AoS Tournament Report: Won a local 1500pt event

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Justin C, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. Justin C

    Justin C New Member

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    Played in a local 1500 point, 3 round tournament yesterday. Ended up taking it home! Fun and definitely close games that could have easily gone the other way. I don't claim to be the best player or tactician ever, and I am pretty inexperienced overall, so forgive some of my mistakes!

    My list:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Realm: Shyish

    Slann Starmaster
    - Great Rememberer
    Skink Starpriest
    Engine of the Gods
    - Ethereal Amulet
    Engine of the Gods

    Skinks with Javelins/Shields x 10
    Skinks with Javelins/Shields x 10
    Skinks with Javelins/Shields x 10

    Dread Saurian

    Aethervoid Pendulum

    1480/1500 points

    Game 1: Focal Points vs Beastclaw Raiders

    His list:
    Frostlord on Stonehorn
    Huskard on Thundertusk
    Thundertusk Beastriders

    This game was on a jungle board with thickets of jungle terrain making it into several lanes of traffic, without an ability to really get between them at several points. I had never played against Beastclaw Raiders before, so I didn't realize just how easily they can get first turn charges and ranged mortal wound output. I was very naive with my deployment. I deployed 10 skinks on my left flank to hold one objective, 10 skinks screening my dread saurian in the middle, and 10 skinks in front of my right flank which was the two engines with Slann and Starpriest camped behind on arcane terrain. I made the mistake of setting up pretty far up the table to hold my 2 objectives and threaten the center with the Dread. He set up all of his monsters as far forward as possible right in front of my right flank. He finished deploying first and went first. First turn he ran everything forward and then shot at my Slann with snowballs and other stuff. Thankfully he missed 50%, as he did 6 wounds on my Slann, leaving him on 1! He then proceeded to roll double 1's from 3 inches away on his charge from his general on my engines. 3 yetis made it into combat on my right flank, and killed my screening skinks. Both engines hit back and swatted them off in 1 go. Due to his lack of bodies he had left one of his objectives completely upheld, left his Butcher in the back on the other, and so only scored 3 point for controlling the center and one other.

    For my turn my first Engine got the D6 mortal wounds ability and hit his general with 6 (who only takes half mortal wounds!). The second Engine summoned a unit of Ripperdactyls, and I placed them on my right flank 9" away from his Frostlord. Then my Starpriest buffed the Dread Saurian with summon starlight and his staff. The Slann teleported away to the far corner of the board behind terrain where he would be untouched for the rest of the game. Summoned Cogs and started generating summoning points. My middle 10 skinks teleported into his upheld objective. Placed toad next to Frostlord. Then the rippers made a 9" charge to the Frostlord, and proceeded to wipe him off the table. The Dread Saurian then killed his other unit of Yetis and took the middle objective. End of my turn, I control 4 objectives and he controls one. Winning 6-3.

    I then proceed to double turn him. Both Engines do mortal wounds to surrounding enemies. Slann continues to generate summoning points. Teleport my 1 remaining right flank skink to contest his back objective. Move the rippers up to take that objective. I move the dread saurian to charge his Huskard on Thundertusk and completely whiff all of my attacks, doing no damage. He only has 3 models left at this point - the Huskard General, Thundertusk riders, and the Butcher. I take all the objectives on the map and score 8 points. He uses MW wounds shooting to whittle down my Rippers to 1 model and kills the lone skink, contesting his back objective. He then kills the Dread Saurian, but isn't close enough to reclaim middle objective. He kills one of the EOTGs and gets one of my objectives. End of turn two, I am winning 14-4.

    Turn 3 he double turns me. Ends up killing my second EOTG. Then he charges to my other back objective and kills the 10 skinks there but cant hit the Starpriest so is unable to control the objective. In my turn I teleport 10 skinks from one of his objectives to claim the center, I teleport the Slann to the objective they had been holding, then summon back two Engines of the Gods. Starpriest does more mortal wounds on his general with Pendulum. End of turn three, I am winning 17-6 so he concedes, as he only had 3 very wounded models left and I was about to double turn him again. Major victory.

    Picture from close to the end of the game when I had just summoned back the two Engines of the gods that he had killed.
    Audvin, Buldi, Warden and 4 others like this.
  2. Justin C

    Justin C New Member

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    Part 2 coming here
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    A pity for the Dread saurian, but i'm sure it took its points back, if only for the big distraction effect...
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like the pic, nice board! Especially the water effects!
    Aginor likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah, it fits lizards very well. :)
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Congrats keep winning for the glory of the seraphon

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