AoS First Seraphon Game

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Stygimoloch, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Stygimoloch

    Stygimoloch Member

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    Hello Lustria!

    I'm extremely excited! I have just started collecting Seraphon, and I was lucky enough to have a friend who was willing to teach me. I have played 40k for over a decade, but this is my first foray into the world of Fantasy/Sigmar. We played 1500 points, and played the mission ( I forget what it was called) with five objectives, arranged in a large plus sign. Each one worth 1 point, the center worth 2. if you control the two opposite objectives they are three points.

    My opponent ran Beastclaw raiders. He had a frost lord on thundertusk, another non lord thundertusk, and 24 yetis (split into four units). I, rocking my seraphon for the first time, brought an Oldblood on carno, car vet on cold one, astrolith bearer, skink starseer, 20 skinks, 10 warriors, 5 saurus knights, and a bastilodon.

    Beastclaws went first, and pretty much just ran forward and claimed 4 points beteen objectives. ON the first Seraphon turn, the astrolith was planted, lots of command points were used to try and get a lot of attacks into a bunch of yetis. The entertaining thing, is that the seraphon only killed one yeti from each of two units, and the oldbloods carno bloodroar forced 6 more yetis off the table.

    Beastclaws got to go first again, and killed a couple knights, some skinks and some warriors. They also netted another 6 objective points. Seraphon turn two included holding onto two objectives again, and trying desperately to stay the inexorable advance of the beast claws. I was able to double turn the beastclaws.

    With that shift in the tides of war, I was able to take down the frostlord, hop onto a load of objectives to try and close the gap. At this point the, sheer number of models was beginning to help. I would also like to warn you all, that if you are reading this, the turn by turn starts to blur together. So I will summarize the rest.

    Basically, I lost my carno, warriors, and the remainder of my skinks (but not before they helped turn the tide by hopping onto a multitude of objectives. He lost his other thundertusk, and was down to three yetis. The game came down to me outlasting him in model count. I had managed to come back from trailing by 10 points to winning by 5!

    Overall, I had a blast with the seraphon. The game was a lot of fun, and I was particularly impressed with the Astrolith bearer, bastilodon, and the shocking amount of synergy betwen the different units on the table. It was a great game, and I am really looking forward to the next one!

    Sorry for the unorganized fashion of the above, I;ve never written up a batrep before.

  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Welcome, and congrats to the win!
    Sounds like you had fun as well. Good report. :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the battle report! Good job!

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