AoS Tips required on beating IronJawz

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by TheCrux, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. TheCrux

    TheCrux Member

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    Hi all,

    I'm still a new player. I played my first 2k game at the weekend however my friend is much more experienced than me. Lets just say it didn't go well. He brought two battalions (MawKrusher included of course), was able to put them all down quickly and went first. He was able to buff his movement so much that most of his army was able to engage with mine. He wiped out around 1k of my army before I even had a chance to have my turn! Because he was killing units he could then move on to the next one before my guys could even fight back!

    Now that I've played him in a big match (I've played him in smaller matches before and won quite a few), I know where I went wrong in terms of setting up my army. However I was wondering what lists you guys would tend to use? I went with Slann, Engine and Shadowstrike. I've uploaded my list, I am making use of my limited supply of models, however I'm looking to purchase more, which is part of the reason I'm looking for help.

    Next time I was thinking Kroak (with confirmed new 2.0 rules being good for him) on Balewind with Shadowstrike (I'm purchasing another box of skinks and another box of rippers) . Then set up as far back as I can to stop him engaging on me turn 1.

    What are your experiences with dealing with IronJawz and what tactics/lists do you use?


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  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I have Ironjawz and although I am new to them they are slow and can easily be forced to spread out and lose buffs, your list lacks hard hitters, knights are glass cannons, also the Maw crusha has to destroy a unit to keep on advancing so use big units to shield your more important troops, tie up the maw crusha with 20 skinks and hit it with Kroak and shadowstrike rippers it won't last long especially with the new AOS2.

    Remember Ironjawz have no shooting so they have to come at you, Basilidon with solar engine, Kroak, Shadowstrike his army will melt.
    Wazz, Aginor and TheCrux like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Pretty much that.
    I played against Ironjawz quite often and... let's say my friend switched to SCE because he wants to win sometimes, too.

    You need some Skinks as chaff, and shooting.
    Wazz, TheCrux and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. TheCrux

    TheCrux Member

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    Great thanks Crowsfoot, helpful as always! I'll report back after my next game.

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