. The Rancor (Star Wars)

    0 vote(s)
  5. The Wampa (Star Wars)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I was trawling through YouTube the other day and I found this interesting debate about which character would win in a fight out of five of the ones represented by Lego Big Figures:

    I thought it would be fun to recreate such a debate here, as there are quite a lot of Lego fans here from what we've seen of one of @ravagekitteh's threads. Furthermore, it'll also attract Star Wars, Middle-Earth and Marvel fans so I imagine that it caters for more or less all of our regular forum visitors!

    This is just five of all the Lego Big Figs around - if it was a debate about which Lego Big Fig would win, I would say definitely Smaug - he is not only several times bigger than any of the ones represented here, even the Rancor, but he is also about ten times as intelligent as any of the ones represented here. However, the debate is limited to just these 5 characters, so as great a character as Smaug is, he isn't an option here.

    I won't tell you my vote yet until some more votes have appeared on the poll.

    In any case, I hope you all enjoy it (and this is just the beginning @NIGHTBRINGER :p)!
    Warden likes this.
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Of all of them, Hulk is the only one not to have been relatively easily defeated in his relevant media (the MCU). He also gets more powerful the more you hurt him, and of course he was the first ever Lego Big-Fig. He gets my vote.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Although the Cave Troll wasn't exactly easy for the Fellowship to defeat. Also with the Wampa Luke cut off its arm but he stupidly ran out into the freezing cold afterwards so the fight wasn't complete (although if Luke had been brave and intelligent enough he could have finished the Wampa off easily).
    Warden likes this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Going with the Hulk (only because Batman isn't on the list :D)
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    But you have to give reasons to why you think the Hulk would be able to beat all the others on the list, not just because he's a superhero. Who do you think would be the easiest for him to take out? Who would be the hardest for him to beat? That sort of thing.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My vote clearly goes to the Hulk as well.
    Here is why:

    All of the others can rather easily be defeated. The troll dies because of an Arrow to the head.
    The Rancor dies pretty quickly too if you think about it. Just a metal gate to the neck. That wouldn't even remotely be able to kill the Hulk.
    I would say the Wampa is the weakest one. All of the others would easily kill it, I am sure about that. It looks like it is neither intelligent nor strong enough.
    The Goblin King isn't very impressive either In fact I don't even remember how he was killed...

    About strength:
    The Hulk can _throw_ a ~60 tons main battle tank around. He can jump several hundred meters far. At least. That alone proves he is orders of magnitude stronger than all the other ones, who are pretty sluggish as well, which the Hulk is definitely not.
    The Hulk can punch through metal. The metal grates in Jabba's palace or the stones of the fortress walls in LotR would not be able to keep him from just going on a rampage there.
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Which one is built out of the most bricks? :angelic:

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    There really isn't even a competition here... the hulk would wins hands down. The Hulk could beat the rest of the group combined... and easily at that. None of the others could even hurt him. He is many times more powerful, more durable and faster. He could one shot kill any of them.

    Unless you consider the scenario where the Hulk reverts back into Bruce Banner, he would kill Smaug with ease. Smaug was taken down by essentially a bolt thrower (which would have done nothing to the Hulk). The only chance that Smaug would have is to fly away and come back to kill Bruce Banner.
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Not necessarily. The only reason Smaug was killed by Bard with the Black Arrow was because of his teeny tiny weak spot, which is virtually invisible on his huge body and only existed when Smaug destroyed Dale and Girion knocked one of his scales off. If the Black Arrow hit anywhere other than that weak spot it would have done nothing to him. In any case, Smaug is much more intelligent than Hulk, he wouldn’t give the Hulk a chance to engage him in melee in the first place - Smaug could just incinerate Hulk instantly in one gout of flame and that would be it. If Smaug can incinerate Dwarves in full plate armour, he can also incinerate the vulnerable green flesh of Hulk.

    I’m honestly surprised by how many of you are going for Hulk here - in the YouTube comments people are primarily divided between the Hulk and the Rancor with a few here and there saying the Goblin King or the Cave Troll.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think the most important thing is to establish what version of the Hulk we are talking about. Like many comic book characters his power level varies greatly depending on the author at the helm. There is also a great deal of variation between the mediums of comic books, tv shows and movies.

    Here are some of his feats:

    Using the current MCU Hulk might be the best approach. He is not the strongest or the weakest version, and probably the one people are most familiar with. In that case, Smaug's breath would do absolutely nothing. Hulk is INCREDIBLY (pun intended) durable and has an extremely potent healing factor. Dragon fire would be ineffective against him. Consider that the Hulk easily stands up to modern day and even beyond modern day weaponry with ease. He is able to stand up to and defeat gods.

    In terms of intelligence, Smaug is obviously smarter than Hulk (though not Bruce Banner), so that would be an small advantage in Smaug's favor. However, aside from hoping to catch the Hulk when in the form of Bruce Banner, it would give him no practical edge. And if we are using the movies as our baseline, then even attacking him when he is Bruce Banner would be ineffective (evidenced by Banner's flashback story of when he put a gun barrel in his mouth, pulled the trigger, and the other guy spit out the bullet). Smaug is also arrogant and would likely not register the danger from such a relatively small opponent until it was too late.

    Smaug has limitations while the Hulk's strength is limitless. Smaug can delay and annoy the Hulk, but the Hulk can kill Smaug... and very easily at that. The only thing Smaug could realistically do is continually fly away. I think you should re-watch the movies! This a good one too if you're intestested:

    As for the other characters in your poll, it isn't even close. There would be a greater chance of a 2 year old beating up Hafthor Bjornsson than any of them defeating Hulk. They wouldn't even be able to hurt him and he could kill any of them with a single strike. The Rancor died when a heavy door fell/closed on him... that would have just angered the Hulk and he would have smashed it to pieces. It is not even a close battle.
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yes... probably the main reason I know so little about Hulk's power is because I've only ever seen the 2008 version of Hulk and have never read any Marvel comics... which I know is pretty shameful. :oops:

    Certainly the Thor vs Hulk would be fun to see, as Thor is as you know my favourite and the only Marvel superhero I know much about.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I love that movie! It really shows the essence of the Hulk.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    For those interested, here is my order, from most powerful to least:
    1. HULK
    2. Rancor
    3. Cave Troll
    4. Wampa
    5. Goblin King
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I would swap 4 and 5 but otherwise agree.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That Goblin king seemed pretty incompetent in the movie.
  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Really? I would put the Goblin King above the Cave Troll and the Wampa because he is the most intelligent of all the characters there. The only reason he was made to look incompetent in the films was because he didn't know of the power of Glamdring. Glamdring is one of the Middle Earth versions of Lightsabers along with Orcrist, Sting and Anduril - they can cut through more or less anything so no wonder the Goblin King was killed by Glamdring. The Goblin King did know how strong Orcrist was and wisely stayed out of its way but he didn't know Glamdring was just as powerful. If he had he would have calculated his ambush differently to avoid this. Additionally if Gandalf hadn't had Glamdring with him the Goblin King's ambush would have been perfectly timed to block the company's escape and could have spelled doom for them right there and then. The Goblin King isn't stupid, far from it - he is the most cunning and scheming of all the characters in the list. He knows a good deal when he sees it because he makes sure that his people profit from handing Thorin's Company over to Azog and he's able to see past the Dwarves' lies about 'visiting their relations'. He's also one of the most skilled with his weapon of choice - his pick axe/sceptre - of the lot as in the 'Down down to Goblin Town' scene he is able to deftly pick up a Goblin with his weapon and throw him away - would the Cave Troll, Rancor or Wampa be able to do that with such precision? I don't think so. The Wampa and Rancor aren't even sentient for a start and the Cave Troll has very limited sentience and mostly relies on just being able to smash things with its strength and has little actual skill at all. The Goblin King himself is just as strong as the Cave Troll so he could beat the Wampa easily and the Cave Troll he could defeat through brains over brawn, as the Cave Troll is pretty unintelligent. He also has very thick blubbery skin that would mean the claws of the Rancor and the Wampa would inflict only superficial damage - his skin can only be cut easily by 'super swords' like Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting. The Rancor would be considerably harder for him to beat as it is much bigger and considerably stronger, and would probably win in a straight-out punch-up between the two, but the Goblin King wouldn't get himself into such a 'fair' fight anyway - he would probably wait for the Rancor to pass by him before leaping at it from behind and staving in its head with his pick axe - the Rancor was killed by an iron door after all so the Goblin King's pick could inflict similar amounts of damage if it targeted the right areas.

    As such, my list would be:
    Goblin King
    Cave Troll

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    I think we are watching different movies you and I. The Goblin King seemed overweight, slow and incompetent. He is killed with ease, and any decent sword would have done the trick. I never got the impression that he was particularly durable or resistant to damage (a quick poke to the face with the staff seemed to hurt him quite a bit). Alternatively the cave troll demonstrated that he was capable of sustaining a huge onslaught. The LOTR fellowship had to direct some significant force against him in order to finally bring him down.

    As for the Rancor, the Goblin King is much too small to put up a fight. The Rancor would probably enjoy a tenfold strength and weight advantage. No contest.

    The Wampa is the only one he has a remote chance against. We really don't know much about the Wampa because it had such little screen time. It took the Tuantaun out in an instant, so it does have some offensive capabilities. Defensively we have absolutely no clue because he was up against a lightsaber, so he had no chance of shrugging off Luke's attack.
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Your arguments seem to be purely based upon the characters' performance in the films - mine are based upon everything - films, lore, e.t.c.

    Didn't you read what I put in my previous post? Glamdring is one of the few 'super swords' that are the equivalent of Star Wars lightsabers - of course the Goblin King isn't going to be able to stand up to it, the Balrog was killed with equal ease by Glamdring. All it took was for Gandalf to stab the Balrog once to mortally wound it. This took more time to do because the Balrog is obviously more skilled than the Goblin King and continually evaded Gandalf's strikes until Gandalf stabbed it once fully in the chest, but one strike was still all that was needed to kill it - that's how powerful Glamdring is. In the Strategy Battle Game the Goblin King gets a 3+ save thanks to his thick blubbery hide against anything except Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting purely because they are these 'super swords', and although the Strategy Battle Game isn't as good as it used to be, I still believe it gives accurate representations of the Middle Earth characters. Think of the Goblin King's skin as being like that of an elephant seal or walrus - thick and difficult to pierce thanks to the sheer amount of body fat he's developed.

    Also the Cave Troll was equally as slow - the Fellowship were running rings around him and it took just a single arrow from Legolas to kill it by going through the mouth and into the brain. Furthermore, the Cave Troll was pretty stupid unlike the Goblin King - intelligence is more use in a fight than you think. The Goblin King could easily outwit him by tricking him into blundering over a cliff or something.

    Probably the only one that I agree with you about being a struggle for the Goblin King would be the Rancor, but then the Rancor could beat the Cave Troll and the Wampa just as easily. Probably the only way the Goblin King could win would be by again outwitting it - after all, Luke outwitted the Rancor and he wasn't the brightest character in the world.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    For the most part this is correct. However, I don't believe that the Goblin King displays any real fighting prowess in the novel either (though I could be wrong, since it has been a good number of years since I read it).

    As for other material, that is much less important. Novel > Films >>> everything else.

    I did read your previous post which is why I pointed out that "any decent sword would have done the trick". I'm not denying that Glamdring is special, but rather that it wasn't required in the slaying of the Goblin King. Prior to the sword strike, Gandalf bops the Goblin King on the nose/face with his staff. It was not a particularly powerful strike and was delivered one handed without any windup. The Goblin King's reaction would indicate that he isn't much more resilient to damage than you or I. That strike would have done nothing to a cave troll and likely very little to a wampa. Furthermore, that strike is insignificant compared to the blunt force trauma that something with the strength of a cave troll could dish out.

    A single arrow?... did you even watch the movie? That is the biggest misrepresentation of an event that I have seen in a long while. Here is a rundown of the strikes the cave troll takes on screen:
    • arrow to the chest (Legolas)
    • thrown ax to the chest (Gimli)
    • 2 arrows shot to the torso (Legolas)
    • arrow to the top of the head (Legolas)
    • sword strike to the hand (Frodo)
    • spear thrust to the torso/gut (Aragorn)
    • rock thrown to the face (one of the hobbits)
    • multiple sword strikes to the head (Merry and Pipp)
    • 2 sword strikes (Gandalf)
    • 2 ax strikes (Gimili)
    • stab (sword) to the back of the neck (Merry/Pipp)
    • mortal arrow wound as you described (Legolas)

    Legolas' arrow was merely the final killing blow in a very long and hard fought battle. The cave troll withstood a huge amount of punishment that would have likely killed all the characters in your poll other than the hulk of course.

    The cave troll is not what I would define as a fast creature, but it still looks to be magnitudes quicker than that bumbling Goblin King. Also intelligence will typically play only a small part unless the characters are given sufficient time to plan & prepare, or they get fortunate by having an environmental feature they can take advantage of. It would be highly dependent on the parameters of the fight. You are much smarter than a Lion, but if I put you into a gladiatorial arena with nothing but your wits against said Lion you would die just the same. On the other hand, if you had time to plan and prepare a trap, then things might go differently. Intelligence might afford you with the ability to identify a weakness or pattern of attack, but it can only do so much. With such a large mismatch in fighting capabilities, the fight would be over too quickly for it to come into any real sort of practical use.
  20. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Is this the same sort of Cave troll that turned to stone when Gandalf shone a light on it?

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