Has anyone ever completed a unit in the lizard army that used a conversion with a more traditional cloth style banner rather than the solid stone/metal shaped ones that are standard to all the kits? I was thinking of trying the DK Elf Cav standard on some CoC. Just wondering if anyone has attempted it or achieved a cool result with it?
I haven't seen any done personally, but I think there's a lot of different options out there. Check these out: This you could easily convert into a Lizardmen standard. File down the star on the top and add an aztec-looking glyph instead. You could optionally chop off the horns on the skull on top, but it could work as is. Then you could paint the fur parts up like a leopard instead of a bear or whatever it's supposed to be, and then paint some more glyphs on the banner. You could also try with the one on top of the Doomwheel. Oh, and sorry about the size of that image. Stupid re-sizing....
actually i'm working on such a conversion, but than for my army standard. i'm not a fan of the big round stone standard so i cut up the 2 smaller banners from the cold one kit. and glued the together on a standard pole. ( had to enlarge the pole to be high enough. haven't gone any further but made a pic to show you: hope it helps Rick
there are thinner hobby knife blades to buy, don't know where you would find them where you live but my guess would be any kind of hobby store.
I would suggest looking into a file. There are plenty of fine and small ones out there. I for one have several that are different shapes for said places. That's an awesome banner either way you look at it!
Your banner looks as though it is made of win RickStah. What would really make everyone's balls drop off in sheer amazement though is if you hang a painted banner beneath it. That would be really cool.
heey thanks, yea i'm planning to put a banner under the standard. but i need to find a good banner to put under. i kinda want to keep the aztec/lizardmen feeling. i was thinking to make an animal skin to put under it, sort of like the skavenpelt banner idea. Rick
Do you have a plan as to the logo/graphic you would put on the banner? Something straight up Aztec or more something from the army book? I like your idea, I may steal it.
haha you're always free to use my ideas but i heve no idea what kind of banner i'm going to put on it. i was thinking of making several witch i can click on to it. so i can have some variation. i'm thinking on making something aztec looking indeed, but also something with an animal skin (maybe something with scales??) do you have any ideas? Rick
I was thinking of doing something hardcore, like the cloak of feathers, but as a giant sheet. No frigging clue how I would make that. That would be a huge about of sculpting, or I could cannibalize a crap-load of brass etched leaves from the basing kits to make feathers as well, but I don't know how that would come out. But, I was thinking that doing something like a large scale 'dragon skin cloak' like on the Black Ark Corsairs could also end up looking amazing. THIS IS NOT MY PIC OR PAINTJOB BTW! This is from a generic search... I did some drawing of symbols on top of scales on the CoC in my Lizardmen plog post. I REALLY like how it turned out, and I want to incorporate more of that into my army. In fact, last night I painted a Zelda tri-force on one of them as a joke, and I actually think it came out well. I will post up a pic of it tonight if I can.
Here is the makeshift Tri-force.... I am really enjoying the Red Gore and Ice Blue contrasts as well.