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7th Ed. 1000 points friendly, got some spare points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by speedygeko, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    hi ive made a list to play against possibley O&G or maybe somthing else
    i have about 100 points to spend, ad aswell as all of these modela i have more skinks, the rest of a battalion and £28 wich is about $50 or 40 euros to spend

    Saurus scar-vet 143
    Light armour, shield, scimitar of the sun resplendent
    Skink priest 150
    Lv2, 2 dispel scrolls

    14 Saurus warriors 186
    Spears, musician, standard bearer
    10 skink skirmishers 70

    6 chameleon skinks 72

    Ancient stegadon 275

    Total 896
    Geko :smug:
  2. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    I would say combine the priest and the stegadon for an EotG and some skink skirmishers would help you out a lot. Two groups of 10 and the EotG will probably get you up to 1000 or so.
  3. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Imo lvl 2 won't do any good, chances are you wont roll any decent spells and even if you do you won't get many successful casts with only 3 dice casts. LvL 1 with Diadem and scroll is far more effecient.
    Personally I never deploy spear saurus in 5 wide ranks, 6 tend to be more effective. If you find pts for 2 more warriors and a cold one for your scar-vet you could make a 3x6 unit. I also would suggest the answer to all problems, "moar skinks". 10 skirmishers are great but poison doesnt really become truly effective until you stack it (which is true for shooting overall), 2x10 would be excellent. If you drop the lvl on the wizzy you can spend your remaining 140 pts on another 2 units of skinks, but that might be a little overkill, boosting the saurus a little and getting 10 more skinks skirmishers might be a better choice.

    Why take an ancient 275 steg when you can give the priest an engine for 290? The engine boost your magic lvl which means lvl 2 suddenly becomes more viable (4 DDs 5 PDs for 1000 pts ain't bad). It also provides excellent anti-shooting defence and great anti-armor damage with the alignment. Other than that it looks pretty great, lots of people tend to overstack characters in low pts.
  4. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Your Scar vet looks great, though for ten points you can give him better armour with an Enchanted shield. For the priest it really matters what you intend to use him for. If you want to cast then combin him with the ancient Steg w/ EotG and give him the rod of storm. If you wanna go anti-magic (which is what I assume since your going with 2 x ds) I would drop him to lvl 1 and give him the diadem.

    Definately add another unit of skink skirmishers. Herasser units are invaluable and since you only have one unit which is any kind of effective in CC you need to be able to direct your charges how it would best serve you...on the flank or rear.

    These are an excellent choice for most people. I'm not overly fond of scouts but many people like them. The only thing I would suggest differantly though would be a unit of three Terradons. They are great at march blocking and warmachine killing.

    Like I said before, if your gonna go magical with your priest combine your A. Steg with him. If not then I would drop the ancient and simply go with a regular steg or drop him and get a couple of salamanders w/ extra handlers for some horrific shooting.
  5. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    lvl 1 priest with diadem seems wrose than a scroll instead of the diadem. 1 extra dispell dice is hardy worth losing a spell, i advise against lvl 1 with diadem, a lvl 2 with diadem might get a spell off once in a blue moon bu he should be combined with an eotg for 6 DD or jus a lvl 1 with 2x scrolls thats only 3 DD
  6. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Ah, sorry. I didn't mean diadem. I was refering to that magic item that allows you to retain power dice for dispel dice in your apponent's magic phase. Sorry for my confusion!
  7. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    no, thats the diadem of power. but it only allows to store the dice of the caster so a lvl 1 pries cound store 1 die while a lvl 2 could store 2, thats why it only has half the effect on a lvl 1
  8. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Good point, which is why I suggested the diadem on a lvl 1 on the EoTG. Also its impossible to add an enchanted shield to the scar vet as his magic item point limit is reached, but adding a coldone would give a signigicant armor increase, assuming you have a model for him.
  9. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    ok ive taken in to account all of the advice and ive made a few, changes

    Saurus scar-vet 143
    Light armour, shield, scimitar of the sun resplendent
    already got maximum number of magic items who ever said give him ES
    Skink priest 440
    Engine of the gods, Lv2, diadem of power, dispel scroll
    i had to go through the trouble of re assembling my already pained steg then chopping the poor little preist off his base then sticking him on his new chair so this better be worth it :)
    14 Saurus warriors 186
    Spears, musician, standard bearer

    11 skink skirmishers 77

    6 chameleon skinks 72

    Razordon hunting pack 80
    Extra handeler
    chose razordon over salie because of orcs lack of armour but also they have low LD so im undecided. im going to town later in the week so if any one thinks a salie would be better tell me soon
    Geko :smug: :smug:
  10. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    salamanders and razordons both have theirups and downs, and i personally think they work well together (that's why i have both), though you will have most of the forum cascading down on you telling you go with salamanders.

    razordons are great for picking off small units of fast cavalry and skrimishers essentially making them harrasser killers, and one way i like to use them is as escorts for my skink kroxigor unit (i run an all skink army), and if charged the enemy will suffer a hail of darts, and, if that fails, a counter charge of the unit that was escoted.

    salamanders are the ultimate harrasers of lizardmen, there main purpose is to taget lager bolck units with flaming attacks that will reduce armor save. i haven't had much experience with them yet, so i can't give you any tactics other then what i just said.

    i know that you only have one rare choice, so it will really come down to opponents army.

    hope this has helped.
  11. erians

    erians Active Member

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    In this thread there is a sallie vs razordon discussion at the end that sums them both up pretty well: http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3010 . Make sure to read the replies as there are a few razordon defenders in there (tho the majority, including me, takes salamanders over razordons any day of the week). You say you picked razordons because orcs lack armor, but don't forget panic tests. With a max LD of 8 in 1000 pts you will be able to cause some really scary panic tests.
  12. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    Indeed! Nothing like seeing a fleeing unit panic another unit. You can get some fun wins without seeing too much combat if you really luck out!
  13. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    ok ill go for the sallie, ive had a couple of ideas
    get rid of chameleon skinks, swap didem of power and scroll for cube of darkness, get rid of 1 skink skirmisher and add a unit of 3 terradons- comes to 999

    better or worse Geko :meh:
  14. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Better, you've basically increased your magic potential while simultaniously getting more versitile and combat effective.
  15. erians

    erians Active Member

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    I happend to love cammo skinks, they always perform terrific for me, but their jobs can be done just as good with a combination of skinks and terradons, which are much less dependant on terrain, so as long as you have 1 scout or flyer you should be fine. Terradons are more versatile than cammo skinks anyway.

    Why drop diadem and scroll for the cube? There are no really threatening RiP spells and you have 4 PDs to dispel RiPs with in your turn. You need dispel dices and scrolls much more, either go single scroll, single diadem or use both, the cube is overpriced and only good if you struggle with RiP spells due to low amount of PDs.
  16. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    and against wampire or 15+ PD armies :p its nie to shut down 1/6 magic phases he has, even if its just a chance
  17. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    because otherwise id go over 1k and im not sure about the terridon\cham swap because i already have chameleon skinks (converted from normal skinks :) )but i dont have any terridons so that = lots of spending money if i buy a sallie aswell
    my only worry is that chameleon skinks may be quite hard for a newby player like me to use and i dont want my army to have to mank skinks (im more of a flying dinosaur kind of guy) :smug:

    thanks Geko
  18. erians

    erians Active Member

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    True, but a 50% chance of shutting it down means 1/12 phases, and if you are up against 15 PDs with 3 DDs then you will have some serious problems, with or without the cube....
    Don't be afraid to use the trickier units just because you are new to WH or LM, using them frequently is the only way to learn how to use them =). Terradons are awesome tho, and if you prefer them then by all means get them.

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