So Much Has Changed

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by thomasbible553, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. thomasbible553
    Jungle Swarm

    thomasbible553 New Member

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    Hello all! i used to play WHFB in 7th and 8th (i was terrible but it was fun) and stopped pretty much right as End Times was released. my roommate and i are looking to get back into fantasy games here in the Nashville area.

    we were tossing around the idea of starting AoS from scratch or using most of my old LIZZIES and getting into D&D. is age of sigmar really worth playing now? i remember hearing when it first was released it was garbage with unbalanced armies, way OP characters and not much more strategic than candy land.

    any advice from you pros? is it worth taking the seraphon into AoS or is it time to explore new game formats?

  2. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Hi, all depends on how/what you want from your gaming.

    I agree with the OP heroes and uniformed play but atleast every army has their own monster army killer ;D

    All armies play differently, the lizard folk play pretty well but we as most armies are - stuck in a ‘must have option base’
    Ie: you need a slaan and astrolith a standard - from there you can pretty much add what you like, but due to summoning now being so potent, you will likely want an Engine and something Killy (rippers or carno) and then of course 3x basic troops, so there you go - you can now choose the rest of your army ;D all 200-500 points worth lol.

    It’s still pretty fun though, endless spells can be good fun and also different match plays mix it up a bit.

    I personally find joy in converting - creating new figures and then there’s the painting, not quite sure if I enjoy it or not.
    Warden and thomasbible553 like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think AoS 2nd edition has come a long way and is quite playable.
    So yeah, I'd suggest you give it a shot. It is different to the old WHFB but it is fun to play for many people. :)

    Just post what old lizardmen you still have and we can get you started in no time.
    Warden and thomasbible553 like this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    The original roll-out for Age of Sigmar was subpar to put it gently. But Games Workshop eventually listened to their fan base and Age of Sigmar 2.0 (or 2.2 whatever) is fairly well balanced being relatively easy to play while still having depth to develop advanced tactics.

    That being said, while we have a plurality of AoS players (Seraphon) we still have a lot of players who stick with 8th edition (Lizardmen). Kings of War picked up some of the exodus away from Age of Sigmar 1.0 and we support Kings of War players (Salamanders). We also support 9th Age players (Saurian Ancients).

    To maximize gameplay opportunities, I play Age of Sigmar AND 8th edition. I have some Kings of War stuff (and I really like their undead models), but I haven't met any local Kings of War yet though the game does hold an appeal to me.

    And we are a happy community. All Seraphon, Lizardmen, Salamanders, and Saurian Ancients share the painting forum, the fluff forum (though admittedly it's wieghted towards 8th edition), and the welcome forum.
  5. thomasbible553
    Jungle Swarm

    thomasbible553 New Member

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    thank you so much guys! id really like to see what an AoS game is like. i have pretty much a full line of models, could easily field a slann, army standard bearer (astrolith?) 2 stegs and a carno plus some other junk. i thik i had close to 5-6k points worth of 8th if i fielded EVERY thing with full kits on heroes/ lords.

    any links to 9th age or kings of war rules/ gameplay? id be interested to check them out.

    yall think it would be worth it to get the AoS 2 starter pack on the GW website to ease into it? like kinda learn from that then once i get the hang of it try out seraphon?
    geektom likes this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The points values of Age of Sigmar units are relatively close to their 8th edition points cost.

    9th Age forum link

    Collection of Age of Sigmar and Kings of War links

    If you got 5000 worth of Lizards, I would recommend you not bother buying the starter pack unless you really want to collect one of the newer armies.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It's probably best that I don't speak on this topic! :p

    Welcome to the forums! :)
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    @Itepixcauh will help you with KoW, I played it a couple of years ago and it was really good
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  9. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    If you are interested in KoW, and if you already have the models why not giving it a try, then the free rules are here:

    Army builder is here:

    You can check a HUGE amount of Salamander battle reports here:

    And you even join the KoW Fanatics Facebook group, community is just a delight:

    If you ever need something KoW related solved or any doubt just ask me!
  10. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Welcome aboard! I only got into the hobby once AoS had begun, but personally I really enjoy it!
  11. Nahualpiltzintli

    Nahualpiltzintli Active Member

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    Welcome aboard
    I'm a player of the 9th Age :)
    In the webpage ( you can find all the rules
    (now it is running the 2.0.4 beta, but it is expected that the final version comes in october -november, and it shall last untouched for several years, while the armybooks get renewed)

    In the beta rules webpage there is also several options to use armybuilder, or similar programs. I usually use a website which is much like that, but you dont need to install anything.

    There are also loads of videoreports of games in youtube and, finally, i am not a great player (i'm really casual) but if you have any doubt, just ask and if i dont know the answer, i shall research it!

    The best thing about 9th age for your army is that you dont have to change all your army into round bases! They use the same that were used in WHFB, and they are fully compatible with your models, all of them being usable :)
    Warden and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Greetings and welcome!

    I principally play Warhammer Fantasy 7th and 8th Editions, but I've been looking into starting both AoS and KoW of late, having already played a KoW game quite recently and enjoyed it a lot, as well as having studied in depth on a good army structure to use in AoS 2nd Edition (albeit Fyreslayers, not Seraphon - the Lizardman part of me that drew me to this forum is strictly a Warhammer Fantasy Lizardman). AoS has certainly become a lot more tactical since it first appeared, and the new armies that have been introduced to the setting have turned me from a hater into a convert - while it will never replace Warhammer Fantasy, it does have a new setting with a good lot to offer, including the promise of a lot of new factions still to be given new miniatures and support. I certainly recommend you look into either AoS or KoW (or both) to have the best chance of finding others to play with as unfortunately most of the big leagues have ditched Fantasy for AoS like GW have. The main Fantasy player base still going consists of stalwarts like me, @NIGHTBRINGER and a few other different people who still refuse to let go of the game we know and love, but that base is unfortunately relatively small. However, I certainly wouldn't recommend buying the starter box unless you're a big fan of either ghosts or Stormcast Eternals (which I myself am not). Perhaps buy the Core Book if you want (even though the picture of the tattooed Stormcast on the front is awful) and certainly buy yourself the General's Handbook to give you the main ways to play and all the points, as well as the battletome to give you a good fix of lore and rules. If you want to play Seraphon, I also recommend you get Storm of Magic 2.0, AKA Malign Sorcery, as Seraphon are a highly magic-oriented army and any Seraphon player will certainly need to know what Endless Spells you may want to use.

    In any case, good luck and have fun - I trust you are going enjoy your stay! :)
    Warden and Aginor like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    And a few others...

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