Ice Color Scheme?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Azala, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. Azala
    Jungle Swarm

    Azala New Member

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    Hey everyone. I am very new to both Warhammer and Painting Miniatures in general... But I am really excited to start painting and playing.

    I decided to work with the lizardmen because they are obviously the coolest. I am having trouble deciding how to paint them....

    My idea I am trying to use is Ice Lizards. I don't want them to look like the regular turquoise ones that are shown on the box.

    I am thinking, for the skin, of doing a base of ice blue mixed with white and then drybrushing with white on top of that. Then for the scales I wanted a darker blue (I have ultramarine blue) base coat and then a highlight of ice blue. Their weapons and decorations would be silver instead of gold, too.

    This is just an idea I am having... Tell me what you think and maybe any tips.

    Thanks :)
  2. Okopipi

    Okopipi New Member

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    Black with white bellies, like penguins? Are there any polar animals you like for inspiration?
  3. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    sounds good to me. It sounds like you're looking for more of a crystaline appearance on the scales, in which case I'd first try a base coat of ultra marine, then put a wash over it with a mix of ultramarine with some chaos black for something more like crimson fist blue. After that, 50-50 mix of ultramarine and ice blue for a highlight, topped with straight ice blue. Then just get the very edges of the scales with white, and it should work pretty well. I'll disclaim myself by saying I haven't actually TRIED that, but I'd imagine it to work pretty well.
  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I like the sound of the Ice Blue Saurus. You could basecoat them with Ice Blue, as you said, but they would really benefit from a once-over with the blue wash, just to bring out the deep recesses. I'd dilute it with a bit of water, though, otherwise they'll be a bit too dark, and the white drybrushing will look odd. You could also use some wash on the back scales, since they're going to be darker. Maybe a light purple wash followed by a slightly heavier blue wash would look nice. :p
  5. Dangerbutton

    Dangerbutton New Member

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    Part of my Stegadon was sort of an ice-blue. I'll have to post some pictures up when I've got them.
    I gave it a base coat of sky blue over a white primer, and then on the scales I did a thin coat of blue, and then over that a thin coat of a metallic blue. It looks very icy. But then I painted other parts in ways that don't look icy. But, uh, the scales and stuff look icy. I'll post pics soon.
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Greetings, welcome to the forum!

    As usual, I will say buy a box of skinks or saurus and slap some paint on a few test models, try some different techniques and experiment with them to see what you like. I think you will find a base coat of ice blue will make them way too pale, however, the addition of wash as asrodrig suggested might give them enough depth. In general the more layers you use the better it will look, I'd start as dark as enchanted blue and work up from that but since you are just starting out, go with ice as a base and see how you go. You will want the pure white highlights to be very very faint and only on the really raised areas, work with mixtures of ice blue and skull white.

    As one of your experiment miniatures, might I suggest undercoating the model white then putting a thin coat of asurman blue straight onto that and highlighting/drybrushing with ice blue? You could find the technique looks good and is very simple and fast.

    Finally, don't forget to water down your paints a bit. Several thin layers is better than one thick layer. ;) Good luck with it and I'm keen to see pics of some results!
  7. Azala
    Jungle Swarm

    Azala New Member

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    Thanks, everyone, for the tips and suggestions. I will try a few things out and hopefully get some pictures up of something... But don't expect any masterpieces!

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