AoS battles

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by John1974, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    so i took my Path to glory army in today for it 1st 3 games..i had slann a unit of 20 skinks( which i sometimes split into 2 x10) and a bastilladon
    1st game was against Idoneth deepkin. playing focal point he had Volturnos, isharann soulrenderer, unit of namarti reavers and a unit of ishlaen guards.

    turn 1 started out pretty even taking 1pt and 2 pt objectives
    turn 2 i decided to start splitting up his forces best i could. i teleported my bastiladon 20 "from hiss lord and a unit of skinks onto the far objective that was vacant to gain the bonus points and did a couple damage to his lord with my skinks, unfortunately my bastiladon rolled snake eyes for atacks and did nothing to him. by the end of his turn he had almost wiped out my skinks with the lord and moved his eels and reavers to the centre to get the 2 points fortunately my blot toad was sitting pretty, lying in wait.
    turn 3 he went 1st and moved his eels in to attack my slann, skinks and rippers on the objective. the lord wiped out the rest of the skinks to take out the objective and the eels took out almost all of my 2nd unit of skinks.. with my turn i teleported my remaining skinks and alann to the side objective leaving my rippers to take on the eels with no toad, i shot at the lord again rolling double 2 this time...fluff did 2 dam to him..

    turn 4 i went 1st. i teleported my bastiladon to the opposite side objective leaving his lord with the points on the far one and getting bonus points for the one on my rippers as i moved around the eels to try and take out the centre for the 2pts.the bastiladon fired and finally hit with 10 attacks wiping out lord Voltrnos. my rippers tore the reavers apart in the centre leaving me with control. he moved isharann down to my remaining skinks and wiped them out leaving a battle with my slann to come in thee last turn..

    turn 5 he went 1st his eels stayed at the objective to take the points. isharann and my slann slugged it out neither killing the other.that objective remained neutral. i left my bastiladon on the objective to get my final points. and that ended the turn.
    points tallied up were 16 apeice i get the minor victory on points value destroying reavers and lord while he only took out my 2 units of skinks.

    2nd game was against khorne bloodbound, he took cremah, slaughterpriest, bloodsecrator, blood warrios and mighty skull crushers.. we played relocating orb
    turn 1 i won and let him go 1st. he moved his warriors to the top of the hill where the orb was getting 4 into range of it. and ran everything else up the board towards my army. I telelported my bastiladon behind his army to try and take out his slaughterpriest. i moved my 20 strong unit of skinks up to the orb getting 12 into range outnumbering him to take possession. i also moved my slann up behind them to give it a 20man advantage. skinks fired and took out 1 of his warriors. the bastilladon left his slaghterpriest on 1 health. the orb moved twice playing it directly behind my skinks and slann

    turn 2 he wonhe charged the warriors into the skinks.. and moved all the other up towards the orb out of charge range just. his warriors took out a fair chunk of the skinks out. but i passed battleshock. my bastiladon teleported to the other side and took out his bloodsecrator 20" away. my slann summoned in my rippers and i kept them behind out of range leaving the toad next to my skinks on the skull crusher side. again the orb moved back to centre andback behind his slaughter priest.

    turn 3 he won chargin in his skull crushers to my skinks and slann. the skinks didnt last too long and was taken out leaving the slann to defend for himself against a depleted warrior unit and skull crushers. My turn my bastiladon moved in missed his opportunity to take out the bloodsecrator . the slann almost finished off the warriors and the ripperdactyls with the toad destroyed his skullcrushers .. orb didnt move

    turn 4 he won his cremah took out my slann but using incadescent retics he came back on 5 life.and finished off his warriors. my turn i teleported the slann to the middle and cast arcane bolt on his slaughterpriest killing him , giving him 4 blood tythe points which he immediately used to summon in a Khorne bloodthrone. shooting phase my bastilladon turned on the bloodthrone doing 11 attacks hitting 7 times he failed 4 saves. with him being a demon batiladon did 12 wounds killing him outright before it got to do anything, after which he conceded the game giving me a major victory

    game 3 was again stormcast. he took lord aquillor palladors and 2 units of hunters. we played the battle of the pass.

    turn 1 i had my skinks hold an objective while my other units moved p the middle leaving just 1 unit of skinks and my slann behind on the objective just in case he brought his forces in behind to take out the big point objec. he moved his forces up keeping 1 objective his lord and palladors moved in towards my skinks.

    turn 2 i won .summoning in my rippers. my skinks fired and did 2 wounds to the palladors and my bastiladon wiped the unit out leaving his lord alone. his turn he bought his hunters in on either side he took 1 objective and the otherside his hunters and lord took out 1 unit of the skinks taking that objective also.

    turn 3 he won he charged his lord into my skinks and slann onl taking out a few of the skinks with unfortunate rolling..rippers moved in on lord aquillor with the toad and took him out and the bastiladon wiped out the other unit of hunters.. after which he conceded giving me another major victory,

    so ending round 1 of the p2g i had 2 major victories and 1 minor . very happy with the result 1st game couldve gone either way and the other 2 i put down to some lucky rolling in my favor and some bad from the opponents
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
    Warden, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Well done and a nice report, pics next time? ;)
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thanks for the report, good job!
  4. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Lol sry for the no pics. I'll grab some from the next round. Coming next month. I have 1 from my 1st opponent
  5. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Now I'm just deciding on what unit to take next. Thinking maybe another bastiladon or a stegadon with bow for a little range support and melee if needed. During some of the practice games before i used a stegadon with flame throwers. Very effective at taking out hero units as a 1st turn kamikaze. Managed to wipe out a general and a large unit before being taken out
    Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Hey I was reading your report... are you summoning the Rippers in on the first turn? if you are not they don't get the toad.
  7. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    They are a reserve thats being summoned in

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    reserve means it counts for your actual unit count for PoG and was positioned off the table at the start of the game. the FAQ you are quoting is to ensure that Shadow strike rippers don't get screwed for being place "in the clouds". if you summon a ripper unit that wasn't part of your points cost (matched play) or your unit list (PoG) it doesn't get the toad.

    I cannot look up and add my source atm, because the website is blocked (I am at work) but I assure you, if the unit is not a declared starting unit, or summoned in on the first turn, it doesn't get the toad.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Here I was able to do it this way per the core rules (page two of the PDF) reserves are "units that are part of your army, but which have an ability that allow them to be set up in a location other than on the battlefield". Ripperdacytls do not have any ability on their warscroll that allows this. Shadow strike does, however the FAQ clearly states that you cannot summon part of a battalion separately ( I realize you are not using the battalion I am just covering all my bases). At this point in your PoG campaign you have not taken Ripperdactyls as a unit that is a part of your army, thus they are not reserves. summoning isn't the same as reserves. the FAQ you have shown does not apply, sorry.
  10. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Just thought id put this up here. Just played in the grand final of our path to glory campaign after nearly 7 months. 20 games played, i only lost 3 games to idoneth, chaos human, stormcast eternals.
    I played off against chaos demons with a blood thirster in starstrike. At the end of his turn 4 i still had control of the 3 objective so he called it quits on the score 23-15 as next turn i would've scored another 15 points making it impossible for to catch. My final army was
    X10 skinks bolts
    X10 skinks
    X20 skinks
    X20 skinks
    Engine of the gods
    X3 ripperdactlys
    With another x20 skinks allocated in reserve for our 1 allowed summon per game.

    Thanks to everyone here that helped me with all my rule questions and general advice that i was after cheers
    Aginor, Crowsfoot and GuaDan like this.

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