8th Ed. Dealing with big flyers

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Cptn Timmy, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hey everyone,
    I recently had a battle against high elves and i was wondering if anyone had answers for how to deal with a frost chicken. I am wondering if anyone has any specific answers for it, because all i can think of in our army is magic. That being said what lore has an answer because i am trying to see what lore i can get a spell or two off safely without having to 6 dice a damaging spell. I.e. what lore has spells i can threaten with early on so that i have dice left to throw at a banishment or a spell like that. The other answer i can see is to trap it with movement and send a carnosaur or a stegadon in to it. That being said you will never catch the pheonix unless your opponent chooses to commit it. So do you set a trap? And risk a good unit? I feel that with my lizardmen i line up with a full chess set but sometimes am staring across at 8 rooks. The other flying beast i have trouble with is the terrorgheist ( not as hard to deal with) because my opponent will never commit it past his hordes of zombies. Although i know that poison and low level dmg spells are pretty effective against the bats. One time i walked between worlds a unit of chameleons to get a Good shot at the terrorghiest and wiped it out. Anyways .Sorry for the rambling, but any help would be greatly appreciated .
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  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    lots of blowpipe slinks make short work of most monsters,
    you might need some magic to catch it though.

    You do have your own fliers, in the forn of terradons and razordons.
    also don't forget you can quip one of our oldbloods with a magic carpet.
    also we can dump the wings on one of the skink heroes.
    Cptn Timmy likes this.
  3. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Th aks for the reply! The old blood does sound pretty intriguing, do you think the rippers could hold thier own against a frost heart? Even just to hold it in place? I used a skink chief with the egg for the first time the other day but unfortunately rolled a one. The curse of new models and such .I think that could take a bite out of the frost heart. The -1 s aura wouldnt affect the egg right?
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  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Rippers are to terrify your opponent, as you mark his frost heart with the blot toad and chace him around the board with the rippers. :p
    Lizards of Renown and Scalenex like this.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Kroxigor will be able to make short work of Terrorgheists or Frostheart Phoenixes, but it's hard to catch them.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

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