AoS It's crazy, but it just might work...

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Christopher, May 28, 2018.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Nah, it won’t work. But it is crazy.

    Real life has intervened in the form of the dayjob and various household and familial duties, and I have not painted a single solitary model in over a week. So now I’m not going to have time to get the lists I’d originally planned on painted up for my first tournament this weekend in Nashville.

    So, I have written a list containing all my painted models and some I think I can get painted up (twenty Skinks and three Ripperdactyl Riders) and it came up to 1990 points.

    We’re actually required to bring two lists to the tournament, but the differences between them can be as simple and small as swapping out Artefacts or Command Traits, so I’ll probably just change the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur over to Thickly Scaled Hide for my #2 list and call it a day.

    I’ll spend this week painting the remaining models, coming up with some kind of display board, and studying the five Battleplans we’ll be playing with an eye toward having some kind of initial strategy for each, given my wackadoodle army roster.

    My goals for the weekend, beyond having a great time, meeting new people, and learning a lot, were originally to achieve one victory and score twenty of the available twenty-five sports points, and I think I’ll stick with that. After all, with five games in the offing, my dice will have to be preternaturally hot in at least one of them, right? Probability allows for that!

    Here’s the list! It was carefully built around the classic strategy of “what looks like it would be fun to paint next?”

    Play Type: Matched Play
    Game Type: Battlehost (2000 points)
    Grand Alliance: Order
    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (280) [12]
    --Command Trait: Mighty War Leader
    --Artefact: Blade of Realities
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) [6]
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140) [7]
    --Artefact: Coronal Shield
    Skink Starpriest (80) [4]
    5 Saurus Guard (100) [5]
    --Alpha Guardian
    --Stardrake Icon
    10 Skinks (60) [10]
    --Meteoric Javelins and Star-bucklers
    Troglodon (180) [12]
    Razordon (40) [3]
    3 Salamanders (120) [9]
    3 Skink Handlers (40) [3]
    Shadowstrike Starhost (170)
    --Warscroll Battalion
    Skink Priest (80) [4]
    --Cloak of Feathers
    40 Skinks (200) [40]
    --Boltspitters and Star-bucklers
    10 Skinks (60) [10]
    --Boltspitters and Star-bucklers
    6 Ripperdactyl Riders (280) [18]

    Reinforcement Points: 0
    Wounds: 143
    Models: 84
    Leaders: 5 of 6
    Battleline (3+): 4
    Artillery: 2 of 4
    2 of 4
  2. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    It's a bit all over the place, but I'm not pointing out anything you didn't know already :p I think you could very well take the occasionnal game with a bit of tactics / luck, but that's pretty much what Warhammer is in the end! I wish you good luck and have fun!
    Christopher likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Depending on the objectives, shadowstrike could win you a game and if your dice are hot you never know.
    Christopher likes this.

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