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7th Ed. First Army List vs. Highelves 1000P

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by shari, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. shari
    Jungle Swarm

    shari New Member

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    Hey Guys

    I'm an absolute beginner in Warhammer and i'll soon play my first 1000P match against a friends High Elves.

    I tried to work out an army list and would be thankful for any kind of feedback.


    Skink Priest
    lvl2, Engine of the Goods, Rood of the Storm, Dispell Scroll

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Spear, Light Armour, Cold One, Bane Head

    3 Terradons
    Terradon & Brave

    10 Saurus Warrions

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin and Shield

    12 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin and Shield

    Is this going to work?
  2. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    Looks pretty good though an engine of the gods may be a bit of an overkill at 1000 points.
  3. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    i agree with skinker, almost half of your points on one unit, a lucky cannon or stone thrower could kill it in 1 turn then youd have no magic, no hammers, no general and your opponent would get a massacre even if e just hid for the rest of the game
    Buy more saurus, 10 with no upgrades wil be bogged down and made flee by static CR
    also javelins on skinks is not such a good idea
    at the moment your realy putting all your eggs in 1 basket
  4. Jungle Stalker
    Jungle Swarm

    Jungle Stalker New Member

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    Welcome to the Jungle!
    Here are my suggestions:

    Scar-Vet on Cold One
    +Lt Armour
    +Maiming Shield
    +Burning Blade of Chotec

    Add= 5 Cold Ones w/ Full Command (to accompany the Scar-Vet)

    I'd maybe drop the EoG and put a lvl 1 priest w/dispel scroll in a skirmisher unit. That way you free up Half your points and still have some magic protection.

    2x 10 Skink Skirmishers (with blowpipes, yeah they're VERY squishy, but they are just support for your other units and a screen for your saurus/priests)

    ALWAYS run Saurus with Spears and go atleast 15 deep (I usually use a unit of 18). With that second row of 4S 2Atk, you'll be able to handle just about anything. Let your opponent charge you, if he's foolish enough, otherwise only charge something you know you'll be able to smash. The Command option is all up to you, but remember it frees up 30pts you could use somewhere else. In my experience in small battles, Command points can be better used somewhere else.

    Terradons look good. Be sure to utilize Drop Rocks (works best on weaker units such as archers/HE Spearmen... dont waste it on White Lions or cavalry) and don't get into Close Combat with them unless you are trying to charge/march block and only AFTER you have dropped your rocks.

    With all these changes, you should end up with aprox. 975pts leaving room for a Jaguar Standard on the Cold Ones or Diadem of Power on the priest.

    Good Luck! I hope atleast some of these suggestions help!
  5. erians

    erians Active Member

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    The engine is an absolute nightmare for HE, I see no reason why you should'nt take it and unless he is fielding 4 RBTs he will have a lot of trouble taking it down. Ward against shooting is priceless, +1 lvl on the skink makes for a pretty solid magic phase in 1000 pts and the Burning Alignment is very deadly to fragile elves. Impact hits is also very valuable against an army with ASF.

    I don't see bane head doing much for the scar vet, and spear isnt a great asset as he will most likley be with M4 saurus (unless he wants to get a reapeter bolt in the face). The best elf-killing combo is Sword of Ballte + Maiming Shield. S5 always wounds elves on 2+ and very few elves get any save against S5 as the elite infantry has a 5+ save.

    Brave for terradons is fairly useless, 1 extra BS on 1 jav is pretty useless and its 10 pts better spent elsewhere. It also means they can't mage hunt properly as he can get challanged. Skink skirmishers really need blowpipes, javs are okay but you really need at least 1 unit of blowpipes to take down large monsters or chariots (HE only has T4 chariots and no monsters tho, so against HE are javs okay). I've played around with both and they generally perform about the same against normal infantry and being able to move and shoot without penalty is nice, but blowpipes are more versatile and far superior against T4+ (and costs less for some reason.... o_O).

    Saurus perform increadibly well in units of 12, running 6x2, but such small units don't need command. Spears are a must for small saurus units, and prefered for bigger unts.
  6. shari
    Jungle Swarm

    shari New Member

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    Wow, this community is great! Thank you all for your awnsers.

    Erians what do you mean by "he will most likley be with M4 saurus" ? what ist m4? sorry, my english ist not the best.
  7. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Movement 4. The only bunker for your Scar vet is in the saurus unit which has Move 4. which means you rarely get a charge off against movement 5 elves (and thus don't get any Strenght bonus from the spear).

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