The Rourvuk Carrion

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by little-myth, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Lol how quickly it takes over!
    I saw that you also purchase a fair bit of forge world bits lol - so you aren’t married or are a high flying executive :D?
  2. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Years of saving up does wonders haha, plus still living with my parents. So no bills really, do pay for my side for food though.
  3. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    I think that’s the dream ;D

    Though I’ve happily payed off all of my debts now :) (excluding the mortgage) that things for life lol
  4. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Updated: 16/01/2019

    So thought I would make a list of what is there so far, just to remind myself really. Some don't have proper names yet, they are mostly placeholders.

    Children Rourvuk (Done their piece of fluff)
    Vulture Rourvuk (Done piece of fluff)
    Matriarch Rourvuk (They are the large monster birds shown to have a lack of flesh, thanks Agragax for the name update) (Done)
    Rourvuk Flocks (Might change the name, blessings of the Endless spell from Beasts of Chaos)
    Hounds (These are Gryph-hounds, will be updated to chaos hound models)
    Rourvuk Brooders (Juvenile versions of Mother Rourvuks, thanks Agragax for the name)

    Pack leader Vulture Rourvuk (name change required possibly)
    Hunter Rourvuk
    Raven Rourvuk (Wizard based model)

    Now some special characters
    The King (Needs a name)
    Ravenna the Frozen Queen (completed fluff)
    The three Rourvuk Children

    *Removed units
    Female human
    The Twins
    The Haunted
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Very nice list so far! Your army is developing nicely! For the Gryph Hounds though, you will need to make up some sort of lore justification as to why these particular Gryph Hounds serve the Rourvuks rather than Sigmarines, as I’m assuming the Rourvuks are part of the Death Grand Alliance rather than Order.

    For the unnamed smaller mother Rourvuks, how about Rourvuk Brooders, as they do the same job as the mothers but are smaller? And perhaps change the term Mother to Matriarch?
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Yeah really need that good reason for them, unless make them distant relative creatures, they just look like gryph-hounds. Maybe to trick unsuspecting Stormcast haha. How all Gryph Hounds are in the Realm of Heavens, it would be funny for the Rourvuk to try and steal from there. Yep they are also part of the Death alliance
    Those names sound much better, will go update those. Many thanks! How I had a converted Varghulf on the desk, looks like a young version of the monster due to having all the flesh and a large head
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Been long since the last update, hard when juggling a bit around but Rourvuk are still a thing
    Next entry for the Carrion are the Vultures

    Vulture Rourvuk-
    Winged beasts taller than man with a piercing screech.They hunt at night in small groups, taking cattle and other similar size animals that they can fit in their grasp. They have been known to snatch up the occasional human that is spotted out at night. During the day they spend their time roosting ready for the night of foraging, their nests have been reported by a few that they are lined with shiny metal objects, possibly from whatever they took over their lifespan. It has also been written that they will fight each other over who has what or steal from others. They never attempt to steal from the more higher ranked of their kind. Vultures attack with their sharp beaks and striking with their talons and wings.

    Now a bonus entry

    Matriarch Rourvuk-
    Large monsters that shows sign of torn flesh and exposed bone, the Matriarchs are the main reason many stay away, though there are some foolish enough to try and hunt one down; either to mount the creatures head or the healing properties the creature contains. They can be found perched inside cathedrals where they are in a deep sleep or lurking in the graveyards, digging up remains to bring back for who that they treat as their 'children'.
    Matriarchs don't eat food at all, somehow their magic infused bodies keep them going strong, regenerating their flesh over time. They use their flesh to even feed others whether there is a shortage of food. Even though they are large in size, they have been known to ambush intruders if they don't look above when they come into the cathedrals, lunging down from the beams and attacking.
    Due to their abilities they are worshipped by the Rourvuk, some given gifts of shiny objects. One of the oldest of the Matriarchs is kept hidden away, ready for the right battle as she will reap in many rewards it is rumoured.

    Update: The Matriarch character could be the next one on the list to write ;)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
  8. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    I like :) and am always watching lol
    little-myth likes this.
  9. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Update time! This time for a named character for a Matriarch Rourvuk. Should also try and get around to warscroll writing soon, just enjoying writing out the fluff.

    Ravenna the Frozen Queen-
    Tales go of how one can steal the magic from a Matriarch, one of the very few ways of defeating these beasts. Although there is one that some say she is 'Frozen in time'. If one hears the ominous sound of metal, you know she is approaching.
    Ravenna was once one of proud beasts of the Rourvuk, her regeneration and magic far greater than any other. She was always presented with the most metal, gold, jewellery and many other shiny trinkets. Where she kept most of it hidden in a dormant volcano, afraid that other Matriarchs are jealous of her. She visits her hoard frequently to check to make sure all is still there, even staying there most days.
    On one particular visit she had a group of humans raid her treasures, Ravenna was angered by the intruders and instantly went for them. One of members of the group; who was a wizard, cried out that he knew how to slay such creature was to steal the magic from them. During the battle the wizard charged up and blasted the spell at Ravenna, she was able to avoid the spell although it struck at the cave walls, releasing the lava flowing through the walls, awakening the volcano. The group scattered out of the area while Ravenna went to flee, she suddenly got caught out by a large boulder, knocking her back to the ground and into the pile of her treasure. The lava bursting out of walls and ceilings all around her, casting onto her and melting the metal. Ravenna struggled as the river of melted metals washed over, she lunges forward and attempts to break out of the cave. She breaks out into the open, stumbling down the rocky cliffs with her wings flapping with all her might. Plunging into the cold waters below.
    After a while she rose out of the water; which was now steaming. Now covered in a metal shell of her shape, only her wings exposed. She lets out a shriek before making her way back to her home.

    Ravenna now resides underground, a treasured monster of the Rourvuk. Even though covered in metal, the feathers grew back on her wings and tendrils of flesh can be seen sprouting from the gaps. When the Rourvuk send her into battle she is followed by other Matriarchs, she attacks by slamming in her foes and tearing at them with her sharp talons and beak. She is very resistant to magic, even to the spell that was once used to try and steal her magic.


    Hope you enjoyed this one, a bit random that she just got up and walked home after that. Maybe she wanted to start her collecting all over again :p, then she is the treasure now.
    I have plans already for her model, going to be getting a Heldrake and using the wings from a Stormcast Tauralon (as I want one for a Jabberslythe conversion)
    Can imagine her as the most powerful unit out of the lot due to the resistance to magic and possible good save.
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I was thinking an army centered on birds would be kewl. You surely delivered on that!
    little-myth likes this.
  11. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Many thanks! Been enjoying writing this so far!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Tiny update, a little bit of the Rourvuk themselves and the enemy of the Rourvuk. Plus it also gives the ideas of allies when it comes for me to making the warscrolls.

    Tales have been written, about the history of an army, mounted on beasts that driven the Rourvuk back in the darkest of times. Although many died during the battle it is said their spirits still ride on. In attempts to further drive them back, at certain strikes of the dial the ethereal beings rise from their graves and hunt the Rourvuk down.
    The Rourvuk has developed a hatred for all things that are ghosts, fearing and fighting back. Even their own Haunted causes them to shy away at times. If they were ever approached to ally with the undead, they will only refuse if they are ghosts, they are happy to work with undead like vampires and zombies as long as they get some of the food and shiny objects after battle but not the one thing they hate most.

    Just a little short entry about a Nighthaunt army, the army having the likes of Hexwraiths, Dreadblade Harrows and a Reikenor the Grimhailer and another unit. Glaivewraith Stalkers are also a thing.
    This is one of the few armies Rourvuk can't ally with or have allies of, just due to them looking like the army that drove them back.
    Then I do need to work something out as Legion of Nagash has a few ghosts.
  13. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Oh how the last update was all the way back in October, but I'm back for that brief moment on working on this army. Still need a few more written pages for some of the units on the list.
    Have some plans on including some more special characters, how there is two planned so far. One being the Rourvuk King and the Frozen Queen (who already has an entry written), want to update the list a little also.
    Some of the inspiration for the next special character(s) come from the units like The Blue Scribes. A unit having multiple characters in one.
    This unit is a unique set of three Children Rourvuk, this special three buff other Children Rourvuk units. They all sit on one base and share the same wound pool, these three are very close brothers to the very end.

    Will go and update the list now with the removal of some units and adding of new ones. Will put the removed ones in the edited list just in case they do end up returning.
    *List post updated just a few posts above
  14. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Well thought on making sure this thread doesn't get too dusty, haven't had much time on working on this army, still got a few fluff pages to write out and tweaking what shall be part of the army. Being that I am building some Nighthaunt I might as well write about the enemy of the Rourvuk Carrion.
    Yes the real enemy of the Rourvuk is a particular group of Nighthaunt. This is an updated version for the previous entry about them.
    I should also start saving all this in a document.

    There was a time where the Rourvuk Carrion was in war, a war against mortal humans. These apparent brave ones wanted the extinction of the Rourvuk Carrion, they called themselves The Crimson Rose, in the name of their Princess that was taken by the Rourvuk. The Crimson Rose failed to win the battle but their spirits continue to haunt the homeland, ever determined to wipe out all the Rourvuk.
    The Rourvuk stay ever wary of the spirits, even towards other ghosts that are not part of the foul army that tried to hunt them down.
  15. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    The Rourvuk are known to be obsessed with precious metals, jewels, anything that is shiny. It is advised not wear anything shiny in case it attracts the unwanted attention, or maybe ditch it in hopes they might get distracted. This only has a chance to work in small groups though.
    rourvuk children.png

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