AoS Open war cards game “kill the messenger”

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Lezlor, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    954DD8C4-00D6-4459-8808-67BBD46AEE8C.jpeg BBFAFA4A-F92E-48EB-B49C-7FCB95D89FE5.jpeg 6CAC4531-C974-4735-B82A-D34E6847FC7C.jpeg EDF7A885-903A-4EC5-A653-65EBF73529FE.jpeg CDD6567E-710F-443E-8332-6E25C7C3817E.jpeg
    Cool little open wars cards game. Wanted a quick 3 turn game and we didn’t use allegiances either, just straight model v model stuff on a 4’x4’ mat. Rats v Lizards. (Soundtrack to game was some John Coltrane live stuff and then the Skyrim OST)

    Armies were, skink star priest, salamander with handlers, astrolith bearer, sunblood (general) and 3 units saurus warriors (10, 20, 20) & sunclaw starhost. Astrolith was my “messenger” for game who the rats have to kill to win.
    Skaven army was skaven warlord (general), grey seer, warlock engineer, warp lightning cannon and 3 blocks of 20 clanrats (2 swords, 1 spears). Warlock was rat’s messenger who I had to kill to win.

    (The whole game...lizards won all priority rolls and the dead of night card never got to advance so range was always limited to 12”.)

    Turn one, star priest and astrolith bearer safely on the Ophidian archway (bottom left of photo) moved warriors, salamander into cover and sunblood up board, Ten man team of warriors made their charge and wiped out 20 clanrats, then got punched/zapped in skaven turn. Turn two, closed the pincers a bit more, sunblood and 20 on right moved closer and salamander missed rear unit of clanrats. 20 man team of warriors on left flank, wiped out the other 20 rats before being destroyed themselves (my pal and I both commented on how brutal a combat it was, was one of those good ones) Turn three, my messenger astrolith still at back of the board not buffing anything but was safe beside star priest. Moved salamander into range of his warlock but missed with shooting (Rollled a 2) All successful charges thereafter, sunblood killed his warlord and saurus, salamander, handlers did the same to most clanrats. Rats managed to hit back and kill a few more saurus warriors and we called it after that. So a minor victory for seraphon on the amount of wounds caused. (Presumably the warlock engineer et al scurried away to lick their wounds and plot revenge...)
    Fun game! Great dice for lizards too. Rats were pretty much static from deployment and never going to be able to get over to where my astrolith bearer was to take him out as I started game. The rend and extra bite attacks from sunclaw made the difference to warriors for this battle. If I could have done anything differently it would have been to move the astrolith bearer and starpriest up nearer the frey as I don’t like having models not do anything, even if it was probably more tactical to keep them out of harms way. The clanrats could have been set up with at least one unit trying to go for objective, but instead were more or less a defensive formation to be gone through. The dead of night card really scuppered them/helped me! Grey seer’s spell where he rolls for all models and 6s do a mortal is usually pretty good.

    We were really rusty on some of the rules as haven’t managed many games last few months. Gone from weekly games to 2 in the last four months. Surprised at how much we forgot. Going to try a “bootcamp” before we get stuck into AoS 2, so we familiarise ourselves to our abilities and units tactics.

    Also....can’t work out how to insert the photos...they are at top in reverse order than I wanted...ach, you can figure it out. :)
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice battle report!
    Lezlor likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice report and a good win
    Lezlor likes this.
  4. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Awesome battle report and cool looking army to boot! I also approve of your choice of the Skyrim OST - blood pumping adrenaline in the same album as haunting beauty!
    Lezlor likes this.
  5. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Thank you. I’ll have it fully painted in about ten years time! Yeah I love that music. Most computer game soundtracks work well.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Nice idea on playing a PC game soundtrack to the game - I once played a game of Lord of the Rings with the King of Elfland’s Daughter playing in the background.

    Great to hear I’m not alone as a PC Game soundtrack fan - I love the Age of Mythology, Rome total war and Medieval 2 total war soundtracks myself.
  7. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Yup, also, trudging into work in the morning listening to Skyrim made it more heroic somehow. :wacky:

    best one I ever did (off topic) was listen to assassins creed 2 soundtrack while actually in Florence itself. walking alone in the streets early morning with that on my headphones was brilliant. I think I shed a tear!
  8. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Far Horizons still does it for me when it comes to beauty, and transporting you to a place often far bettter than where you are listening to it

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