First (real) post on the forums. Just started my lizzy army with a battalion box a skink regiment and a stegadon as well as some DE Cold Ones for converting. I am still a Warhammer newb, been playing/painting now for about 4-5monthis but on my Warriors of Chaos army and I wanted some variations and I just love Lizardmen so it had to be them =D I am going with a desert theme for my lizzys because I thought they would look cool like that and I am rather satisfied with the result so far. you be the judge if you like em or not =) So without further a due here is my two first Skinks =) : the champion is not yet flocked because I want more fine grained sand than the one I have now. The light sucked when I took the pics so they are much darker than in real life. gonna try to get brighter pics next time. More to come soon =D //b3rtil
Aside from the light, they look really cool! You should use either natural or white (fluorescent) light for pictures, not incandescent. Nice work though.
Cheers mate, and thanks for the tip about the lighting. At this moment I do not have the luxury to choose between lights and the light in my mates kitchen is kinda crappy. Hopefully we are moving to a larger place where we will be able to have both a hobby room and a game room with a nice gaming table =) So hopefully I will be able to put to gather some better photo "studio/booth" there. //b3rtil
Awesome I can so imagine that skink being the sole survivor of his unit to hold up a Hydra on insane courage (or something like that).
*Double post away!* Here is an small update of my Stegadon I have been working on in snail pace -_-; anyway hope you guys like the progress so far. Assembled: First layer of paint: Second layer of paint and washed: Until next time =D