7th Ed. Chakax

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by denixrelic, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. denixrelic

    denixrelic New Member

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    is he worth it.

    if so whats the best way to use him without a slann.
  2. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    My LGS owner runs him and loves him, but he does so in a unit of Temple Guard with a Slann. To me, he really only seems worth it with a Slann. If you like the model I'd say get it, because it is a great model and you can still use it as an Oldblood, Scar-Veteran, or Revered Guardian even if you are not fielding him as the named character.
  3. denixrelic

    denixrelic New Member

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    ya i decided to run the model as a Scar-Vet too go along with my Oldblood.

    the reason i asked is cuz i got a free chakax model from a local gw staff(i ran a mega battle for hie cuz he was busy)
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I think the character is too expensive and will definitely make your TG unit a huge point sink. Not really worth it. As a model though, he just looks way too cool to leave behind. I'm using him as a RG.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    For a mega dethstar unit put him in big temple guard unit
    with a tooled up TG champ full comand and Lord Kroak.
    and just march them straight up the middle of the table. :smug:

  6. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    This is pretty much what our LGS owner does, but with a regular Slann, not Kroak. It's pretty darn effective.
  7. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    The model is awesome looking. But if your not running a Slann in your army (as you origonally suggested) what about the other hero level special character? He's the same points cost with the same stat line but with more killyness to him as apposed to the ultimate bodyguard rules.
  8. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    If you mean Gor-rok, which I suspect because he seems to fit your description, perhaps you should take a second look in the codex... he's 120 points less expensive than Chakax. Just a slight difference... :D
  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    gah...I really need to bring my army book to work with me...just no one tell my boss!

    Yeah, 120 points less is a bit of differance (thank you, I did mean Gor Rok). So yeah, same nice stat line but more character/unit killy. Though I suspect you might have a chance of making a better unit killer if you just used magic weapons/armour with a standard scar vet.
  10. StarFyre

    StarFyre Member

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    My thoughts ON Chakax from a review of special characters I added what I found (note: this is what I found by using him; others would obviously think different).

    Strengths: cool model, strong, goes first, 1 of the most powerful overall heroes in the game, can defeat most heroes, has a ward save that many heroes do not, grants look out sir reroll
    Weaknesses doesn't do what he is supposed too (see below), cost expensive (see below), must challenge (there are times when you'd not want to do that), only useful in a temple guard/slann unit and which point, the unit is VERY expensive

    Comments: I will rate him from my several times of using him... he isn't good enough. THe issue is, everyone knows how good/powerful he is. Due to that, no one who has even 40% of skill, will charge that unit with a hero. Every game i've played, i've had ogre tyrant lords, chaos lords, elves on dragons, etc all charging that unit to kill him and do as much damage as possible. The issue I see, is lords have better equipment than he does, yet lords are what he will be facing most of the time. He isn't a good enough bodyguard for that. What he needs, IMHO to make him worth taking and cool, is his weapon needs to act like a nullstone vs ALL enemy magic items (Not just weapons). That way he can nullifys ome of the stuff that makes lords so tough. For example, archaon, a lord on a dragon, settra, etc would still probably kill him BUT he has a better chance at least if he can get rid of the enemies items that give them better ward saves, etc. The way he is now..he always dies to a lord. I gave up on him since in every game i've used him, once he did 2 wounds to an enemy...every other time..he has done 1 or died without getting past the enemy's ridiculous armour save, or ward save, etc. If he was cheaper and got rid of some of his abilities, he wouldn't be useful at all for what his purpose is....He's already the most expensive hero special character and possibly even taking into account regular heroes with items (he is more costly than a nurgle hero). Making him a bit more costly but making him infinitely more useful would have been better.

    Effectiveness: As above..5/10. He is good against heroes, and units with no characters, but useless against any semblance of a smart opponent or tougher armies (in terms of their characters) (chaos, demons, vampires, ogres, etc)

    Point Effectiveness: I put 5/10 since my view is he needs to be made better...not worse and cheaper... since I don't view many to use him if he is cheaper and has less powers, BUT if he was better, at least some would use him...


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