I just completed my first fully finished model, minus basing. I hope the pics do it justice. Submitted for your consideration.
I like it for the most part. You'll get better technique as you go along. One thing: the dew claw on the right foot is blue and the one on the left is bone. Okay, two things: you might try a wash to even it all out. I use Devlan Mud over the entire model. It fills in some detail and blends it all together better.
If its your very first mini then I must say you did a good job, but I think the colour scheme is wrong... I dont think it fits well.
Sorry you don't like the colours... I find they look nice.. the pictures are a lot larger than I expected.. considering even the on my camera they are smaller and I edited them to be even smaller so things might be a little stretched.. I've done a few washes on the different parts.. I did Gyphon Sepia on the bone with some highlights on top, Asurman Blue on the body and Ogren Flesh on the scales/armor. Badab black over addeptus grey on the obsidian of the halberd. I don't think the washes are coming through the pic very well to be honest... It got very good feedback in person at the hobby store from both an award winning painter/employee and people there... But I do see the need to improve this was the test/trial run... now comes the job of batch painting and perfecting it.
I think its a good start, the colors clash a little but they aren`t ``wrong``, What ever makes you happy is definatly the right colors. I see you were building up layers thats a good start, however I did notice some spots where you painted something that wasn`t supposed to be pained a color, like the horn on the shield has red on it. With time you`ll catch those, keep at it great start.
Yeah I noticed a few little foibles.. I notice them a lot more when the model is 10x real life size lol.. which means I'm not going back to fix it on the model.. I am doing my best to be careful and subsequent ones do look cleaner I appreciate the feedback on the colour.. I am still a fan of the red.. again I feel that when they are not so *BAM* in your face they don't seem to clash as much. They do have a bit of a Superman feeling to them... but it's not all that bad really, when you're looking at a bunch of them heh, and they aren't the size of a stegadon or carnosaur lol... Thanks for the feedback.. I've finished up a few more.. go some good feedback from the GW guys too and a couple of people I play with.. they look pretty good when they are sitting in their unit of 20. In my own humble opinion