Monster Mash Vote thread

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Lord-Marcus, Jun 5, 2018.


Pick your favorite 3 entries, please explain your choices in a reply to the thread.

Poll closed Jun 12, 2018.
  1. Crowsfoot: Tlazcotl's Gaze

    1 vote(s)
  2. Ilkain - carnosaur

    1 vote(s)
  3. Ritual - squig gobba

    13 vote(s)
  4. Kalokagathia - oldblood on carnosaur

    3 vote(s)
  5. minho abernathy - stegadoom

    1 vote(s)
  6. Hieste - carnosaur

    0 vote(s)
  7. Batch - dread saurian

    2 vote(s)
  8. Warden - smoke frog the saurus oldblood

    5 vote(s)
  9. chickenlips - FUNKY COLD MADINA

    13 vote(s)
  10. Joshua Horchler - engine of the gods

    17 vote(s)
  11. tokek - scar vet on raptor

    3 vote(s)
  12. christopher - oldblood on carnosaur

    0 vote(s)
  13. Tom Nedge - ladybug the bastiladon

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Heiste

    Heiste Member

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    You guys all give me something to strive for. I'm definitely voting for Batch for his incredible Dread Saurian, must have taken ages. Chicken Lips *CHILLING* beastmen and, By far my personal favorite Joshua Horchler absolutely stunning Stegodon. As someone trying to learn highlighting and shading it is just way too much.

    Way to go everyone though! I might not win but this was a lot of fun and I'm glad I got the motivation to paint and share it with everyone. I'm coming for all you paint aficionados.
    Warden and Joshua Horchler like this.
  2. MinhoAbernathy

    MinhoAbernathy Member

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    @Joshua Horchler @Chicken Lips and @ILKAIN Amazing work. ILKAIN with the bright blue carnosaur caught my eye, Chicken Lips with the tusked ice behemoth thing (wow), and Joshua with the stegadon that is infinity better then mine.
    Joshua Horchler and ILKAIN like this.
  3. Batch
    Cold One

    Batch Active Member

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    Going to have to insta vote @Joshua Horchler for his EoTG. I actually have made the Stegadon look exactly like his a few months back, but the level of detail of the howdah and the skinks is something I just won't be able to match. Excellent work.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Hahaha... one could have some much fun with this comment... if one were so inclined! :angelic:
    Blastoize and tom ndege like this.
  5. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    The fingers need something to do when they can't hold a brush... and the brush... well...
    Lord-Marcus and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  6. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    I'll provide feedback to everyone and then I will mention who I think are the best. Some of this feedback may sound overly critical, but I just had all my work reviewed by a eavy metal painter, so kind of in that place right now.

    @Crowsfoot - Yellow and purple are a good choice for complimentary colours, however I think the vibrancy of the yellow outshines the vibrancy of the purple a little too much, you could do with going just a touch more of a higher value purple on the scales. I think you missed opportunities to add some high contrast colours on the reigns of the dinosaur, you could have added some really bright impactful colours on the metallic bits to bring them out more, they look a little bland/part of the rope bit of the reigns currently. The throne is nice. I would say we could do with better photos, further back and from that golden angle to see the full piece, I think that would definitely up the number of votes you would receive - at the moment its very bitty and showing details, not the whole thing.

    @ILKAIN - Overall decent colour choices, the red blue and yellow (gold) work well together for their positions on the colour wheel. I think you need to take your painting to the next level now, look into washes and dry brushes and practise those. Again, look into the golden angle for how to get the best looking shot of your miniature, when in doubt - look at what GW have used for their box art.

    @Ritual - (Yes, I am feedbacking myself, deal with it) - Contrast. Contrast. Contrast. Needs to be turned up to 11. Missed a couple of little details which let the piece down.

    @Kalokagathia - Good colour choices for the most part, the vibrancy of the red and blue match nicely - however the red of the Carno blends into the base too much. Unfortunately the colour choice on the base does let the whole thing down as it blends all into one. The painting is technically quite good. Being very picky - but the throne could have done with a little bit of green stuff and sanding to get rid of that annoying join, and the grey looks a little bit flat for my liking.

    @MinhoAbernathy - A good start with obviously limited colour choices. I would advise thinning your paints and going slow with it, look into colour theory to pick the best colours for your miniature.

    @Heiste - Bright and vibrant, the pink is a bold choice which I like. I think you need to take your painting to the next level now, look into washes and dry brushes and practise those techniques next. Also, bases.

    @Batch - An ambitious choice, the skin colour is nice and does have a leathery looking texture in places. My biggest issue is that the piece overall lacks contrast, everything is a little too close together and it makes the thing as a whole look quite muted. The gold, red, and bone colour could do with all being up a little in vibrancy to help them stand out from each other.

    @Warden - Nice and vibrant as usual, it's certainly eye catching. The grey parts of it really don't work for me, they look very flat and the colour isn't quite right. The red and green really pull your eye though, so kind of saves it in that regard. The little conversions/additions are nice.

    @Chicken Lips - The base is nice, and there are some technically good elements to the piece. I'm being very critical here but it lacks any real contrast points so all kind of blends into one, you have to look hard to distinguish where the riders end and the beast begins, for example. The blue skin on the ogres is nice, but I think that the icey tusks look better, so perhaps to gain some contrast you could have tweaked the colour of the ogre skin to make them stand out more from the background. Taken individually, all the pieces of it are excellent - I think standing back and looking at it they just blend in a bit too much for my liking.

    @Joshua Horchler - This piece works wll because you have both contrast, and all the colours are in the same vibrancy range. The skinks are particularly nice. You have some nice blends and transitions on the skin tones and skinks, but then the horns have very harsh transitions with no blending - I think that could do with some work. Being very picky here - but it looks like you started red on the stegadon, and then highlighted up to orange which is a bit jarring in places. Overall, very nice.

    @Tokek - An interesting conversion and certainly a more "natural" looking piece, but is lacking a lot in terms of contrast.. The pictures are't that great which may well be letting you down.

    @tom ndege - Finish!!!

    @Christopher - Also finish!!!

    Overall a good set of entries, some technically very good ones. I think most could benefit from upping contrast a lot, checking their colour vibrancies match better, and looking into that golden angle for taking their photos.

    Also, build a light box for taking photos - you can do it for practically zero money.

    Finally, I have voted for:

    @Kalokagathia - despite being critical of your base, the scales do work nicely and your colour choices on the model itself are nice.

    @Warden - I just love the vibrancy, so bright. Shame about the grey, but from afar it works and the other colours really make it pop.

    @Joshua Horchler - The skinks swung it for me, they are lovely.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Thanks for the detailed summary of every piece.

    Taking on board what you have said I may go back and look at adding more detail etc.

    Could you do a detailed write up of your Eavy metal class and share some of the goodies you learnt? :)
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Joshua Horchler likes this.
  9. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    I'll put a few tips in my painting blog, there's just way too much to write it all down - it's basically "forget how you paint now and do it this way instead..." - it's completely mind blowing to witness how they paint.
    tom ndege and Crowsfoot like this.
  10. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Looks like I'm going to have to book on a course :rolleyes:
  11. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    They are going to try and run 2 more before the end of the year I believe, I'll be trying to book one as soon as they become available
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Others (especially Ritual) have already written most that I could say, so I won't go much into the details for all pieces this time.

    Nice entries everyone, some shine with creativity, some shine with pure painting precision, and some shine with both.

    Among those pieces of art up there in the opening post there are a few that are so good, I not only don't know how to paint like that, I am pretty sure that even if someone told me the recipes I wouldn't be able to paint like that. Pieces that leave me behind stunned about their quality.

    Among those I chose the three that combine the qualities I admire most together in one piece, and those got my votes.

    I voted for @Ritual, @Chicken Lips and @Joshua Horchler

    You complain a bit about your contrast, and I agree that you could increase it a bit in some areas. But look at it this way: Your _color_ contrast is awesome. You clearly know your way around a color wheel very well. The beautiful Forgeworld model is an advantage of course, but looking at your colors and the base that looks so natural I just cannot not vote for this piece.
    Third place in my book. :)

    @Joshua Horchler:
    The Engine of the Gods is a great model because it has so many details. The creativity lies in choosing which to paint and which to leave, and it is hard to not pick too many colors. I think you found the sweet spot there, allowing you to still have interesting high contrast bits and areas that draw attention to those.
    All in all I'd say you used contrast, color contrast (green Skinks contrasting with the neutral dark Howda and the red Stegadon) and highlighting really well. From very close those edge highlights look quite stark for my taste (I am not a huge fan of edge highlights because of that effect), but as soon as you view it on arms length you realize how great those are. I think the highlighting is where this model shines. You edge highlighted every scale and every crevice on the skin, every edge and every single one of those tiny triangles and gem stones. That's serious precision.
    I said it in other threads already, and I will say it again: I have not seen a lot of people who can do such transitions like you do them on your Skinks.
    Second place in my book. :)

    @Chicken Lips:
    You chose a model that I don't like. It is a hideous beast, ridden by even more hideous Ogres. And you made it look so good that I love the end result. I am very impressed by that.
    About the colors: You went for really cold colors and the piece makes me shiver despite the temperatures in my room on this sunny day. So the model lacks color contrast in some bits, a problem which you solved by increasing the general contrast. You played with dark shades, dark stones, and the white snow as well as with what seems to be like two dozen blue tones. I think the last time I heard of that many shades of blue was in a country song about heartbreak.
    First place in my book. :)

    Oh, and I want to quote somebody:
    Warden and Joshua Horchler like this.
  13. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    First off, I'd like to congratulate everyone on jobs well done! Seeing this many large-scale projects in one place is quite inspiring! Great work guys!

    Secondly, I'd like to point out the wonderful differences in styles that we see here. There are high-contrast models, subtle blended models and unique impressions of artistic style! Everyone has their individual preferences, whether they be bold, or subtly blended. In the end, it's up to what makes you happy.

    Me personally, prefer to go with a subtle blending of colors because I want to emote feeling with my art. While having a lot of high-contrast in a model can be very eye-catching and appropriate at times, I think that too many model painters rely on that table top impact of "color-in-yo-face" too much, instead of calling out detail with said contrast. That is at best a good table top standard. Something pretty to look at, but ends there. If you look at an object and it makes you feel something, then that's art. This is usually, much more difficult to achieve, but I highly recommend people give it a try. While the effect from one model may be nice, once you multiply it across an entire army, that effect is exponentially multiplied. Too many colors can make the army as a whole, become white noise.

    That being said, I thought I'd give my break-down on these models as Ritual did. I'll be rather harsh in this critique, but know that I appreciate all of these pieces!


    Your painting is very sharp and crisp. You're not afraid to think outside the box with your color selection instead of going with the standard way of doing things. Good job. Your base looks great. It makes me feel as though he is running through a meadow. Applicable to Lizardmen? Maybe. I think that you actually were a little too sharp with the yellow and purple in this case. If you had let it "bleed" over into both areas, that stark line could soften a tad, while keeping to your paint scheme. The forest green throne and weapons were a bit of an odd choice for me. Maybe it was simply an unexpected color choice for me, but it just didn't feel like stone. This is one area that using a contrasting highlight would work since a wash wouldn't pull out the depth of color any more and as is, looks a little flat. Could be the photos. I just can't really tell from the angles.


    This is a good start. I like the blues your chose as well as the cream colored belly. Consciously or not, you stuck with primary colors. There is just many areas that need finishing, the base, the teeth, the throne, they could all be taken to the next level.


    This is a lovely model. The bright orange Squigg spitter catches your eye nicely. Other details like the glazing on the "spit" brings a lot of texture to the model and you have paid some nice attention to some details like noses, etc. Now, this is being nit-picky, but there are areas that you didn't call out, like the loose skin under it's chin that need more attention. You could completely remove that part from the model and it wouldn't make an impact to your overall piece. I also like the forest texture you put on the base, but it could've used a wash and/or drybrush to call it out more.


    The scales on this model are some of the best in this competition. You did a great job subtly blending the varying tones. The rider looks good as well, the throne could use a little work, but the base is where it fails for me. You started on a great idea, but it feels like you pulled up just a little too short. The cracks could use some more color transition (or texture) and maybe try bleeding the grass over (in segments) instead of cutting a hard line. The body on the ground.....


    You need to finish. The pics aren't great, so it's a little difficult to see what's going on, but it looks like you just put one coat over grey plastic. Your paints are also a little too thin. They seem to be pooling in areas. On a model this large, you really need to prime it (black is my preference) so that your colors are a little more true to the shade you are going for. When doing small details, focus on your breathing. If you can brush in-between breaths, then you can keep a much more precise line. Also, if you make a mistake, you can always go back and touch up later. Drybrushing can really help with this as it will soften some of those lines.


    This is a good start and has a lot of potential. I think you need to do a bit more work on blending the scales as Kalokagathia did, and you also need to finish the base. Will he have a rider or are you just keeping him as a Carnosaur?


    I really like your skin-tone and subtle color choices. This model is big enough that you don't have to call attention to it with bright colors. It does that itself. I think that your base could use a little more work as well as the metal plates adorning him. Again, the model's size will make these details all that much more prevalent.


    This is a very bold choice, but with your artistic style of your buildings and terrain, it fits in perfectly. I also like the use of other "imbelishments" like the Triceratop horns. You could use a little more drybrushing in certain areas like on the throne.

    Joshua Horchler:

    This is a good model. I like the various fauna you put on your base. In my opinion, that's what makes the model. The highlighting certainly makes the model pop, but I don't care for the scales. I don't think you chose the right color there. Too much contrast can be as bad as too little. With a myriad of colors everywhere, it becomes difficult for the eye to focus on any one thing, wasting those details you did. That being said, the platform on the back is where this fails for me. You called out certain elements, like the blue and purple triangles and shields, but completely ignored other elements such as the carvings on the Eye of the Gods portal The transitions on the horns of the Stegadon are too harsh as well. A good drybrush could really improve this and soften those hard lines.


    This ALMOST works, but it still feels as though you stuck a model rider and throne on the back of a toy. Therefore, the paint of on the dino itself, is taken as just the paint job that comes with a plastic toy. The base is nice though. It could use a slight elevation variation (the base is very flat and too uniform), but overall very good.

    Tom Ndege:

    You're getting there! Just needs more work!


    I'm really liking where you are going with this. The greens are lovely! I'll be watching you develop this guy!

    Okay, I know that was long-winded, but I wanted to give you guys my critique and hopefully, provide you with something you haven't considered up to this point. Great job guys!!!
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
    Warden, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  14. MinhoAbernathy

    MinhoAbernathy Member

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    Thanks for the feedback @Chicken Lips and @Ritual I know I do have to step up my painting game and also get some more paints. I just have been limited by money. $7.00 for a small pot of paint just seems ridiculous to me. I have been buying off brand paints and realize that I have to get some real Citadel paints. I am getting the Base Paint set soon and will also get some seraphon-ish colors. I hope to enter the next competition!
  15. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You don't need Citadel paints there are other makes that are cheaper, Army painter, Vallejo, Scale 75 etc
    Ritual, MinhoAbernathy and Aginor like this.
  16. MinhoAbernathy

    MinhoAbernathy Member

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    Thanks! I will look into those.
  17. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Vallejo and P3 are where it's at, for sure.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  18. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Don't feel as though you have to get them all at once. Just buying 2-3 pot at a time, will eventually add up. That's what I did. Over the years, steadily adding to your collection, you'll get everything you want.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  19. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    And just to add to this you don't need ALL the paints, don't get suckered in and buy them ALL like someone I know did :rolleyes:

    I bet 50% of them have never been used in the 3 years I've had them.
    Blastoize and Chicken Lips like this.
  20. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Lol, about a year ago, I ran into my local GW store and my wife actually went in with me. I was just browsing the paints, getting a few refills while my wife sat on a stool. The manager came over to me and started trying to sell me on the "complete set" - a $750 value! I could see my wife on the other side of him as he talked, her eyes getting bigger and bigger all the time, and when he mentioned the cost, he mouth dropped open! Lol, it was all I could do to keep from laughing in his face! I had no intention of buying all that, especially since I already have most of them. After I told him that I wasn't interested, he admitted that he's never even sold one.
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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