so few months of painting stoping and painting again and this is the results!! enjoy! hope to have more to come including a few list to mull over for a summer time tournament
skin was pretty easy once I figured it out! Prime white - Paint gray - hit high (rounded) spots with gray white mix- then wash wth Badab Black Normally I would highlight more but I felt the depth would be taken care of with the wash. I also dry brushed white on the face then applied a second wash and wish I had not! yeah the Scales look much mroe red in person then the pictues but I know waht you mean, alot of people ahve not like the the red...... but at this point it is the scale color for all my Dino's thanks for the posts
Really like the skin. You gave me a fantastic idea of how to pull off something I had been thinking about but had put off. Thanks for the inspiration and explanation!
It looks more red than pink to me.. Very good, love the skin. Thats a pretty effective way to paint it, I would have started from black not white.
I assume Geko meant the pink on the shields on the sides (looks a little odd imo, can't really picture the turtle or reptile that shell comes from!). The steg looks pretty good, the skin is very simply done (wash & Drybrush) but still gets a good looking result. I love the horns tho, I usually struggle with claws & horns (usually end up painting it bleached bone, washing it and finish with some bleach bone / skull white highlights), how did you do them? The howdah (spl?) is okay, but there is too much gold for my taste, looks a little one-dmensional, especially when the staff is gold as well and their scales are yellow. Could use some colors on the details, but thats more personal taste than anything else. Good work
Thanks again all or the positive feed back!! Thinking of taking on my Scar Vet next.... I agree on the pink shields! Just not sure what to do with them now! For erians the horns we 4 colors, started with Cobra leather – then a lighter brown (name has come off the bottle) - lighter brown and bone white mix - then bone white at the end, with a gryphonne sepia wash on about 1/2 the horn to finish. The key for them was water!! I made sure when I started a new color it was thin enough so I could see through to the layer below. Every step had plenty of water add into it, I am finding that water makes blending very easy. As for the howdah I want to paint the glyphs like they are glowing but I do not have the technique down yet, so I am waiting on it
ive just re agusted my colour filters on my computer, i agree with you all now its red, lol but the shields are deffinatley a funny shade of pinky red Geko
Adult Baird's Rat Snakes have some pink and yellow skin. It's not too hard to imagine the reptile those shields could come from since we have examples of pink reptile skin in the real world!
yeah the pink shields are not great!! I am thinkging applying another wash to them, might darken tehm up enought to fit?