AoS Escalation league 500 pts battle 1

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by ILKAIN, Jul 11, 2018.

    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    First week into Escalation league and we are at 500 pts with the following special rules: 2+ battleline, no endless spells, no malign sorcery, no named, no behemoths

    Mission: First blood (core rulebook PG 237)
    basically a fight to the death or 5 rounds, but winner is the one that had more wounds removed from the table total (even if they are brought back though summoning or in this particular battle "deathly invocations/graves)



    1x Skink Starpriest (general, nimble, Incandescent Rectrices) 80
    10x Skink (boltspitter + shield) 60
    10x Kink (boltspitter + shield) 60
    3x Terradons 120

    Shadowstrike starhost 180

    total wounds on board 33

    Legions of Nagash

    1x necromancer (general deathly invocation on 5+ trait, wizard)
    1 x Wight Knight (Artefact giving rerolls of 1 to Deathly invocations)
    1x Corpse Cart (+1 casting to wiz in 12")
    10x Skeletons (swords and shields)
    10x Zombies (noisemakers/bite)

    starting wounds on board 37

    set up
    he wins roll and drops necro, I drop everything with terras in the clouds, he finishes drops. I elect to go first

    my turn one: stealth advance the skinks and star priest (SP) a decent amount almost making the cover half way up the board. no enemies in range so I starlight the closer of the two skink units. spring the trap on the skellies
    Move up full move onto the cover and get both unit of skink into range. SP follows up behind them. bring the terras 3" from the necro and then fly them over the necro to the far side of the zombies (swoop them) ( 5" so I can bolo them) triggering bomb drop on the necro, he takes 7 mortal FNP 1 of them and dies horribly.
    unload on the skellies and zombies. zombies are brought to 2 models left, skels only lose one model (skinks do not do a lot of damage lol)
    Charge the dons to the wight king and get 2 damage through. fight back only does one wound.
    Battle shock zombies lose 1 more, skeles cant fail.
    score 15 - 0

    his turn one:
    Heals the zombies to 9 and fills the skellies with eh two graves in range and the WK's invocation ability.
    moves all models to 3" of dons (they are center and surrounded) and piles in and unloads. miraculously they only take one more wound ( I was rolling 6's like a boss, and he was having horrible rolls) fight back puts another wound on knight.

    score 15 - 0

    Turn Two: I go first
    arcane bolt the knight for 1, trap on skellies
    fall back and run the dons the heck out of dodge, move the kinks up slightly to be able to shoot more things.
    pluck away at the skellies ( one unit of skinks) and zombies (other unit of skinks) again killing 2 skellies and bringing the zombies from 9 to 3.
    batteshock the skellies again cant fail, the zombies lose 1

    Score 25 - 0

    his turn brings both zombies and skilles to full, uses second grave to heal knight to full
    moves closer, attempts charges fails

    25- 0

    Turn three: I go first

    mystic bolt on skellies for 3! trap the skellies
    move the dons into range for bolas
    shoot the zombies with bolas and one unit of skinks dropping them to 1.

    at this point I have done 34 wounds of removal and cannot lose the game. I explain the situation to my opponent and ask if he wants to play it out or concede. he reviews the rules and calls over the store owner (has been playing since 1990ish and very well versed in the game) to fully understand the rules and then concedes ( we are both newer players I was was totally ok with him getting a second opinion and explanation, as there are cash and store credit prizes at the end of the league).

    while they are not rippers... Dons are definitely not horrible and the 20 point decrease let me cheese in a battalion for a one drop army and a decisive removal of his only wizard before he could do anything with it.

    skinks don't do shot in units of 10 lol.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good job!
    Killing one of his heroes early and attacking the Skeletons was a good thing to do in round 1.

    EDIT: About Skinks: Sometimes the small units will surprise you and really do something. I had such a unit do three wounds on Ironjawz Brutes last week.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Nice report - was this at your GW or in another store? I was wondering as I'm interested to see if all GW stores are doing AoS events like this this summer.
  4. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Cool! Nice report. Good to see someone using terradons. I think aesthetics of them are much nicer than rippers. Very Ray Harryhausen.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Now that's a name I haven't heard in quite a while. :)
  6. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Who, Ray Harryhausen? (Two times in one day now ;))
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Sinbad was brilliant
  8. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Just imagine if someone animated the lizards from the box a la Harryhausen! I’d watch that. Fight to the death with Carnosaur and some Gors...
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    All 3 Sinbad films were great in my view, the best Harryhausen films of all - I have all of them in a 3-disc boxset. I love the monster fight sequences, which actually are 'Clashes of the Titans', whereas the actual Clash of the Titans isn't a Clash of the Titans at all - Medusa kills the Kraken after she's dead as her head is just pointed in the Kraken's general direction. In the 3 Sinbad films, meanwhile, there is a monster fight in each - Dragon vs Cyclops in 7th Voyage, Griffin vs Cyclopean Centaur in Golden Voyage and Sabre-tooth Cat vs Troglodyte in Eye of the Tiger.

    Also a bit of trivia - did you know that the fight with Kali the 6 armed goddess in Golden Voyage inspired in part General Grievous' fighting style in Star Wars Episode III?

    Or more accurately, Carnosaur vs Ghorgon - Gors are tiny compared to the Carnosaur, whereas a Ghorgon would make a great opposing monster to the Carnosaur, as another monster driven to a bloodthirsty, insatiable hunger.

    Animating Warhammer minis would be incredibly difficult and time-consuming to do, especially in the style of Harryhausen as his models had loads of points of articulation which would be pretty difficult to achieve on a Warhammer miniature as it is designed to be static.
    Lezlor likes this.
  10. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    This is a local game store league event, run by a player that has a lot of experience in the game and backed by the store. essentially we pay into the league (entry fee) which is 100% returned to the players in 5 prizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best painted, best sportsmanship, no player can win painted or sportsman if they also won 1,2, or 3) in the form of store credit.
    Lezlor likes this.

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