AoS 2k skaven v shadowstrike eternal starhost take and hold

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Lezlor, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Last night we played using AoS 2 rules for first time, so used the trusty take and hold scenario. (Control both end of turn 3 onward to win)
    No “in progress” pics this game just “the aftermath” of our haphazard encounter.
    As title suggests I had shadowstrike with 15 chams, 40 skink (bolt) 3 ripper and star priest, eternal starhost with warden, 3 x 5 guard, a slann(gen, rememberer) and astrolith bearer. The rats had, verminlord deceiver, deathrunner(s) as gen, warlord, grey seer, grinder with 6 rat ogors off table, 3 stormfiends, 3 x 20 clanrats, packmaster and warp lightning cannon.
    Opted not to try endless spells as befuddled enough....we will though.
    Turns went: seraphon went first round one then rats won next two and went first in rounds two and three (yup...)
    Slann never cast a spell to save up conjuration points along with astrolith bearer.

    Set up on (5x4)table was big line of skaven bad boys with 2 x 20 clanrats to the fore and 20 clanrats put on top of the objective. Seraphon obj had slann and eternity warden with the 15 saurus guard surrounding. Big block of skinks on the rear of table to the right side star priest all on his own on left. Fairly exposed but enough for the 9” tunnelling distance that rats had.

    First round
    lizards: got the configuration for +1 cast which I kept the whole game (forgot) LOS&T Failed to move 40 skinks but moved chameleons directly in front of forward skaven line. Attempted shoot the verminlord who had “look out sir” and his -2 to hit in shooting phase...err...really bad move. Rippers swooped in and killed skaven warlord.
    Rat turn: moved forward units towards seraphon obj, leaving some behind to deal with rippers who all died. Cannon rolled a 5 and missed. Cham skinks also all killed by 2 units of Clanrats. (Note, opted not to tunnel in even tho I prompted)

    Second round.
    Rats: spells attempted and dispelled/ grey seer missed. Advanced all 6” towards seraphon obj. Cannon rolled a 5 again and missed. Rat ogors tunnelled in, shot/charged and killed star priest. Bah!
    Lizards: LOS&T moved astrolith and 40 skinks behind enemy and in spitting distance of rat obj. Also got another 11 conjuration points. (Summoned rippers) who moved to other side of objective from the skinks. Rippers tore into and destroyed 20 clanrats leaving objective empty. Skinks did small amount of damage to rear units stormfiends and cannon (didn’t charge).

    Third round
    Rats started: skitterleap for verminlord, moved some units back to deal with skinks / rippers near rat objective and 20 rats forward, with rat ogors in range to charge saurus guard. Skinks lost 18 (?) to shooting from stormfiends. Eternity warden took 1 damage for the slann from the verminlord missile. Cannon rolled a six and missed again. Stormfiends charged skinks, Ogors charged and did no damage to guard who killed one in response (well, how dare they attack a slann) Skinks retreated 8” towards objective (yup, he should have attacked that one first). Lost more skinks to battleshock. Left 8 near objective. The hindmost skaven were at closest 9 or 10” from objective.
    Lizards: conjuration points at 10. Added the slann 9 +1 and astrolith rolled for 3. Summoned 20 saurus warriors for 18 points stuck them on the objective and that was that. Victory. 3 rippers 8 skinks and 20 saurus warriors within 6” of objective. At the time though it was a slow burner...”oh...hey hang on, I won...turn 3 (reads battle plan) there you go then” pal was ok about it but it felt a bit of an anti climax!

    The new rules didn’t intrude into the game too much and we maybe missed some, look out sir was good. Command point thing didn’t really play a part in this game but totally see how it could. Summoning felt great for me...didn’t miss casting with the slann. Won me the game basically. After the game we talked about how maybe the rats should have tunnelled in quicker, stayed back a while and try to shoot saurus guard as they are super tough in combat. I’d never tried eternal starhost’s very good! We have enough skaven to do a minimal gautfyre list for skryre so will maybe give that a go next. That stands a far better chance against eternal star host. Played it a couple of times and it’s brutal but funny. I tend to win the ghb matched play battleplans (don’t think I’ve lost one actually) so we do prefer the open warcards version of the game as it’s more about fighting and less abstract.
    Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice report and win
    Lezlor likes this.
  3. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Cheers. It was a victory over chaos and that’s the most important thing. Bit sketchy on the details without round by round photos but we were glued to the iPad looking at rules warscrolls etc so forgot to take pics. I need to do some printing! Another thing I forgot to thing that is a hindrance is having to think...”now, which book is that in again....Is it the core book?...ghb?” .that’s slightly annoying. My mate doesn’t like GWs business model so is angry at how much the books cost. Hey, not much options!
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good report, well done!
    Yeah I also dislike a bit how they spread stuff over three books and three FAQs but I think we will get used to it.
    Lezlor likes this.
  5. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Yes. Change is good. Stagnation otherwise. Plus can always revert to any version we like should it be required. I still like the sacrifice one “consumed” that’s great fun to play.
    Aginor likes this.

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