AoS Begginers 2k shadowsrtike build (i need some help)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Pietren, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. Pietren
    Jungle Swarm

    Pietren New Member

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    Trophy Points:
    Aleggiance: Seraphon
    -Slann Starmaster (260p)
    -two teleports
    -incadescent retrices
    -Skink Priest (80p)
    -Priestly trappings
    -Engine of the gods (220p)
    -coronal shield
    -40x skinks with boltspitters and star bucklers (battleline) (240p)
    -40x skinks with boltspitters and star bucklers (battleline) (240p)
    -10x skinks with boltspitters and star bucklers (battleline) (60p)
    -9x ripperdactyls (420p)
    -Bastiladon (280p)
    -Shadowstrike Starhost (180p)

    Wounds: 146 Points: 1980/2000 Battlelines: 3

    So this is my first tournment list and i have no idea if this is good or not i havent got endless spells and not enough miniatures for summoning. But i have got everything needed for shadowstrike so please could you write me some tips about how to use it or things i could change.
    Battleplans are:
    1.Relocating orb
    2.Battle for the pass
    3.Total commitment
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    One thing to consider is what are you envisioning your Ripperdacytles targets will be? A unit of 9 is huge over kill on most units outside of tarpits. Which you generally want to avoid fighting the enemy's tarpit with Rippers. If you anticipate having to kill Glotkin, Bloodthirsters, or Alarielle then 9 might be worth it. If not, then I could consider dropping 3 of them (perhaps use them for summoning instead).

    With the potentially freed up 140pts plus the 20pts you were already under I would look at Endless Spells and a Skink Starpriest. Summon Starlight is very effective against most tier one armies right now.
  3. Pietren
    Jungle Swarm

    Pietren New Member

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    I havent got endless spells as I mentioned earlier so i cant bring them, skink starpriest is not a bad idea but I think I will stay with those 9x rippers to kill those high value targets.
    And one more qestion can i probably kill Nagash with those rippers?
  4. IronLizard

    IronLizard Member

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    I’ve run similar Shadowstrike lists at 2k (in AoS v1 though). I would definitely strip the rippers in the battalion down to 6 and then have a unit of 3 outside of the battalion start on the table - this gets you two blot toads for a start! Also, it means if your opponent has deployed to deny deep strike (which they will if they’ve ever seen rippers before!) you can hold back your big threat until turn 2 or 3 when the table opens up rather than having your deepstrike rippers tied up by chaff etc. Also, your opponents is forced to deal with the rippers already on the table, and you’ll be able to summon them back if they get killed.

    Also the skinks I would go 40/10/10 - you can always summon more in during play, so I tend to think it’s better to spend your points on things that require multiple turns-worth of summoning points to bring in! If you have access to an Astrolith Bearer get that guy in from the start to buff up our 40 block of skinks and get you better casting/more summoning.

    Last thing, not sure how you’ve armed your bastiladon, but everyone seems to go laser (which I do 99% of the time) but I found the snake launcher synergises well with deep strike rippers - if the opponent has lots of small units of chaff teleport in the snake launcher Basti and have him clear the road/hold the enemy in a place so you can then drop rippers on his head turn 2!
  5. Pietren
    Jungle Swarm

    Pietren New Member

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    I am thinking about bastiladon with snakes now, cause i forgot about option with snakes and this option with sending him and deep strike turn 2. And if i would go with 40/10/10 skniks then what would you recommend adding? I fought about summonig saurus oldblood on carnosaur turn two with those summonig points and because of that I went with 40/40/10 skinks to have more meat on the table
    IronLizard likes this.
  6. IronLizard

    IronLizard Member

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    I would use the points you save on the skinks on an Astrolith bearer for sure - he improves your casting, gives you more summoning points and he’s giving you re-roll failed hits which makes your one block of 40 skinks a genuine threat.

    I always found bodies on the table to be crucial in AoS v1, but given the rate you can summon skinks in now I’m planning on taking bare bones battleline and using skink teleports to grab objectives, screen/zone deny etc from now on. The only time I would max out now is 40 Saurus Warriors in a bloodclaw, but even then the other two units would be 10’s.

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