Greetings from Neo44

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Neo44, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Neo44
    Jungle Swarm

    Neo44 New Member

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    Hi All

    I have been in the hobby for about a year now, and have collected about 4k of the tricksy wood elves:)

    Desiring a change (Ie-wanting to collect an army that did not faint at the sight of a wet dish cloth and wanting to stay on the 'good' side of the fence I have opted for Lizards.

    Haven't got any yet but I am currently using friends and am having a heap of fun, cant wait to get some of my own and begin to smash face to good old fashioned way (that is, charge forward and smash them, not hide behind trees and throw arrows at the foe!)

  2. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    Hi Neo!

    Welcome to the forums, you'll like it here!
    It has been remarked frequently that LM players also collect elf armies, I myself have been more than tempted to collect a WE army on more than one occasion!

    Hope ya like your stay here and kill a few Ratmen for me!

    Cheers, Bez
  3. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    Welcome aboard, Neo. I am new here myself, and loving it. I'd say welcome to the jungle, but I play Lizardmen from the Copper Desert on the Southwestern side of Lustria. At any rate, glad to see you discovered not only Lizardmen but Lustria-Online. Enjoy your stay!

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